UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine
(Wet, in Banbury.)

I think Gaydon is going to be out then if it's miles from anywhere, there's no beer allowed and it's priceyish...?
Personally, the first venue seems the best idea as long as you can get the dancers to do extreme ironing instead :)
No problem, Ochoists, I hear your collective voice. I will follow through with Gaydon to see what they have. Bear in mind as a conference venue they are wi-fi enabled and will lay on food for us as part of the gig. Maybe UKGTP10. :)

Monday for Venue 1. Still no comms for 2.

Banbury's small enough, we'll get by for transport. Ate at the local Slug and Lettuce tonight - not bad. Good desserts. :) And for those adventurous beerdrinking types, they have 'Fruili', the beer with added strawberry juice. I sampled - not bad, but a definite summer drink! After today, I'm afraid it had to be chewy beer and sticky toffee pud. :)
No problem, Ochoists, I hear your collective voice. I will follow through with Gaydon to see what they have. Bear in mind as a conference venue they are wi-fi enabled and will lay on food for us as part of the gig. Maybe UKGTP10. :)

The cost doesnt worry me. But a big part of this weekend for me is to have an enjoyable weekend with the others attending. If it turns out that we have to travel miles back and forth and we might be staying in 'far flung' lodgings it makes a get together for (non) alcoholic drinks etc so much harder. I'd rather walk 10-20 minutes in town from 1 location to the next than drive for 20-30 mins.

Your efforts to find something in town near shop(s) / pub(s) / lodgings would be greatly appreciated đź‘Ť

My 2 cents worth.

I was thinking.... why not host the USGTP2 on the same weekend? With the 8 hour time difference, we should get about 4-6 hours of racing time together.

I'll buy a webcam so you can see us all in action.

If smallhorses has already suggested it, then i'm sorry. Remember, I'm a newbie who doesn't know any better.

okay - now I've read the messages before mine, I realise he'd already suggested it! Dammit!! so much for my great idea.
If smallhorses has already suggested it, then i'm sorry. Remember, I'm a newbie who doesn't know any better.

okay - now I've read the messages before mine, I realise he'd already suggested it! Dammit!! so much for my great idea.
Bet you it was your idea in the first place and he stole it and pretended it was his idea!
Venue 4: Banbury School, Ruskin Road. OX16 9HY

I'm not sure about this, but they do advertise their facilities available. I have fired off a communique and await a reply.

The school is 10 minutes walk from both the hotels on Oxford Road and Sainsbury's. The site is spot on, I am hoping they are agreeable to hosting us.

UKGTP8: The Search Continues.
If it turns out that we have to travel miles back and forth and we might be staying in 'far flung' lodgings it makes a get together for (non) alcoholic drinks etc so much harder. I'd rather walk 10-20 minutes in town from 1 location to the next than drive for 20-30 mins.


Or in Bert's case, more opportunity to find kebab places that sell 'less bad' chips than Belgium.
Or in Bert's case, more opportunity to find kebab places that sell 'less bad' chips than Belgium.

Or in Bert's case, more opportunity to find kebab places that sell 'less good' chips than Belgium.
Corrected your sentence, because it was offensive for Belgians

How about:

"Or in Bert's case, more opportunity to find kebab places that sell anything edible in any country on the planet, except possibly Greece."
As long as all the meat tastes like chicken, we'll be OK. Although, as was discussed last time, all meat tastes like chicken. Even Diego...
And in case you were worried about the floods... meh, nothing not seen before. My photos:

The first shot is the station - the tracks were a lot more flooded than this at the peak.

Second shot is looking back from the back of the Castle Quay shopping centre. Yes, there's a canal quay, no, you can't see it, because it's underwater!

Whoops. The third one is the Mill Arts Centre. You'll have to, uh, 90deg it. :)

And the last, detail of one of the locks looking back from shot two.

Oooh, oooh, edit:

Put another body on the 'possibles' list. Let's say he's called 'Bookerman', and let's say he's bringing a networkable PS2, a DS2, a memcard and a wheel of some sort.

GTPlanet: "He's called Bookerman, he's bringing a networkable PS2..."

Ah, Police Squad - quality television.

Well, I visited venue 1, Hanwell Fields Community Centre, but I'm going to collect firm information from at least two other sites before I report full detailed breakdowns of each. After seeing the prices from this place I'm beginning to think Gaydon would be a bargain... :indiff: However, it does show promise and has a lounge/kitchenette off the room we really need, which would be very useful for chillout and refreshment. This room is partially booked however... there is a smaller room available which would be... hmmmm... 'intimate' with 2 LANs, let alone 3.

Slightly Later Edit:
The manager of venue 2 (Avocett Way) is on holiday for at least another week. Not holding out much hope for this one at the mo.

Expecting call from venue 3 - Gaydon, at the end of this week.

Just spoke with venue 4 (Banbury School) and they're trying to see if their caretaker will work the unusual hours for us. Then there was some babbling about one-off admin charge, extra charges because of these strange hours, and the actual room hire hourly rate. This one will not be cheap. :( He is calling me back Thursday 26th.

Edit 1
I have just returned from Venue 5: The Cromwell Lodge Hotel. Quite by chance, I work with the sister of the events manager there. Small world.

What we have here, ladies and germs, is a conservatory-type marquee erected around their patio fountain. It's huge enough for three LANs and all of us mob. Tables and chairs might be fun, but I'm sure they'll find something suitable. It's expensive-ish (heh, the Venari charm won a 15% discount straight off) but on the upside they'll do us group rates on accommodation (£95/night all in for a twin/double room, but no discount on that yet) and there will be a bar around 30foot away at all times. They do meals, they're right in the centre of town so you can walk anywhere else for meals or beer, my home is about 300 yards away as the crow flies, and it's a quaint place to be.

I'd say it stands an outside chance based on price but would be the most fuss-free weekend for those travelling from further afield (no taxis necessary.)
The sign is on green.:)

I have three confirmed names for the lan.


Since we will travelling with a VW van we can bring some stuff with us.

- 6 tv's
- 6 PS2
- 6 raceseats
- 6 GT4
- 2 network switches
- 2 x 6 cables
- (if needed)1 extra networkadapter,PS2,DFP

The plan for now is arrival at Friday afternoon and we leave Sunday mid afternoon to catch the ferry.

Looking forward to meet and race with you guys.:)

Hi all!

I can't confirm my attendance yet, but I really like to cross the pond along with Sjaak and AMG :)

I might start at university after the summer, so in that case it may take a while before I can confirm my attendance or not. When I start later, I'll be attending my first UK Lan!

I'll keep an eye on this thread :sly:

Is there a chance of a Dutch person willing to take me along?
Don't know where you all live, but my parents maybe could drive me across Belgium, so that you don't have to make a detour.

It's just a hassle when you have to travel by train in Belgium with such a big suit case, plus on the tube in London.
it is indeed. But we might be fubar'd when they leave to catch the ferry....

Details,minor details I would say.

Main question will be,is there a frige for a nice cold beer?;)

Hugo,if you go,we pick you up.:)

And if we see Dustdriver hitchhiking along a Belgium freeway,we take him along.
Cool, Sjaak. When there's some nice cold beer, I can finally fully enjoy LAN driving and you guys maybe start to like me :nervous: :lol: