I thought that was an absolutly fantastic episode! The bit with the Toureg was fun. The news was entertaining. The Bugatti segment wasn't my favorite, but it was still good. At least they acknowledged the SSC. That's more than anyone else I've come across. The Star Car part was great. I loved the interview and lap. I'm usually bored with the SIARPC segments, but this one I enjoyed.
The Senna piece was masterful. I'll admit that I only started keeping up with Formula One this season, and I really don't know much about the drivers of decades passed. Infact, I can only name a hand full of drivers from Senna's era. But the film really showed that Senna was a terrific human being, both in the car and out. I thought it was noble of him when he stopped his car to help a fellow driver who crashed. I did like Hamilton testing out the old McLaren. I thought Lewis was a good fit since he is the current face of McLaren, just as Senna was when he drove for them. It was either him or Bruno, but Bruno isn't really up to par to be honest. If you make a Michael Schumacher tribute film, you wouldn't get Ralf to drive his old car. You would get Vettel or something.
All and all, terrific episode!!