UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine
No beer for Ben? That's as strange as Cass not plowing into someone during a race!

So, just to make sure everyone's up to speed here. I really really wanted to come. I actually set up a few things to do, since the wife would be coming along this time around and we'd be in London for a few days before this, looking around and possibly meeting Ben and whoever else wanted to tag along for some binge drinking in London.


We bought a house :D

Initial payment (reserve) was done yesterday (3,000€) and in mid-September we have to start the mortgage, which includes a start-up (words in English escape me) of around 20,000€, so I'm actually down to eating noodles and drinking only water for some time, and of course, ths completely cancels any chance of coming over.

I'd like to say I'll make the next one for sure, but since the house isn't ready (we move in in July 2008), we'll be paying rent in on place and mortgage in another for about a year. Still, I'm hoping to get a raise or a better-paying job in the near future and go on from there. It would still be awesome to see all of you again and the newer additions, and the new house has two bedrooms, so you're welcome to come visit. Even host a LAN down here, in the future.
I've had enough of missing these events so I'll definitely be there on the 1st day and I'm sure I will stay over for the second day. My Playstation 2 is now dead but I'll be buying a new slim PS2. Unfortunately I haven't got much spare equiptment apart from a PS2 network adapter.

I'll be coming from Clacton-on-Sea (South East) in Essex so anyone in the Essex area should be able to hitch a ride from me if they need a lift.

I'll be bringing:

3x DS2 controller
1x Slimline PS2
1x PS2 Network adapter
1x Memory Card
2x 5 plug extension leads with 5m cable
24x Bottles Corona
2x Limes
1x Bottle opener
I certainly would like to make a debut UKGTP appearance providing it isn't exclusive club:lol:Getting there may be difficult but I bet I could get a train from chester to somewhere nearby, hopefully I may even be driving by then so then it wouldn't be much of a problem.

I wouldn't add this to the list yet, but if I can make it I should be able to bring:

2xGran Turismo4
1xMemory card
1xG25 (if I can get the damn thing back of my cockpit):ouch:
3xDS2 controller pad thingies
1xtempremental PS2:indiff:
1x PS3(hopefully):dopey:

I should also be able to pick up an extension lead or two.
wicked, me and bee live real close to banbury!

I possibly could be turning up :mischievous:
Bring the cockpit! 💡

Actually it would fit in my (soon to be) car, because it is designed to separate in two:dopey: then again it depends how much space there is at the venue.

On another note, how much would you normally expect to pay if you went for the weekend? thats including hotels and stuff.
Yeah it's not that i'd be embarrssed about racing. It's about the questions i'd probably ask so that i can get off the starting block! I do tend to make a fool out of myself.

But if your nice to me, i might give it a shot.

you'll get no special treatment! Milford was bullied into racing last time and a gang of gtpers can be very persuasive!!!
You enjoy the weekend so much more if your part of it!!!

No beer for Ben? That's as strange as Cass not plowing into someone during a race!

:irked: i resent that remark!!! I did far less bashing last time (it was just your rear i was attracted to obviously!) and have been practising!!!

plus... I take my driving test a month before so may have some real experience to bring to the floor, specially in the beat race! There IS gonna be the Beat race isnt there Andrew?!?! I realise you don't have to be nice to me now that my little Newark Town venue has been replaced, but you all know you love the k class race really!!

I, of course, am also a definate attendee.
Will make a refreshing change to not have to take 4 televisions or provide fantastic prizes!
What exactly was wrong with the bouncy balls? They were the most entertaining thing all weekend, ask Bert!! I'll pack my original white GTP Exelero t for the first day and my UKGTP8 t for the second. Thats a real fashion statement right there!!!

i fail to see how Banbury can possibly hold as much excitement as Newark. I mean c'mon, you dont get brawls like that just anywhere!!! Ya know your all gonna miss the Rutland Arms really!!

So as i'll be travelling down potentially car-less i'll say for definate that i'll bring my ps2, memory card and copy of game.

I hope with all the newbies attending that these events will continue to go from strength to strength and look forward to seeing some regulars too!
plus... I take my driving test a month before
Don't you have a driving license yet? Or what do you mean by driving test?

I drove a car on the public street for the first time yesterday.
The most difficult part is knowing the distance from your car to the edge of the street
+ i want to take the corners to fast :) (well, not to fast in my opinion, but my dad says so)
you'll get no special treatment! Milford was bullied into racing last time and a gang of gtpers can be very persuasive!!!
She's right, you know. I was pinned down and sat on and everything.
What, only some?

:sly: i say that cos not all the regulars will be attending! Diego etc...


Don't you have a driving license yet? Or what do you mean by driving test?

you think i could drive that badly and have a real license?!?! :crazy:

Have been on a provisional for a while cos cant get the hang of parallel parking. i'm hoping Rob will give me some lessons in his AMG if i don't pass this time.... wotdaya say Rob?
Can we pleeeeeeeeease have a complete Le Mans Race Cars championship this time? It was the only series I was decent at, but we never completed it. :(

I'm looking forward to what you arrange though, Andrew! 👍
What exactly was wrong with the bouncy balls? They were the most entertaining thing all weekend, ask Bert!!

