Ultimate Super GT500, GT300, Championships Race 4. Fuji F/ 30.10.11

  • Thread starter kk20
Agh Jheez...Are you free any time before the 9th?

unlikely, i would settle for division 2 if spots will be open and can't run qualifying to earn division 1 spot for this season. sorry just bad timing these 2 weeks(once in lifetime things haha).
unlikely, i would settle for division 2 if spots will be open and can't run qualifying to earn division 1 spot for this season. sorry just bad timing these 2 weeks(once in lifetime things haha).

How about this...Go to your lounge, Start a 10 lap Race, Try set your best time, Save the Race...Once you've done this I will give you more instructions...Remember to set the car for 502bhp and 110kg...I have to trust you with this...There is an obvious way of telling if you added power...Im sure I can trust you though...Thanks
How about this...Go to your lounge, Start a 10 lap Race, Try set your best time, Save the Race...Once you've done this I will give you more instructions...Remember to set the car for 502bhp and 110kg...I have to trust you with this...There is an obvious way of telling if you added power...Im sure I can trust you though...Thanks

ok i will do that, i wanted to clarify with the all modifications allowed, i can add any turbo and whatnot and set power limiter to maintain 502bhp? heres my sign up too

PSN: DragonGT83/ preferred GT500 car: Calsonic Impul GTR/ preferred GT300 Car: Cusco Dunlop Subaru Impreza / Country: USA

i'm sure if cars are taken i can switch to an available one as i really like any of the gtrs, just have ran with the calsonic the most.
ok i will do that, i wanted to clarify with the all modifications allowed, i can add any turbo and whatnot and set power limiter to maintain 502bhp? heres my sign up too

PSN: DragonGT83/ preferred GT500 car: Calsonic Impul GTR/ preferred GT300 Car: Cusco Dunlop Subaru Impreza / Country: USA

i'm sure if cars are taken i can switch to an available one as i really like any of the gtrs, just have ran with the calsonic the most.

Yep...All mods and limit the power...Here's the tricky part...Once the replay has been saved export the file to XMB, The File will be in the Game Savedata, Copy this file to a USB, Upload the file to your Computer/Laptop,

Create an account on the website www.megaupload.com, Once you have done this, Upload the file and copy and paste the link to the download.

Its long winded but its pretty straightforward once you know it..

Any questions?
Thats it for me...Time to sleep...Good luck in setting your fast time...Just letting you know that any questions asked now will be answered tomorrow. 👍
Hey Killa, will we have a provisional lap times sheet? Looking forward to it...

I'll get right onto it after dinner...Like a lap time leaderboard yeah?

These are the times so far...I'll have a leaderboard done by tomorrow..PC's occupied..:P
Just a reminder about the Qualifying which is scheduled at 2pm for ZachAK47 and 5pm for Haikka...
Hey Killa, will we have a provisional lap times sheet? Looking forward to it...

Leaderboard added

Is there going to be a last minute rush of qualifying laps? Or are we going to be running with 5 people?

Also Killa - Any chance I could schedule another quali session on Saturday afternoon?
Is there going to be a last minute rush of qualifying laps? Or are we going to be running with 5 people?

Also Killa - Any chance I could schedule another quali session on Saturday afternoon?

Yeah Sure what time?...Im gonna have to push the deadline back...I'll change the deadline to the friday before the Pre-Season race.
Pre-season race is this Sunday isn't it?

And as for quali - Any time between 3pm and 7pm is good for me, whenever is best for you :)
Pre-season race is this Sunday isn't it?

And as for quali - Any time between 3pm and 7pm is good for me, whenever is best for you :)

yeah...7 people so far have done times...I'll update that...still got another 7 people to do...

EDIT: I'll be on at 4-8pm
I'm really looking for a GT300 series to run. Are you only allowing the 3 cars in the OP to run that class? What about the Asparadrink RX7 or the Toyota Wedsport Celica?