Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Ewww I belive wife beater is an aquired taste. Just a bit longer till the next episode. My mum loves watching it. Last episode she was complaining that they wernt showing the veryon yet and I was like how you know about the veyron.
Transport Minister Ian Ladyboy is the Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car this week.

Should be worth a giggle...
Yep, JC likes what he has in his garage too. Pity they couldn't have Darling on as well and do a special 2 stars do a lap each, Ladyboy and Darling.
Transport Minister Ian Ladyboy is the Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car this week.

Should be worth a giggle...
I wonder how un-cut it will be *Rubs hands*

And wouldn't it just be sods law if Ladyboy gets around without losing a wheel.
I hate Curry, plus i never drink booze at all. I know I,m 19 but i want to keep my body fresh from booze.
Yep, JC likes what he has in his garage too. Pity they couldn't have Darling on as well and do a special 2 stars do a lap each, Ladyboy and Darling.
And folk will think they are made up names....

(Well, it is Ladyman and Darling)
Just edited my last reply, I reckon the Pagani is great handling on a track. But the F430 is better for daily life mates.
I liked that episode.

The Pagani Zonda, Ferrari F430 and the Ford GT were great. It was ridiculous when they tried to get out of that car park. Was the exit made for Fiat Uno's or something?!

The Transport Minister was surprisingly good around the track too.
When I stayed in paris we parked the volvo underneath the hotel and we had a bit of trouble navigating our way out without hitting other cars. The places are quite cramped.

Just imagine if they had a murcelago on the show like I wished they wouldnt have been able to fit it through the exit.

My mum liked the GT best.
I thought that Ladyman was clever with his answers about speed camera's too, he didn't convince me but his comment about who's fault is it if you get caugh was a sound one.

I really enjoyed the Zonda, GT and F430 road trip, some of the scenery towards the end was superb for that kind of film, I love driving through France, I've done it twice and when I get my first nice car I'll be doing it again.
Hahaha yeah he was determined not to let Jeremy have his way wth the M6 on the cool wall. I dissagree with JC on the Aston V8 Vantage, sure it's a great car and very cool but it's not as cool as the DB9, I'd put it in the very cool section but not with the DB9.
I thought that Ladyman was clever with his answers about speed camera's too, he didn't convince me but his comment about who's fault is it if you get caugh was a sound one.

I really enjoyed the Zonda, GT and F430 road trip, some of the scenery towards the end was superb for that kind of film, I love driving through France, I've done it twice and when I get my first nice car I'll be doing it again.


Got to agree 100% about driving through france. You can absolutely bomb it and there are some very entertaining roads.
Clarkson HAS said he crashes it...
But I want him to lose a wheel...

Great episode.

The supercars in France was a great laugh with James actually letting loose. And the car park part was amazing. That's an expensive carbon fibre spliter :eek:

Ladyman was sharp, very sharp. To give him credit he stood his ground well against Clarkson and set in a good lap. I've been passed the camera that I'm prety sure JC was referring to (Port Talbot J40-42) and they are a menace. People really slam their brakes on for them and it causes alot of congestion.

The Focus Asbo seemed pretty good but I'd heard all that in Evo mag already.

"I haven't had my teeth done!"
They won an emmy too quite impressive the supercar drive was really enjoyable its always better when they disagree
Yeah 4 MPG at full speed, and about 9 MPG when at steady speed. But the Veyron does 2 MPG at full speed. But the Ford GT's MPG does suffer from that Ford Lighting Pick Truck engine, what do you expect from such a engine.

From a bad type car aka the Lighting Pick Up folks.
Once again I found the show very entertaining and a right laugh.

The supercars were drool worthy, in sight and sound, and the right mix of "they're great, but you couldn't use it everyday".

Is it just me or do the rear flanks of the Focus look like the old-shape Seat Leon?

As for Ladyman - it was the same old politician trying to grease his way into public favour, only this time he's trying to use Top Gear to get there. Even when Clarkson *read his own figures to him* he lied outright ("the figures have fallen every year"). The old trick of if you keep saying it long enough, it becomes true. True, if you get caught by one 99% of the time it's your fault but who's to say it's right to have it there in the first place? I'd much rather have a real copper there who'll get the bloke driving 2 inches from your bumper at 28mph.

Anyway, enough of cameras and slimy politicians. The wrap up at the end was spot-on. The piece about buying for the love, not for the figures was lovely and really showed the passion that comes through from the show. Loved it. :)
Wow. Probably one of the best episode of top gear i have seen. It was very funny as usual.
I think the Ford GT was slightly out-classed. It didn't really excel anywhere.