Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Clarkson was tweeting about the Daily Mail earlier...so that's what its about..
They was a slope on the bridge though, what else would they have called it?!
They was a slope on the bridge though, what else would they have called it?!
Not commented on it at all? It was pretty obvious that there was a joke in it. There'd be no reason for the stretched out scene, or Clarkson's joke voice.
Don't see any other reason they'd leave that bit in. It didn't really add anything unless it was meant to be a joke.
I'm guessing it was to point out to the audience that they were about to drive across the bridge with a potential weak point that could've gave way when any of them drove across it. That's what I took away the first time I saw it.
I'm guessing it was to point out to the audience that they were about to drive across the bridge with a potential weak point that could've gave way when any of them drove across it. That's what I took away the first time I saw it.
No way it was that. I didn't understand the joke they were going for, but I knew they were saying something. The tone was so "let's make a joke we might regret later".
No way it was that. I didn't understand the joke they were going for, but I knew they were saying something. The tone was so "let's make a joke we might regret later".
I'm not 100% sure. I just went back and had a look at that scene and it sounded like a pure observation of the bridge's condition but like I said, I didn't know slope had a racist meaning to it.
Don't see any other reason they'd leave that bit in. It didn't really add anything unless it was meant to be a joke.

It's Top Gear I know, but it seems Jeremy is 🤬 off about it on Twitter, but you maybe be right of course.
Tenner says the script originally said "slant" but to avoid a racism storm they chose to edit it to a word they didn't think was a racial epithet.
Tenner says the script originally said "slant" but to avoid a racism storm they chose to edit it to a word they didn't think was a racial epithet.
If it turns out that was the case, then they side stepped a pothole only to end up falling off a bridge.

However seeing as this story was run by everyone's favourite newspaper The Daily Fail, I won't be surprised if something in this story was amiss.

EDIT: Did some research and found that the actress in question is Indian, which is classed as South Asian, not East Asian. So if we spilt hairs, she's suing Top gear for a racial slur that offends people of a different descent which she herself isn't part of.
If I'm wrong in my research, I'm happy to be corrected.
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If it turns out that was the case, then they side stepped a pothole only to end up falling off a bridge.

However seeing as this story was run by everyone's favourite newspaper The Daily Fail, I won't be surprised if something in this story was amiss.
Mail weren't first to report this. Pretty much all the newspapers featured it in some way.
You have got to be kidding me. I don't see how they were being racist, especially with a word I'm sure many of us were not even aware was considered a racist term.
Subtle racism. When you watch the scene over and over, it becomes painfully obvious.
Of course there was a slope on the bridge, but it's just too obvious in his tone and mannerisms, and the mannerisms of the scene. I find it quite easy to analyse the English language, so it may brush over the majority who are wrapped up in the entertainment, but I can assure you something was there...
Subtle racism. When you watch the scene over and over, it becomes painfully obvious.

So you're seriously suggesting that they know all of these lesser known racist slurs and did that on purpose as opposed to use it to describe an object like everyone else does? I'm sorry, but this accusation just reeks of insanity.
I bet 99.9% of people that watched that episode didn't even get the racism in the joke (if there was any) anyway. Also you watch TG knowing there's going to be offensive jokes in there anyway and people need to lighten up about jokes.
So you're seriously suggesting that they know all of these lesser known racist slurs and did that on purpose as opposed to use it to describe an object like everyone else does? I'm sorry, but this accusation just reeks of insanity.
Typical Top Gear. They just can't help pandering for media attention.
This. They cause a stir. It's Top Gear and Jeremy Clarkson FFS. You really have to be a bit thick or completely devoid of an attention span to have not picked up on the tone it was said. Listen to it.
By the way, i'm not a complainer. I'm pretty certain there was implied meaning in the sequence, and I find that funny and respect them for having some balls and coming out with it.
Christ, this sti going on. I watched it, clear slope/slant/gradient on the bridge that 15 tonnes could cripple it. Read the Articles, so watched again and the bridge hasnt change, still uneven/wonky. I even had to google to see if it is rascism, and took a few pages to find out that a very small minority do, so many the other 99.9% don't know it is.
I think the fact that very few people get it is the reason why they went with it. I mean, if they shouted obvious derogatory slurs, there'd be nothing funny about it. The "secrecy" of the slur is what makes it funny.