just watched the latest episode...wow that was brilliant. one of the best this season, i had to take some deep breaths after stigs lap in the M5, the guest was hilarious and the roadtest roulette was fantastic.
only jeremy should not have ranted on about the sat-nav for the half test, but instead he should have thrown the 5 round some more corners...
i am sure that the satnav lady would have left him alone if he just didn't enter a route at all. and if you do enter a destination she is supposed to interrupt you, is she not? it would be rather stupid, if she waited for clarkson to stop babbling for a moment and tell him to exit the motorway just
after he drove past the exit...
oh, and the volume control button is on the left of the steering wheel, the one on the right is the tuner and while we're at it, pressing the lower part of the tuner brings back the previous station, you do not have to go through the idrive to do that...
anyway, the M5 is truly a superb car. i have seen one on the road already and its incredibly silent and understating when cruising round the neighbourhood, yet unbelievably fast when you push it.
now i am going to watch tiff driving it again.