UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine
Does the grapevine know if there is a double room left at the Cromwell?

Lady S has been swayed by the attractions of historic Banbury and would like to come along so I've now been prodded into action with regards to actually lining some accomodation :D.
You're sorted, sukerkin & Spouse. :)

Ooh. I have mail.

Dear Mr bleh bleh bleh recent enquiry bleh bleh following equipment: 6 x 26” LCD TVs c/w Table Stands... £564


I think that's a no. Would you pay £94 for a telly for two days?

So... uh... beg, borrow and the rest, seriously guys'n'galz. :)


Well, including Roo's addition below, I count the following:

24 networkable PS2s (and a couple more non-networked without help, extra adapters from Mark T and Mr.P/Kelly are counted for me and QB)
23 TVs (if everyone who said 'oooh, I might be able to...' follows through like the good gtplanet citizens and certifiable Ocho loons they are)
31 Mem cards
27 GT4s
21 Wheels (of various shapes and sizes)

I also count f... three people (thankee, sukerkin) who I don't think have said what they can bring:
Ed Case (trading up to PS3 still, Cass?)
Race Idiot

... so if you luvverly, luvverly Ochoists can quote what you can carry to Banbury, that would be much appreciated. :)

(And G.T said he can bring one of everything so GTPremium Ochoists, go here and tell him he's very, very nice, and he must come to UKGTP8. :) )
On the assumption I'm not taking anyone else in my car, I could probably bring a third telly along. I won't know until the week of the event though.

So long as my sister doesn't notice her TV has disappeared, I should be alright...
Well, let's see ... rummage ... rummage ...

1) Memory cards're not a problem, I'll probably buy a new one, special, like
2) I have 2 DFP's (one a bit notchy due to aggressive chastisement ... of course it was the wheels fault I crashed! :D). My G25'll probably stay attached to the desk tho'. DS2's? How many do you need? I must have about six (most are worn out tho').
3) TV? See earlier post about possibly buying one for the event.
4) PS2? Mines an old one with no network adapter ... sorry.
Bring it all! :D

Unfortunately, the venue won't let us set up Friday night, so it's going to be a store it and see job. I may be knocking on the doors of Cromwellian residents early in the morn to steal equipment while you breakfast. :mischievous:

I'm not going to ask you to unscrew the G25 from its hallowed location. No, I'll let Famine do that. :runaway:

DS2s, bring one for each PS2. So, one.
Bring it all! :D

Unfortunately, the venue won't let us set up Friday night, so it's going to be a store it and see job. I may be knocking on the doors of Cromwellian residents early in the morn to steal equipment while you breakfast. :mischievous:

I'm not going to ask you to unscrew the G25 from its hallowed location. No, I'll let Famine do that. :runaway:

DS2s, bring one for each PS2. So, one.

How early are we starting?
I believe he mentioned at 7 before?
I don't mind standing up at that hour (my bioclock is set to gmt+1, so it feels like 8 for me)
The people who stayed in the rutlands at ukgtp7 can confirm that i woke up way earlier than they did. :)
Now, now, enthusiasm is all very well but I don't start the working day at 7 and I get paid to get up for that :eek:.

Aiming for a ten o'clock start is much more civilised.
Just to let you know, I've never actually played on the network of my PS2, so I'm not sure if you have to activate it first?
I'm sure we'll all begin at different speeds. I think as soon as six non-setty-uppy racers arrive, they'll be prized from their early morning G&Ts and stuck into race seats. As the morning progresses we'll get more LANs set up and more racers racing.

In answer to the question - as early as you like. :)

Bee - the networking is Famine's gig. He will work magic. I've been told that this event, he's bringing the really big hammer.
You're not getting a coronary from that :D IMO that particular cost should go to those without a TV. You play, you pay. I see no reason whatsoever that those that (were ;)) volunteered to do a sjitload of work for no fee at all should bear additional costs too.


I think AMG's point about paying for the TV's is a very valid one. If you go through the trouble of bringing a TV with you then it would be churlish to make those people pay an extra cover charge for the hire of a TV.

On the other extreme, I'm on the cusp of buying an LCD HD TV to bring with me (to save having to lug about the ten ton weight of my usual (CRT) GT TV). You can get a 'cheap' 32" from DABS Direct for under £300 now - tho' that's only cheap in comparison to the £1000 they used to be not so long ago it's still an option (before the mortgage rate soars so high that we can't afford to eat :eek:!).

*cough cough

i'd just like to take this moment to point out that i actually took 5 tvs to the last lan. i treked home several times to fetch extra. i also payed for my participation and provided every attendee with a tshirt for a prize.

Some of the participants have no option but to leave their tv's behind as they travel via train and carrying such an item is impractical.

feels to me that this lan is fast turning into a 'money pit' and the appreciation and fun is being lost along the way. this has never been what lan meets were all about and attendees were more than willing to pay extra to help those attend who otherwise would not been able to.

take a minute chaps and sit back and realise what this event is all about and stop turning it into a 'show off' event!!!

just my two pence worth but it has left me slightly peeved.... :mad:
Aye, it is starting to get a bit expensive but that's kind of unavoidable when the attendance numbers get large and the equipment requirements corresponsingly escalate.

