UKGTP14 - XIV - Five... is Alive! (28/5-30/5)

  • Thread starter Famine
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That sounds more than fair for being waited on hand and foot (j/k) :P

If you want I can come dressed like this and stand next to the hen shaped egg bowl tardis.


You may not get the cultural reference.
I'll move the traffic cones out of the way for you if I get there first.

you put in as little or as much as you wish to.


I'm going to make some Almond slices tomorrow aswell, you know, 'cos I love all of you, not that they need using up. I just hope my nuts aren't too much for any of you.

Beer run today (special on Innis and Gunn at Sainsbury's \o/) and some crumpets...

Neal - I definitely don't get it.
I'll move the traffic cones out of the way for you if I get there first.


lol, I think we'll be annoying the neighbours enough without doing that! Are you Jack, Adrian or Billy?


I'm going to make some Almond slices tomorrow aswell, you know, 'cos I love all of you, not that they need using up. I just hope my nuts aren't too much for any of you.

Beer run today (special on Innis and Gunn at Sainsbury's \o/) and some crumpets...

Peroni has already been bought and will be on ice during the drive up :P

Neal - I definitely don't get it.

That's because you were born in the wrong decade. Skip to 1 minute in if you're getting bored.

Actually according to the British Crime Survey 2009/10 Liverpool wasn't in the top 5 worst areas for vehicle crime in the UK...but that's not Lol don't look for one in Liverpool ;)
Thanks in advance :)

Given that I recently got accosted and fleeced by a charity worker in London (which charity? Haven't a clue, I was trying to tuck into a hot-dog and wasn't concentrating) in return for a fake flower of some description, I'm more than happy to donate to a genuinely worthy cause :P
Does anyone need an HDMI cable? I won't be using my normal one (it is purple too), so can bring one if needed.
I'm bringing 2 LCD TVs that both use component, so I'll bring 2 component cables too.
I don't know if I can be arsed to drive all the way up there in a Fiat 500 1.2 pop. In White.

The rear bench folds down, but the front seat will have to go all the way forwards if I'm going to get all my gear in.....
Gordon bennett... another trip to asda for brown paper bags and scissors.....

I don't want Moglets paps to pap me.....

I haz bought prizes. Mystery prizes. Only three mind, so there's not one for every event.

I'll also try and remember to bring the trophy with me tomorrow...
That's interesting, I haz dun that tooo.

Don't forget that trophy, we need pictures of Sureboss holding it on Monday afternoon


Why aren't you coming in the Civic?!

I've got a multipack of Hula Hoops which can be used as supplementary prizes.

Also I've Parmo'd my Snoopy...not a euphonium.
I'm bringing a prize for whoever manages the most innuendos suffixed with 'No offence, Jon'.

I will warn you now, it's not very good. In a multitude of different ways.
I'm bringing a prize for whoever manages the most innuendos suffixed with 'No offence, Jon'.

I will warn you now, it's not very good. In a multitude of different ways.

Is it something that's fallen off your SportKa?
Did you check that your brother likes the prizes you got before you got them Ant?

Is it something that's fallen off your SportKa?

No, that would have been far better. Though since I have an hour and half journey ahead of me tomorrow and it's stuck on one volume, it's highly likely that someone will be receiving my built in hands free kit. After I've ripped it out and stamped on it.

On a lighter note, I can confirm that I now have 4 prizes of varying types, none of which anyone will actually want, all of which were fairly embarrassing to buy.
Well when I said I bought mystery prizes I actually meant it. I know vaguely what they are, but the exact nature of their being can only be discovered once they're opened. So it really is a bit of a mystery.

On a lighter note, I can confirm that I now have 4 prizes of varying types, none of which anyone will actually want, all of which were fairly embarrassing to buy.

Ahhh, gotcha.

Gay stuff, then.

No offense, Jon.

We have a minor niggle with Alex's PS3 situation which I'm not able to solve at the moment, but otherwise it's all gr00d. So gr00d in fact that:


Aha! night before last minute late night practising! Scoundrels! Vagabonds! Miscreants! That sir, is not fair, and it is certainly not cricket!

But seeing as it's you three, and we wouldn't have a LAN if it weren't for you three, then I spose I don't really care too much.

I am off to the hotel first thing in the morning, to make sure that they know I'm coming back later, and then I'll be round, providing I make the journey safely of course.
Save space for my seat, and I brought another DFP just in case.



Garage loox good. 👍
Nice lino.

Have to go, have to load up the car now.....
Well when I said I bought mystery prizes I actually meant it. I know vaguely what they are, but the exact nature of their being can only be discovered once they're opened. So it really is a bit of a mystery.

...Kinder Eggs?

Ahhh, gotcha.

Gay stuff, then.

Annoyingly you've pretty much guessed my entire theme, so yes. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY.

Well except one of them, which I don't think is gay in any possible meaning of the word. It's also not very interesting, so let that be a lesson to you all.

Incidentally what's the general time for arriving tomorrow? Or isn't there one.
The garage looks splendid, save me a window seat...and a comfy chair.

I'm just giving Osama a dignified burial at sea then I'll be loading the car and hitting the road, should be there at 10ish.
As you can tell, I'm awake.

I expect my brother is about 45 mins away all being well, so if he gets here on time, our ETA at the House of the Rising Famine is around 10am.

...Kinder Eggs?

If you win one you're welcome to try and eat the packaging, but I absolve myself of responsibility for the consequences.
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