UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine
One more - start 'em young: Carys' kids get some early practice in for UKGTP8:

i prefered Bert's avatar of Kelly Brook tbh! But not cos its funny! :sly:

He did however beat me to the Famine VEXD kiss avatar!

has to be immortalised does that!!

where are the results Famine....?

love the pic Roo. super smashing lovely great! will show the kids and watch them smile !
Here's a video I made of the classics race from High Speed Ring.

The video shows the end of lap 2 - start of lap 3. I crossed the line at the end of lap 2 0.132 behind the leader, and I was in 4th. It then skips to the last lap and a blanket finish.

Cast list:
Dustdriver - Mk1 Golf
Sureshot - Mk1 Golf
smallhorses - Alfa Spider
daan - Isuzu 117 coupe 11.6mb

dustdriver won after coming out of the last corner in 4th place and drafting past everyone. I got 2nd, sureshot 3rd with smallhorses 4th.

I didn't try to force Nick's Alfa off the track coming out of the second hairpin after the tunnel....honestly.

Even on crap quality video without any sound it still brings back memories :sly: Damn me for not holding back though, I could smell the cheese but went too early and only got the cracker (not that Cracker).
i prefered Bert's avatar of Kelly Brook tbh! But not cos its funny! :sly:

Why then?
i didn't like it actually. it would be funny if she had dd-sized breasts, but i don't like breasts that big. BB is close to ideal size :)
(maybe ithe username BustBriver would be more suiting, but that doesn't make any sense)
Why then?
i didn't like it actually. it would be funny if she had dd-sized breasts, but i don't like breasts that big. BB is close to ideal size :)
(maybe ithe username BustBriver would be more suiting, but that doesn't make any sense)

if you ever looked in on the screen saver thread, you'd know why! 👍
but i don't like breasts that big.

We're only here for you, Ben. Did you get around to inhaling the helium Famine so kindly stole for that very purpose?
We're only here for you, Ben. Did you get around to inhaling the helium Famine so kindly stole for that very purpose?

Nope cass's kids stole it before i had the chance, well before i had enough beers to volunteer to make a complete tit of my self on a video camera where the resulting vid will be posted to 90,000 people on the interweb. Next time i find a helium balloon on my travels ill record it and post it as way of reimbursement.

@ daan
Thanks again for the RFU adapter. I can now finally play in my own room.
And i also know why it didn't work in the Rutlands. I had the adapter switched on I and it has to be on G for the sound to work.
My photos from the weekend.

Spotted on the M1 on the way up – picture courtesy of Sureshot (thanks Nigel!):

James (G.T), Chris (Touring Mars) and Mark the loony-Astra-driving caretaker:

Kendra (GTPlant), admining hard:

The rubber ball view:

Diego takes a picture of the Bowling God, aka Brett, aka Race Idiot, whilst the crowd remain unmoved:

Everybody dance now. Ben (Specialized) won:

The scariest sight of the weekend – Diego gives it both barrels:

David (daan) and Ben machine gunning – sorry, shotgunning – some cows, and occasionally even a buck:

“You shot a cow!”

Dave and Famine were close all weekend - both on and off the track:


Not only is Famine a Mass Debater, he’s a complete ranker too:

Here’s Dave, 44 laps down… and he still won!

The proud winning team from the Endurance, collecting their coveted T-shirts – Dave (VEXD), Nick (Smallhorses) and David:

Some more T-shirt winners - James and Dan (TheCracker):

Diego, with his Special Edition S7 Beat:

The racing was closer than Dave and Famine all weekend - James was this close to a win in the Beat, whilst half a car length separated the DTMs at La Sarthe (drivers?):

In the Rutland, relaxing after a hard day's racing. From bottom left: Evil non-Scottish Dave (VEXD), Carys (EXelero), Diego, Sarah (Sarebear), Rob (AMG), Nick (Smallhorses), Scottish David (daan), Famine, Ben (Specialized), Chris (Touring Mars) and Bert (dustdriver):

Ben, as always, drunk enough for all of us :D

Your eyes do not deceive you - Carys really did take a well deserved victory in the Historics:

One of the best races of the weekend for everyone came at High Speed Ring in the Historic Handicap. On the left, the left LANers had a 4 way battle, never more than a few tenths apart; on the right, the right LANers had a similiarly close race - I won in the middle Alfa(!), Chris was 2nd in the right Alfa, +0.030 behind, and Rob in the Golf finishsed 3rd, +0.086 behind. I was so glad to be out of that poxy Alfa:

Bert won the Historics, triumphing in the Spitfire and Midfield:

Our lovely (EnS Dave) and lovelier (Carys) hosts receiving flowers, choccies and a bottle of Malibu for setting up a brilliant weekend:

I won the “I Tried Hard” award (yay!):

Our Driver of the Weekend: Dave won the trophy – second only in the final results to Famine, who bought the trophy, and wouldn’t have fitted it in the MX3 anyway:

That’s all from me – I’ve of people photos... still got some of the GTP car park though.

