Ukrainian Flight PS752 Crashes in Tehran

  • Thread starter Dotini
Iran: We have no idea what caused this
America: The idiots in Iran blew it up, thinking that it was one of our aircraft, so we think they’re trying to start a war
Europe: I’m pretty sure they just lost an engine. If they were shot down the entire wing would be missing
In short European countries seem to have the most sensible theory. Although we don’t know until Iran have the balls to actually send America the Black Box

An entire wing would be missing? It's not a nuke, it's an anti-air missile with a fairly small, fragmentation warhead. If there was no Iranian hand on the plane crash, they would simply give out the Black Box for investigation, and avoid such conspiracies.

At this point, they're better off by just admitting it was a mistake, negligence from one person, or something similar. Not cooperating just makes them look worse.
Seeing that video again, Iran's government just looks stupid for denying this, they are so desperate to save face. Especially when US and Canada say it was an most likely an accident.
Ah here come the economic sanctions. That recently discovered 53 billion barrel oil reservoir in Iran was too tempting to pass up so let's see how another oil for food program shapes up.
Most civilian people have no idea how military equipment works, so they could just say they were on high alert at the time, and an automatic system picked the plane on radar and launched the missile without human interference. They could just lie about it and say it was a technical failure.
Usually people like to read links or comments in threads... usually

No, I'm unusual in that I try to avoid website comments as one might want to avoid a xenomorphic facehugger.

"I've come out to take a smoke, let's take a video of the night sky... Oh, a missile?"

Well, they'd make an unusual noise, wouldn't they? Probably a good time to record something. Seems a bit coincidental, but that wouldn't be an unusual behavior to want to video a weird thing in the sky because they are...weird.
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As far as I know it's modern SOP for military radar to 'read' civilian transponder codes, particularly as there are set codes for set emergencies (e.g. 7700 for hijack attempts), although if the missile(s) were launched by MANPAD than the firer may not have had access to that information and may only have had their own instinct to go on. Which was very dangerous.

Here's a theory: as the news goes live that Iran have struck US bases there's jubilation in Tehran with firecrackers and mad firing of handguns/rifles into the air. This spooks the crew, already on alert for many hours, they think Tehran Is Under Attack. And shoot the next plane they see.

I really don't think there's widespread "jubilation" in Tehran, where the population is more heavily weighted by progressives. Ordinary Iranians are the last people who want this conflict escalated...they have the most to lose. The Ayatollah is not different than Trump so much. He has a very solid but not relatively large base of very conservative, very nationalist, and very xenophobic supporters that he needs to appease. That's the thing about conservatives - different flavors are not compatible. (Off topic: When's the last time two liberal nations fought each other? )

Also, as far as I know, nobody has pistols/rifles in Iran except for maybe hunters/farmers in more rural regions. If anyone wants to understand what life is like for ordinary Iranians (I found it illuminating) in Tehran, you should watch the film "A Separation" by Asgar Farhadi, which is a masterpiece even beside the point. I don't think you would associate Iranians with firing guns into the air to celebrate a military attack after seeing that film....
"Crash? What crash? The plane reached it's destination."


Too soon?
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In an unexpected twist, Iran has admitted to unintentionally shooting down PS752.

I'm glad they didn't try to cover it up. There are still some lingering questions though. Apparently, some luggage was taken off the plane before it departed, which is why it was delayed.

Hours after the missile operation in Iraq, US military flights around the borders of Iran increased and Iranian military officials reported seeing aerial targets that were coming towards Iran’s strategic centers, according to a statement released by Iranian Armed Forces Headquarters.

Numerous defense centers around Iran reported seeing increased radar activity which caused a heightened sensitivity in the aerial defense centers of the country, the statement added.

Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 took off from Imam Khomeini Airport and while in rotation, the aircraft came close to a sensitive IRGC military center at an altitude and flight condition that resembled hostile targeting.

I wonder if there is anything to the increased radar activity or if that's just saving face.


A sad day. Preliminary conclusions of internal investigation by Armed Forces: Human error at time of crisis caused by US adventurism led to disaster Our profound regrets, apologies and condolences to our people, to the families of all victims, and to other affected nations.

The whole thing is just very, very sad.
Good thing they came clean. I guess they realised that the evidence would be overwhelming once investigators from other countries are given access to the wreckage.
In summary:

- Iran claimed it crashed due to mechanical failure

- Iran said it was scientifically impossible for them to have shot it down.

- Iran bulldozed the crash sight.

- Iran admits to shooting it down, blames human error.

Well, I’m glad we’ve got that all figured out, case solved :rolleyes:

Oh, and it’s Trump’s fault
Glad to see that Iran has finally dropped the embarrassing and offensive charade and admitted to the attack.

That said, they couldn’t resist taking the opportunity to blame America. I wonder if it is also the US’s fault that the Iranians have a “sensitive” military base right under the flight path of their capital city’s international airport.
I never thought I'd say this, but...

This incident is not Trump's fault. How Iran can even suggest something like that is beyond me.
Shouldn't be, we have a narcissist at the wheel of our country. Trump blames his errors on everyone else too.
Shouldn't be, we have a narcissist at the wheel of our country. Trump blames his errors on everyone else too.

Trump is an orange swine who should be impeached for his high crimes. I also disagree with his assassination on the Iranian general. But Iran shooting down a plane because they were afraid of us?

There are many things that are Trump's fault, but I don't see this as one of them.
Trump is an orange swine who should be impeached for his high crimes. I also disagree with his assassination on the Iranian general. But Iran shooting down a plane because they were afraid of us?

There are many things that are Trump's fault, but I don't see this as one of them.
Ok. That's good. I'm just saying, passing of responsibility much like Iran has been doing since the onset of the incident, is a narcissist trait, and we have the prime example of a narcissist running our country. That is the sole extent to my comparison only.
Say what you want about Trump, but blaming the US for this colossal 🤬 up is absurd, and the Iranians should be beyond ashamed.

Are we now going to blame Iran for the downing of Flight 655, since it was the Iranian Navy who first engaged the helicopter of the Vincennes, drawing the ship into Iranian waters?

I suppose Hiroshima and Nagasaki are actually Japan’s responsibility since it was “Japanese adventurism” that kinda kicked the whole thing off.

Ultimately, this is the fault of the British. It was BP who wanted to maintain control of the oil fields in 1953. Additionally, it was British taxation that led to the American Revolution, and the British then failed to stop said revolution. If the British had done their job, there would be no USA, and all those people would still be alive (I’m joking, but you get how this game works).

We live in a world run by children.