UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine
..... ;)


D'oh. Understood. :dunce: :D

I had never envisaged someone just coming for the one day. Simply, the cost will be £10 per racer for one day, this includes lunch. I don't think your son will get much 'Guitar Hero' in judging by the antics of previous events. Unless he can play the real thing and is willing to provide evening entertainments while we socialise in the Cromwell...

It seems every LAN I attend it costs so much travelling that I should consider holding myself one at the club I work at and see how it is for the host I work at a social club with a 200 seater main hall / also a 50 seat function room and a seperate games room with full size snooker table and a bar in every room if you ever get thirsty and being staff I can grab the main hall or any other room for about £30 a day!

So where the heck were you six weeks ago! :D Sounds like you just volunteered for May's UKGTPIX or October's UKGTPX - "Mad For It In Manchester"...

Look forward to meeting you - sometime.

EDIT: Just scored a fairly large Sony CRT for £25. Since I don't have a TV licence (no TV before) that's a bit dodgy, but it's in the garage, hiding. So, I'm down for two TVs, including my funky Video>XVGA convertor.
You only need a license if you watch the Telly. I think you could even play a console on it without needing a license.
You only need a license if you watch the Telly. I think you could even play a console on it without needing a license.

Nope. If you own a TV, or anything that can pick up TV channels, you require a license even if you don't use it as a TV.

But that's an argument for another thread.
A good thing they got rid of that here in Belgium :)

edit: i know, if anyone asks, it's mine 💡
Nope. If you own a TV, or anything that can pick up TV channels, you require a license even if you don't use it as a TV.

Yeah, it's a ridiculous law! 👎
I once bought a TV for my brother as his Christmas present.
Since my name was on the purchase agreement I got the licence request, even though I didn't actually own a TV myself! :dunce:
(I used to travel with work too much to justify buying my own!!)
I just reread what daan said.
You actually have to have the license when you buy a multimedia pc with a tv card?
Nope. If you own a TV, or anything that can pick up TV channels, you require a license even if you don't use it as a TV.

But that's an argument for another thread.

or another device that can only be used to produce sounds and can't display TV programmes, and you don't install or use any other TV receiving equipment, you don't need a TV Licence.

If you owned just a console and had no aerial, seems like you don't need one according to their website, unless I've mis-read it.
Chill on the licencing stuff - The Ocho will not be breaking the law, nor will any of its racers by bringing TVs along. As daan said, an argument (as much as you can argue with the law) for another thread.

Sureshot: The map at the base of this post will tell you what you need to know. It is 15 minutes leisurely walk, 10mins on fast forward.

I will have a taxi of sorts on hand all day and I will happily ferry anyone who asks from the station back to the Cromwell. I'll be giving out my mobile number to all via PM a few days before the event.
If I was to come I doubt I'd be able to bring a TV, as im coming in on the bus with a backpack(most likely containing ps2(network adapted), gt4, memory card, DS2 and other bits & bobs.
Just bring what you can. :) People who turn up without TVs will not be shot on sight.
Don't know if i can bring 1 or 2 screens.
1 tv is for sure, if i have a pc monitor with composite input on it by then i'll have 2.
an extra tenner is neither here nor there in the overall scheme of things.

that would depend on your weekly incomings and out goings...

The bigger these events get the more the cost goes up. AMG.

Rob, ya know i love ya, but i just don't see how this is so...
with more numbers attending and sharing the over all cost of rental etc, surely the cost should go down...??

i think we should hold back on putting a fixed price on attendence until we actually see who arrives. past experience have shown people with every intent of arriving being unable to for all manner of reasons. Just a thought from a previous lan 'arranger!'

If you're coming to such an event you can't expect just 3-4 people digging in to their own pockets to accommodate. Looking forward to end of Oct. :)


both these statements i agree with!!! But to try and keep costs even, and at the risk of signing my death warrant with Venari, the hosts have always dug a little more as they dont have quite as much cost to cover as they tend to have their own accomodation and very little travel expenses....
i cant include famine in the above comment, as hes always managed to just go above and beyond the call of a lan attendee at every lan i've attended!

all attendees have always tried their best to bring everything with them that they possibly could. To my knowledge, no one has ever held back just for the sake of it!!!

if the aim is 3 lan set ups, doesnt that equal just needing 18 of everything? seems numbers for equipment isnt that desperate?

Sorry guys (...) take me off the list please and maybe we will catch up with some of you's at a LAN in amsterdam maybe in the future which would be a similar cost :P

Have a great event guys :cheers:
Cheers 👍

Ron, i'm so sorry you guys aren't coming. i was looking forward to seeing Kelly especially. with 30 hopeful attendees maybe the cost wont be as bad as expected and there will still be some hope? How old is your son? i dont think we could charge someone younger than 14 for attending surely????

more two pence worth...
I can kill the buffet lunch, which means the cost will be £250 / number of attendees (with some minor adjustments for those attending one day.)

