UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine
Famine, you can add me as a TV provider as well as the projector - I bought one of these Video in to SXGA/WGA out boxes... and it's none too shabby, working well with my 19" Dell CRT. That'll be a bugger to haul over, but I've not got far to go. :)
in a moment of stimulation i just had a brain wave!!!

its come to my notice that in this little war against the Dutch, i may be the English's strongest asset!

seeing as an english man is in control of race order and positioning etc, all he has to do is place me infront of the Dutch and they'd not stand a chance! How does this work? Well i'm sure all past lan attendees remember my supreme skill at driving and constantly getting in the way?? And its not like its intentional cos i'm just naturally bad!

wow! i suddenly feel better about this lan knowing that i'm the biggest asset there!!!! don't feel threatened hey guys???

*awaits comments pertaining to positions and assets...
Just wanted to say you can put me in the list as a definitively not going.

I just signed the mortgage this morning.
I have on good authority that you and assets are not a problem.

Edit: Congrats Diego!
Congrats Diego.

*awaits comments pertaining to .....assets...
ahem, ..... yes I can think of a couple :D but I'm not sure further explanation would pass the mod-filter :scared: so I'll leave it at that.

Congrats Diego!

And EdCase... when you say 'put me in front of', do you mean on the grid, or behind the TVs? :D
Well, i would normally be sharing a double room with TheCracker, but since he isn't coming i'm looking for someone else to share the room with.
Any takers?
Thanks for the good wishes. I'll post pics of the place as soon as I can... just so you can see we won't fit 20 people in it :P
Thanks for the good wishes. I'll post pics of the place as soon as I can... just so you can see we won't fit 20 people in it :P

Canary island = good weather, therefore
1 lan in garden
1 lan in livingroom
1 lan in garage
0.5 lan in bedroom 1
0.5 lan in bedroom 2
You & spouse => campsite

problem solved :D
Ooh! I'm a definite maybe for this one.


1xDF wheel (not Pro)... if wanted

possible 1x21in CRT TV..

That would make a 30, that is quite a number, good to have you on board.👍
Our newest addition made a very good suggestion regarding sourcing TVs.

Rentals! We all know that the fastest car is a rental car, so maybe the fastest TV will be a rental TV!

I'd been cruising with the idea myself, but realisation that 30 people on 18 stations might get a little stilted means I am investigating TV rental for the weekend... which may allow us to use four LANs... uh, thus some more DFPs/G25 might be ueful. :)

There will be a cost associated, but I've no info at the moment, so more on this soon.
Four LANs require 24 networkable PS2s plus enough cables to go around the world. Is that at all viable? Although if we've got 30 people, we might not have a choice.

If you do TV rental you could get a good deal as we might need a few. I'll try and discuss with my parents tonight (about my situation anyway).
Ven, have this hotel got a back up generator? :D

Actually, you've got quite a valid point. Does the hotel have enough sockets for power (& fuses) and how much additional cables do we need to get to those sockets (length wise). The "Continentals" will also need to keep in mind that they have NON-UK power plugs.

I don't envy Famine, he has to put all the results in to Excel after every race and determine the next starting order. That's going to test the patience of those that want to go on to the next race. I hope he has a plan. If there isn't I trust the racers will keep this in mind.

I predict he will have a coronary approx 8 hours after Venari has his on Sat morning, but I wish it on neither.

It must be hard for Famine, he's still working out the 3rd day from last time around!

I think Ven had sorted out the power plugs issue? It might be an idea to have a few 3-2 to pin plug converters, I'll ask Dad he'll probably have some. If not Banbury probably has an electrical shop.
24 TVs, PS2s and powered wheels don't consumer toooooo much power. But they will need cabling, which between Famine and myself, we will list and ensure that we have a connection plan. If the Dutch guys can power their entire rig off one or two sockets (by having their own multiway extensions) than a couple of adapters will do the job.

I think we will need to power off at least two but preferably four individually fused 13A feeds. I don't think this is a problem but I will be checking back with the Cromwell soon.

A commercial TV hire place is quoting me for 6 (or optionally more) 26" LCD TVs with table stands. The coronary might come from this cost, rather than anything else that's going to go on this event. :D

Couldn't resist doing this to see if I could:

A commercial TV hire place is quoting me for 6 (or optionally more) 26" LCD TVs with table stands. The coronary might come from this cost, rather than anything else that's going to go on this event.

You're not getting a coronary from that :D IMO that particular cost should go to those without a TV. You play, you pay. I see no reason whatsoever that those that (were ;)) volunteered to do a sjitload of work for no fee at all should bear additional costs too.

24 TVs, PS2s and powered wheels don't consumer toooooo much power. But they will need cabling, which between Famine and myself, we will list and ensure that we have a connection plan. If the Dutch guys can power their entire rig off one or two sockets (by having their own multiway extensions) than a couple of adapters will do the job.

We planned to bring all necessary power cables we need for one set-up and I buy some conversion plugs,no problem.

Also I have an extra net-work switch with 4 or 5 ethernet cables if needed.
I think AMG's point about paying for the TV's is a very valid one. If you go through the trouble of bringing a TV with you then it would be churlish to make those people pay an extra cover charge for the hire of a TV.

On the other extreme, I'm on the cusp of buying an LCD HD TV to bring with me (to save having to lug about the ten ton weight of my usual (CRT) GT TV). You can get a 'cheap' 32" from DABS Direct for under £300 now - tho' that's only cheap in comparison to the £1000 they used to be not so long ago it's still an option (before the mortgage rate soars so high that we can't afford to eat :eek:!).

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