Plus, we're not holding the meet at a venue that is 'custom made' (like the original 'home' in High Wycombe) or pre-prepared (like Famine's parents house) so the abbreviated 'window' for pre-postitioning resources doesn't help matters either.

I've got no objection to helping a few people spread the cost, an extra tenner is neither here nor there in the overall scheme of things.
I may be able to get my hands on a 26" (or is it '? Whatever one is the inch) LCD TV from work. I'll ask my boss, but he'll forget and I'll probably have to ask again later, and won't really know for sure until a few days before the LAN if I can get it or not.
where are the days where a eraser with a road sign printed on it from Wastegate was ample prize? Or a cam made of plastic that converted into a robot provided enough smiles to keep the mood going?

i didnt mind paying for tshirt prizes at the last lan as i didnt have to pay for hotel acc or travel etc...

i guess i just think we should do all we can to make the lans as accessable to everyone as we can.

so why a buffet sounds fantastic, we should consider that it bumps the price up for others and may prevent them attending (just an example).

fantastic prizes are fantastic too, but from the perspective of someone who never wins, quirky little key rings are great too....

i think thats my point made, so i'll shut up now!
I understand your point and I'm sorry you're somewhat peeved.
These & previous post's words seem harsh when read as is.

The bigger these events get the more the cost goes up. Don't get me wrong, you, V & F know what I commited to. What I'm trying to point out is that folks should not take it for granted that everything is provided for at no cost and all you need to do is turn up. Yes the buffet does put up the cost, but to be honest a trip to the local super costs too.
(perhaps not as much ;))
If you're coming to such an event you can't expect just 3-4 people digging in to their own pockets to accommodate. My point is only to make people aware of this and they try their best to bring everything that is required to play a lan. Networkable ps2, lan cable, powercable + extension cables, headphones, memcard(s), Ds2 & or wheel, tv etc. etc. You just can't dump it on the organisers to bend over backwards to find 'missing' stuff without trying your best. I'm not passing judgement. I'm sure we'll get everything in the end :D
I'll leave it at that.

Looking forward to end of Oct. :)

Fair points, well made.

The buffet I've tried to pare down - after all, we would each have to spend some money on food. The location means that our choices for preparing food (even what we eat) are limited. Since the member count is up to 30, we couldn't really have gone anywhere else in Banbury.

That there are 30 members is testament to how much fun you guys had in UKGTPs 1-7. People want to join in, me among them. To keep us racing, from what I observe from other LAN events, we'll need four LANs. However, we have a bar (or rather, a really comfortable place to be social) - maybe three LANs would give us a chance to do just that?.

Hiring TVs was a nice idea, but the cost is huge and thus unfeasible. These events thrive on the generosity of the members, for the necessary equipment, not the fiscal. We easily have three LANs, and with a push, maybe four. Four LANs of five racers might work, which keeps 2/3rds of us racing at one time.

It is what it is. Personally, I'm quite chilled about the whole lot - we've got a venue sorted, plenty of accommodation, Famine's got some cool races sorted out, there's one or two prizes set already, and people are up for some fun.

Like I said, I'd be happy with some sweeties. :)
We were planning on heading off from Manchester very early Saturday morning and heading back home on Saturday evening around 9pm ... there's lots of talk about cost etc going on but I see no set price per head! :dopey:

say for example I bring along myself and my missus Kelly, my mate Wes and my son Andrew and some equipment tv's / ps2's to play on ... how much is it going to cost? ... If its a crazy amount then I will back out simple as that :sly:

I am all for paying my way but I aint rich and wont take out a bank loan for a one day LAN meeting ;) can we see some set prices please before we commit as I need to know its within my means simple as that 👍 We dont go on Holiday and then get the mystery bill for the holiday as soon as we arrive at the hotel do we? ... we always know in advance the cost and have a choice ;)

Scrooge McRon :P
Now, now, enthusiasm is all very well but I don't start the working day at 7 and I get paid to get up for that :eek:.

Aiming for a ten o'clock start is much more civilised.

Yes but to aim for a ten o'clock start we'll need to start getting some of the LANs 'set up' around 8ish. We didn't get going till half twelve last time around.
how much is it going to cost? ... If its a crazy amount then I will back out simple as that :sly:

I am all for paying my way but I aint rich and wont take out a bank loan for a one day LAN meeting ;) can we see some set prices please before we commit as I need to know its within my means simple as that 👍

The room is £250. There are 29 drivers confirmed so far. I make that £8.62 ea.

After such a fair deal on the room, I think we deserve a nice buffet lunch, so I'm going to order a buffet lunch for both days, but reduce the headcount for it to keep the cost low. If we say this rounds the cost up to £20 (or 5.69 a day.) I really don't think this is too bad a deal, in theory. How much food turns up will have to be a surprise!

So - 'The Ocho' = £20.00 - You may pay on the day, I'll be the fella holding the folding. :)
plus your train tickets.
So - 'The Ocho' = £20.00 - You may pay on the day, I'll be the fella holding the folding. :)
plus your train tickets.