However, we'll have to turf out for lunch. I sympathise with the Cromwell running a business and would completely agree with a request that no food from outside will be allowed in the marquee. Having said that, they haven't stated that explicitly, but after getting a 45% discount on the room, I shouldn't think they'd be too happy about me asking.
please, you miss understood!

i didn't include the buffet as something that should be hacked! Just as something that maybe should be optional. I would just rather make the lan room rental top priority for attendees rather than the buffet. i would happily pay an extra couple of quid to cover buffet so someone extra can attend than have a tshirt prize and that person not be there....

i did point out it was just an example!
Well, of course. Just like you...oh, my bad. I completely blew your joke. doh!

heh heh. :sly:

Bloody Super Moderators :rolleyes: :D

i was having a think (que "did it hurt?" jokes) and seeing as there rather alot of us attending this time mebbe rather than concentrating on single events we could have team events. Have a lucky dip at the start to arrange the teams and then you would not only driving for your own win but to tally up some points for the team to be the best over the weekend etc. im not 100% sure how this idea would work but ill leave all them details to Famine :sly: Just some food for thought.....

I think I get where you're coming from, Ed.

Well, I'm charging to get back the £250 fee. If only ten people turn up, then that's £25 each. If thirty people turn up, it's ~£8 each. Maybe a little closer to the event I shall see who wants a lunch organising, and it would be around about £6/day for lunch, and I can't tell you how much of a lunch that will be.

There is no money included in the entry for T-shirts. I'm on the borderline of whether I should organise any personalised ones at all, they are, as has been pointed out, rather expensive for some.

That said, I'd like one done to some sort of design, and as I have had quite a few embroidered workshirts over the years, I like that idea and I would pay the cost. I'm certainly not going to foist that upon anyone else. However, if someone wants one, they can have one at cost.

There are a few silly little prizes at the moment. I'm sure a few more will turn up.

Three LANs is 18 sets, four is 24. I don't know how many would be best, but I think 18 would be a bit short. The UKGTP7 was 12 seats for 14 peeps (I think?) and we have ~30 peeps now... maybe Famine has a better view on that.

I think I still have a sense of humour, albeit it has to be bypassed during the day, things are not going well at work, which means I have to put people firmly in place at the moment - which I hope is not spilling into my forum posting. :scared:
Bloody Super Moderators :rolleyes: :D

i was having a think (que "did it hurt?" jokes) and seeing as there rather alot of us attending this time mebbe rather than concentrating on single events we could have team events. Have a lucky dip at the start to arrange the teams and then you would not only driving for your own win but to tally up some points for the team to be the best over the weekend etc. im not 100% sure how this idea would work but ill leave all them details to Famine :sly: Just some food for thought.....


Not a bad idea assuming I can get there long as I'm not stuck with Spec! :D
Race Idiot

1xPS2+ Network adapter
2x GT4
1x Crappy old driving force wheel (mebbe I should just go out and buy a dfp now geez)
1x Small ass tiny 14 inch Telly
Also extension cablez, headphonez and 2 controllarz

I can possibly get a 2nd ps2 as welland blahabakjshdkjasheuoiawheawoeuhowehoyeahok
that would depend on your weekly incomings and out goings...

It surely would.

I was only speaking of my own perspective in that putting an extra tenner in the pot to smooth out costs for others would make little difference to the overall expenditure for me.

If I come (and that's becoming less likely because of the increasing focus on the 'money issue') the weekend will cost me the best part of a weeks wages (two weeks and more if I buy a 'cheap' LCD TV for it). In comparison to travel and accomodation costs, the actual 'fee' for the event is small, hence, my willingness to cough up a bit more to help those with tighter budgets.
If it comes down to it I can chuck in an odd £20 to help others out.

I did a test run up to Oxfordshire this weekend (I was going to Swindon but thought I would drop in). I think it took me around three hours at a reasonable speed. Considering it was a bank holiday weekend the roads were quiet. Oxford looks like a lovely place.
It seems to me there isn't really a money issue if we just go for the venue, which has been the general way previous UKGTPs have gone.

Let's be pessimistic and say 25 racers turn up each for two days. That's £10 a head.

If you personally want lunch both days, or a t-shirt, or a room booking somewhere, just let me know via PM. Think of me as Rusty from Ocean's Eleven, or Vincent from Ronin. If it's in Banbury, I'll find it for you.
It's going to cost you, but I'll do my best.

Don't worry about having to bring a TV. We'll get what equipment we get, and we'll make a cracking event out of it. The less LAN seats, the more socialising. I can live with that - being forced to hang around in a bar or beer garden with fun like-minded people for a whole weekend!

Still trying to confirm our 'special guest'. Unfortunately, the special guests' handler has changed recently, which is annoying. I think it may be a case of accepting a special guest, as opposed to the special guest I would like. Never mind, it'll still be fun. :D
Think of me as Vincent from Ronin. If it's in Banbury, I'll find it for you.
It's going to cost you, but I'll do my best.

Well in that case Vincent, id like some of them yellow cigs you smoked during your appearence in the film :sly:

Still trying to confirm our 'special guest'. Unfortunately, the special guests' handler has changed recently, which is annoying. I think it may be a case of accepting a special guest, as opposed to the special guest I would like. Never mind, it'll still be fun. :D