EDIT: This is priceless.
AMG looks really old I must say.

Yes - they are struck from future lists. I think I might replace the TVR Speed 12 with the Volkswagen W12 too.

I like it too - I have a feeling that a Kei-car Mixer will be present at UKGTP8.

I think a shift to 7 laps is a good thing too. Something I'll be keeping.

Blame TVR&FerrariFan - had he attended we would have had an HDTV instead...


It's odd - I tested the tracks thoroughly and saw only 8 decent laps from the tyres - potentially 10 for daan/Smallhorses. That would have made 6 stints (2 per driver) for most pairs. But in LAN mode the tyres were better, lasting 10 for everyone.

In future I'll have to test in 2-Player mode - and I now have a testing partner - as LAN uses 2-Player mode settings.

Errr, hell yeah!

Dude, I'm in AWE that you drove over from the Netherlands just to come and play a computer game against a bunch of weirdoes. Any time you want to come over again, you're welcome at Chez Famine.
If GTP UK LAN Party 7 was based in Hampshire I could come with my HDTV, and maybe my Xbox 360 and PS3. But if GTP UK LAN Party 8 is based closer to Hampshire or in Hampshire, then we could all maybe watch Casino Royale in HD after the racing has finished.
Jamie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is coming soon to all good bookshops. And some really scratty ones too.

Was there any real need to quote 4 pages of posts for 2 one-liners?
Good one famine ;)
tvr, did you have to quote so much to say that little (and you said the second comment in your post a lot of times, we get the point)

And maybe AMG is older than all of the other persons attending the lan, he was a lot of fun to talk and race to.
(he probably also is a lot more mature than you)
But if GTP UK LAN Party 8 is based closer to Hampshire or in Hampshire, then we could all maybe watch Casino Royale in HD after the racing has finished.

Well, if that's the case i'm afraid i won't be able to make UKGTP8 - i'm allergic to James Bond films :(
AMG looks really old I must say.

He's 49. What did you expect?

If GTP UK LAN Party 7 was based in Hampshire I could come with my HDTV, and maybe my Xbox 360 and PS3. But if GTP UK LAN Party 8 is based closer to Hampshire or in Hampshire, then we could all maybe watch Casino Royale in HD after the racing has finished.

We finish racing, we go down the pub. We wouldn't even see the title sequence before we started drinking.

There was a 360 and Famine's PS3 there last weekend. The 360 wasn't touched, and the PS3 was only used to play PS3 games for about an hour across the entire weekend. Ben brought Guitar Hero down, and from Saturday morning, it wasn't touched - we didn't have the time. If we had 2 hours to watch a Bond film in, we'd have a Pick'n'Mix event instead. At these LANs, there's 3 awake states to be in: eating, drinking and playing GT4. That's it.
So tell me, do you think I am.... beautiful?

*stares at daan*

is my ass firm... and shaky?

*continues to stare at daan*
:scared: I think I've just soiled my armoured suit. Or something.

Over 1000 posts in this thread. Surely a good sign that the Lans are getting ever increasingly popular!

105 of them have been from Spamine

@ daan
Thanks again for the RFU adapter. I can now finally play in my own room.
And i also know why it didn't work in the Rutlands. I had the adapter switched on I and it has to be on G for the sound to work.
No problem. I wasn't using it, and as you could use it, you were welcome to it.
@ LOON, are you sitting comfortably?


@ EXelero, I so wish you managed to capture Race Idiot's shot when he bowled before the pins had come down... (for those not present, it was a masterpiece of 'pre-emptive bowling', with the guard coming up just a second or two before the ball reached the pins!)
If i remember rightly, thats why VEXD made the comment about bowling now....? cos the guard was still down?

The bowling was fun, will definately have to remember that for next time, unless of course we're in Hampshire watching James Bond....? Maybe we could re-enact the torture scene using TVR_fan as daniel craig?
AMG looks really old I must say.
You would be so dead if you said that to Sarebear/GTPlant/Excelero...

The bowling was fun, will definately have to remember that for next time, unless of course we're in Hampshire watching James Bond....? Maybe we could re-enact the torture scene using TVR_fan as daniel craig? 💡
... :lol: