Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
"A bit different" doesn't get to the heart of it, for me...

The chemistry looks odd, and I just can't get excited for Tanner Foust. He's fairly dry, and doesn't have the kind of sense of humor that made the British show popular.

Still, it's another car show...

That counts for something.

How many times are they going to try to bring this show to the US before they figure out that it simply doesn't work? I don't like Top Gear because of what they do on the show.. I like it because it's Jeremy, Richard, and James. Just air the bloody UK version and stop fussing about with cheap imitations that fail miserably.
There has never been an American version of the show before, so I don't know what you're getting at. And they already show the original Top Gear in the US, it's on BBC America.

It looks interesting, so I might watch it.
"A bit different" doesn't get to the heart of it, for me...

The chemistry looks odd, and I just can't get excited for Tanner Foust. He's fairly dry, and doesn't have the kind of sense of humor that made the British show popular.

Still, it's another car show...

That counts for something.


= If they do any of the ussual cocking around they will be sued like 20 times.
There has never been an American version of the show before, so I don't know what you're getting at. And they already show the original Top Gear in the US, it's on BBC America.

It looks interesting, so I might watch it.

This is actually the 3rd attempt. Search around and you should be able to find the other two attempts. This is the first to make it to the air.

Did anyone cringe through that trailer?

It just feels... wrong. I don't know how to describe it.
Did anyone cringe through that trailer?

It just feels... wrong. I don't know how to describe it.

Yes, because it felt like a terribly done copy. They should be themselves instead of trying to impersonate the UK crew. The fake laughter was terrible.
This is actually the 3rd attempt. Search around and you should be able to find the other two attempts. This is the first to make it to the air.


Yes I know about the ill fated NBC pilot. But this is the first official show. Since the other attempts proved fruitless. But those attempts had nothing to do with the quality of the show, just other things affected the outcome. Like the fact that the Nightrider reboot did so poorly.
Yes I know about the ill fated NBC pilot. But this is the first official show. Since the other attempts proved fruitless. But those attempts had nothing to do with the quality of the show, just other things affected the outcome. Like the fact that the Nightrider reboot did so poorly.

Hey the latest knight rider was awesome IMO I got the boxset :)

I was looking at my topgear magazine and have figured how to make it better, bring back Emma Parker Bowls column and Simon Moistburn column and the car salesperson Frank, I really enjoyed what they wrote.
I was looking at my topgear magazine and have figured how to make it better, bring back Emma Parker Bowls column and Simon Moistburn column and the car salesperson Frank, I really enjoyed what they wrote.


Simon Moistbourn in particular was the single biggest collection of verbal diarrhea I think I've ever seen in a car mag. I know it was tongue in cheek but it was also generally awful. Not funny, not clever, and completely irrelevant.

Fake columnists done solely for the purpose of "humour" are always, always awful. I'd much rather read a column by a talented journalist who is actually funny.

It'll take a lot more than bringing back some shoddy columns to improve the mag.

Top Gear used to have three permanent columnists when I started reading it back in the mid-90s: Clarkson, Quentin Wilson and Tiff Needell, and one guest columnist, who varied each month from anybody from Lawrence Llewellen-Bowen, to Alexi Sayle, to the chief medical officer of the Ford WRC team at the time, via dozens of others. Later, since "new" Top Gear, they had Clarkson, May and Hammond.

Those sort of combinations are pretty good. Hammond isn't a great columnist (his enthusiasm comes across much better as a presenter than as a writer, whereas May is brilliant as both and Clarkson is just Clarkson) but at least there's some parity with the TV show. Regardless, I'll happily read what they write because it's entertaining.

Parker-Bowles is tolerable but the others were not. Moistbourne is one of the straws that broke the camel's back for me: a terrible gimmick that not only didn't make the mag better, but actually made it worse.

Sorry, rant over. I get a bit touchy when the subject comes up because they ruined one of my favourite car mags...
LOL Fair enough its your opinion. and at first I did not like simon column I ignored it but i read it and enjoyed, Emma column was good to read, in the fact it would be about bike stuff which to me appeared rather intresting, What your opinion on Franks bit? and when you still read topgear did you enjoy reading the lifers section to me this is probably my 2nd favourite bit after the main article.
LOL Fair enough its your opinion. and at first I did not like simon column I ignored it but i read it and enjoyed, Emma column was good to read, in the fact it would be about bike stuff which to me appeared rather intresting, What your opinion on Franks bit? and when you still read topgear did you enjoy reading the lifers section to me this is probably my 2nd favourite bit after the main article.

Is "lifers" what they call their long-term test cars? If so, there's never too much wrong with those but at the same time, it's hard to go wrong with a long-term test section as journalists are essentially reporting exactly what they find and generally aren't given many words to do so each week/month/whenever.

That said, some mags do long-termers better than others. Classic car mags are usually best for this because the journos are actually doing something with the cars, rather than just saying "nope, nothing has gone wrong this month" or "whoops, I crashed it" or some variation thereof.

As for Frank, it's just another example of a column that doesn't really inform or entertain in any measure. He's apparently "their man in the trade" or something (I can't remember how they phrased it) but it could just be any old schmo given that he never actually really offers any trade advice, and instead it's just some dull anecdote about "a women who came in the other week" or something.

The last issue I bought was in January this year, as it actually had some pretty decent features in, though the rest of the mag was badly arranged as usual.

Ways to make TG mag better:

- Get rid of about 3/4 of the adverts which should make the mag 50 pages slimmer
- Four columnists. May, Hammond, Clarkson and a guest. No more.
- Bring back a used car section. Lots of people read TG and not all of them can afford new cars. Used car sections are useful.
- Tell their journos to stop trying to be Clarkson, Hammond and May. Every one of them is like a wannabe and the forced humour in most of the tests and features is just awful.
- Fire their graphic designer. I find the mag incredibly hard to read because there's just stuff everywhere. EVO is a good example of great presentation. No bright colours, no photos at jaunty angles, no use for dozens of different fonts, just a good use of photos and text. TG looks like it's been designed by a GCSE student doing an art project.

The Top Gear TV format is great - it works well. It doesn't translate onto paper.
I have to say I agree with your points on how to improve topgear, but you have missed out a point, they should get somebody to proof read it as there are many silly mistakes, which I know aren't correct and it annoys me a bit, to buy something with amateur finish to it.
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I have to say I agree with your points on how to improve topgear, but you missed out a point
get somebody to proof read it there are many silly mistakes which I know aren't correct and it annoys me a bit to buy something with amateur finish to it.
Can you get someone to proof read your posts too? 👍

I have to say I agree with your points on how to improve topgear, but you have missed out a point, they should get somebody to proof read it as there are many silly mistakes, which I know aren't correct and it annoys me a bit, to buy something with amateur finish to it.

I can't say I notice the mistakes as I'm put off delving too deeply into articles in the first place. That said, this one I spotted a few months back both amused and frustrated me greatly:


Goodness knows what numpty did the captions but it must have been a pretty special one to say that the 3rd-gen CRX/Del Sol was mid-engined... I certainly hope they were being ironic with the title "cos if you know your history..." because they certainly don't...

I'd have to agree with you in that respect then, if that sort of oversight is consistant with the rest of the mag then they need to concentrate on quality rather than quantity, I reckon.
I watched the last episode last night. Jeff Goldblum doing his lap in third gear was hilarious. Too bad it's over already.
Other then the fact that they use photos off the internet in the 'drives' section, some of the photography is amazing.

The proper feature photography is pretty good, but I agree it's a bit of a cop-out that they can't even take their own photos for first drives. They always used to and it was much better than all the manufacturer stock photos they use now.
Some say he wants to write a book and that the BBC will sack him if he does.... Link
I'll be reading that book if it comes out. I don't care about the mystery at all. I really would like to know who The Stig is. I'll still be watching Top Gear eventhough his identity is revealed.
I'll be reading that book if it comes out.

I won't. Other than officially naming whatshisname as 'the' Stig, I can see it being of little value. I don't really care what Ben Collins has achieved with his life, and I care even less about how he got a job driving cars around an airfield in Surrey.
I won't. Other than officially naming whatshisname as 'the' Stig, I can see it being of little value. I don't really care what Ben Collins has achieved with his life, and I care even less about how he got a job driving cars around an airfield in Surrey.

Haven't read Perry McCarthy's book then? Shame, its one of the best motorsport biographies I've ever read and has some great humour. 👍

I keep repeating it again and again, but people really should buy that book. Seems no one listens though. You're all missing out on a great story of how life could go if you hadn't settled with "normal" jobs and decided to chuck away all your money on motorsport.

Not that I'm saying the Ben Collins book will be as good, but its a bit amusing to make assumptions already.