UKGTPXIII - The Dertien (No, we're clean) - Interest/Date/Location

  • Thread starter Roo
I'm assuming the Dertien is still on? Alex has informed me he's unlikely able to come along unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how beaten you wanted to get...) so it'll just be me coming down from t'North.
WOW! I'm really looking forward to this! Its a pity Mrs Famine won't be there as I'd love to check out her heavy wedding finger!

I doubt the place has anything more to offer than Newark though...!! :D
Well, the PM from Roo suggested it might not even have t'internet, which might make for a very short weekend!

I too am looking forward to it.
Well, the PM from Roo suggested it might not even have t'internet, which might make for a very short weekend!
Oh noes! That'll mean we might have to talk to one another...
It's looking like due to time and location, I won't be able to attend (once again). I'm starting to sound like a broken record. :indiff:
Only two weeks to go - I'd better get my name on the list before its too late!

1x iffy fatty ps2
1x GT4
1x psychic DS2
1x 22" LCDTV if theres not too many already
1x USB video capture device - if someone else can supply a laptop to do the capturing...

Is there sufficient racing lined up already, or should I try and come up with a couple more events?
1x iffy fatty ps2
1x GT4
1x psychic DS2
1x 22" LCDTV if theres not too many already
1x USB video capture device - if someone else can supply a laptop to do the capturing...

Going to have to remove my copy of GT4 from the list. After the umpteenth RROD over the weekend, I gave my PS2 a thump (with the lid off from adjusting the lens) and put a huge scratch in the disk. A half dozen tests later and no luck getting any races to load. My GT4 is dead, but strangely all my GTA's are working fine, so I guess it was not the PS2 but rather the disk that was the problem all along!

Went looking for a new disk today without any luck, so that puts an end to any testing or practise before the event :(
Looking forward to this :D

I now notice also that there's an American car show on in Stockton on the same weekend, which is unfortunate timing. Perhaps I'll see some US iron on the roads on my way doon sooth.

daan/hfs -Friday or very early Saturday departure? I am, naturally, easy either way.
Roo - Friday or 11am Saturday arrival? I am, naturally, easy either way.
I'm easy too...

Probably better going down on the Friday though. "Very early" sounds early...
You can suffer, like Roo and I have for the last few Northern LANs ;)

Funnily enough, I'm easy too, especially in Southend.

Ditto on the looking forward to it, I fired GT4 up yesterday, wow, almost no feeling of the car, rFactor and GT5P are quite, quite different.
What time do these things traditionally kick off? I'll probably nip down to my southern residence on the Friday, and then drive over saturday morning. So wave if you go past a chavved up Ka on the A1.

Traditionally? Normally takes a couple of hours to set-up the set-ups, we normally start around lunch-time, might be more as we are in a new location.

Speaking of which, have we got sufficient tables/wood (not mine) to put wheels and TV's on?
You can suffer, like Roo and I have for the last few Northern LANs ;)

Not likely. None of us will be in a car with you. Or Roo. :D

They will, however, be subjected to VTEC kicking in y0! and the "best" of my CD collection.
Being a passenger in a Roo car is quite hilarious at times, you can't beat listening to him give himself pep talks. :D