Without question. But they don't mix well with million squillion pounds' worth of cars.
@ g.t's post
I'm really not a fan of the le mans race cars.
I even prefer the beats over it (especially when pushed by a SuperBeat ;) )
I really hate the uncontrollable steering wheel shaking at large speeds.
It's even more noticeable when using the 200° modus like AMG does.
But everybody has to have a good time and the opportunity to win something, so i wont be complaining when, there is a lm car championship.
Do we bring money for the venue on the day or do we pay it to a particular person before hand?

Does everyone share hotel rooms?
I'll have a wide variety of cars. I'm thinking of a Kei car pick'n'mix with the Beat, Cappuccino and AZ-1 (amongst others).

Learning on the G25 as I am now, I've found that the faster cars give wheel users a serious disadvantage - I even had trouble with the Focus RS, which is psychotic with a wheel, but docile as anything with a pad. So I can quite understand why wheelites hate LMPs - but they shall also be appearing.
Didn't know there were network adapters available for the ds2 controller :dunce:

Duuuhhhh, guilty as charged. :dunce:

I'm a .com type.

Somehow, I can tell that about you, Mister Famine sir.

We bought a house :D ... Even host a LAN down here, in the future.

Well, you've got your priorities nearly right. If you'd have said, 'we bought a GTP venue' then that would have been double-extra-mega-kudos... but just buying a house to live in, and maybe having a LAN party.... laaame. ;) Seriously, good luck, and don't rule us out yet. Envision yourself here. I volunteer £20 to the 'get Mr and Mrs -Diego- to UKGTP8' fund in case you change your mind.

Yesh, really, Mish Cubicle. ;)

She's right, you know. I was pinned down and sat on and everything.

Some things, we won't be practicing. :D

Right! On to business - Status update:

Venue 1: I am visiting Hanwell Fields on Monday morning. The Main Hall is booked on Saturday 27th until 12noon, but I'll try to get the number of the dancing class organiser and persuade them to temporarily take up a different hobby for that day - like hang-gliding. Maybe binge drinking. Extreme trainspotting, brain surgery, that kind of thing.

But then, Caretaker Dave mentioned the 'Youth Room'. He says it gets a bit warm, which in October, would be a positive bonus. With weather patterns the way they are, we'll probably get snowed in, so I think the warmer the better. More news Monday night.

Venue 2: No news. No replies.

Venue 3: Gaydon have been trying to get back to me today, but I've been busier than a BBC telethon call centre manager today so we missed each other. More news tomorrow.


I even had trouble with the Focus RS, which is psychotic with a wheel, but docile as anything with a pad.

Hmm. Glad to know I'm not alone, I loathed the Focus, even though I really wanted desperately to love it. :(
Holy shoot, not even 24 hours have passed since I last looked and we have > 50 posts.
I do tend to make a fool out of myself.
We all make fools of ourselves so you woulnd't be the exception :)

What does NPC mean please?
Non playing character

There are people that can drive perfectly fine irl, but suck at racing in a game.
Now, now, no need to get personal.... (j/k)
Do we bring money for the venue on the day or do we pay it to a particular person before hand?
Last time we paid at the venue (so make sure you have loose change available) but it's up to venari as he's organising the venue.

i'm hoping Rob will give me some lessons in his AMG if i don't pass this time.... wotdaya say Rob?
I thought you
and I would be going topless somewhere where there are no fellow gtpers lurking ;)
I have been working on a list of fun things for us to do since the last gathering.
Don't you disappoint me now.....

Alright, alright, after volunteering to do a little snooping around my locale, it seems I have been collectively pressganged (or pineappled, as we call it where I work) into finding somewhere to run in Banbury.
- Naively self-nominated Ocho whipping-boy extraordinare.
Surely you know from work that (s)he who opens his mouth gets to do the work :D. GTP is a closely knit group so if we can gang up on an individual we won't let the opportunity pass ;)

Thx for accepting.:bowdown:

Equipment I will bring:
1x networkable PS2
2x network cable (approx 5mtrs)
(1x DFP if I have room)
2x Memcard
1x G25
1x DS2
2x GT4
1x headphone
2-3 NL 220V extension cords
1x Dutch => UK plug, and if I dont forget I'll buy a couple of extras when I'm in the UK.

Possible additions
1 TV (need to find a good offer like daan had recently)
1 playseat (if i have room)

Will advise on the TV. UPDATE: Just ordered one.

Famine, you might be looking at 3 LANs assuming Sjaak's gang come along and bring their (6x) set as he mentioned in the other thread.

Venari, you may want to take that in to account too We'll be needing plenty of sockets and tables + chairs in the venue.

Repeat offer:
If someone is looking into prizes etc I offered my help.....

Only 99 nights to go....

You're drunk, high, somebody hacked your account, or just plain idiotic :)
(and no offense intended if it's the last option)