Plus your accommodation. Let me know if you want rooms at the Cromwell, there are two singles and plenty of doubles left over - and one space sharing a twin room with dustdriver, I believe. Costs and other B&Bs etc listed here and here.

The £20 fee is each for everyone who races. Would that be all four of you?

There will be no additional fees for people not bringing equipment. But, bring as much as you can pack!
We were planning on heading off from Manchester very early Saturday morning and heading back home on Saturday evening around 9pm Cheers Scrooge McRon :P

Plus your accommodation. The £20 fee is each for everyone who races. Would that be all four of you?

..... ;)

How far is Cromwell form banbury train station, as this may heavily effect the equipment I am likely to bring.

Also looks like you going to have to put up with me on friday:scared:, I am not going get up at 4 in the morning so I can make it there for 10 am, so friday train journey it is. I will be able to help setup which is the good news, and I will be able to stay most of sunday as well.👍
How far is Cromwell form banbury train station, as this may heavily effect the equipment I am likely to bring.

Also looks like you going to have to put up with me on friday:scared:, I am not going get up at 4 in the morning so I can make it there for 10 am, so friday train journey it is. I will be able to help setup which is the good news, and I will be able to stay most of sunday as well.👍
Google maps: search for Banbury, railway station, zoom (near) all the way in and place the station to right hand side of the map.
Then look in upper lefthand corner to locate N Bar Pl, (near N bar str & Horse fair) which is where the Cromwell is.

Sorry guys it is looking like a £200 days cost for me and thats just too much for one day for me :P I'd rather put that on a cheap weekend break or a nice extra large chunk of weed :sly:

I had actually arranged with my mate Wes to transport us using his 7 seater with loads of room for transporting our tv's and stuff and offered him £50 for giving up his day and an extra £50 for fuel to cover the hundreds of miles to and fro from manchester .. then the extra £80 on the door for 4 people when only myself and the missus would be racing but mostly myself as the missus and my son had planned on entertaining playing guitar hero :dopey:

anyway in a nutshell its cheaper for us to take all 4 of my kids and ourselves to alton towers for the day and I'm as tight as a ducks arse :guilty: take me off the list please and maybe we will catch up with some of you's at a LAN in amsterdam maybe in the future which would be a similar cost :P

Have a great event guys :cheers:
Cheers 👍
That's cheap for 4 people, considering the journey cost me around £130 last time.
Well, i probably wouldn't have come to the ukgtp7 either if it was for only 1 (or even 2) day(s).
Sorry guys it is looking like a £200 days cost for me and thats just too much for one day for me :P I'd rather put that on a cheap weekend break or a nice extra large chunk of weed :sly:

I had actually arranged with my mate Wes to transport us using his 7 seater with loads of room for transporting our tv's and stuff and offered him £50 for giving up his day and an extra £50 for fuel to cover the hundreds of miles to and fro from manchester .. then the extra £80 on the door for 4 people when only myself and the missus would be racing but mostly myself as the missus and my son had planned on entertaining playing guitar hero :dopey:

anyway in a nutshell its cheaper for us to take all 4 of my kids and ourselves to alton towers for the day and I'm as tight as a ducks arse :guilty: take me off the list please and maybe we will catch up with some of you's at a LAN in amsterdam maybe in the future which would be a similar cost :P

Have a great event guys :cheers:
Cheers 👍

Don't rush things now Ron :),you can't make me tell Jan ,you and Kelly are not attending :scared: ;)

We can sort this out,first you will attent only one day,so no full entry fee.👍
Also the first plan was go by train,seems still a good way of transport.

second ,lan is the best,all those OLR will come out on that day.

and third,it will be a great day,meeting old and new faces is part of the fun.:cheers:

I'm sure we can cut down the cost below the 100 pound.

Sjaak,Jan and Ruud.
That's cheap for 4 people, considering the journey cost me around £130 last time.
Well, i probably wouldn't have come to the ukgtp7 either if it was for only 1 (or even 2) day(s).

Well myself and Kel have been to a few LAN's in Amsterdam also and we can accomodate the cost for leaving the country by plane which is expected 👍
... I aint a mean tight fisted dude like I come across :P .. I just see it as a bit costly for the day for me!
I personally dont earn that a week at my part time job .. might be pennies to some people but to me its a fist full of 20's ;) its easy enough for someone in the vacinity of the LAN who can cut out travelling expenses and pay for the 1 person contribution which is simple.

It seems every LAN I attend it costs so much travelling that I should consider holding myself one at the club I work at and see how it is for the host :sly: I work at a social club with a 200 seater main hall / also a 50 seat function room and a seperate games room with full size snooker table and a bar in every room if you ever get thirsty :P and being staff I can grab the main hall or any other room for about £30 a day!

Living up North everything down south looks really extortionate to me :scared: ... anyway we will not be attending this event! my apologies to Sjaak and Jan and Ruud :guilty: cya's at the next Amsterdam event 👍

Enjoy the event guys and have a blast :cheers: