Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
I've got a feeling they're referring to studio filming. I think it'll be a bit longer before he's back to filming in car stuff or at least as much in car stuff as he has done in the past. January isn't far away though, not couting this Friday it's two pay cheques and a christmas bonus away. It's a wait I'm willing to wait, I'm just glad Hammond's recovery has been as good as it has been and I was doubtful that he'd be back filming TopGear in time even for the spring series.
I just thought they'd accept his recovery would take a while and once it was known he would be ok long term the new series would start in some way. Obviously he won't be part of it unless it has already been recorded but all the new car articles will be out of date. Does this mean as Exige suggested that the January series will be next years brought forward and maybe they will just leave any time sensative recorded stuff out completely. Seems like a waste to me.
That BF2 video was awesome. :lol:

That has still got to be one of my favorite Top Gear challenges to date.
When I am at MPH 06 this Friday, do you guys want me to ask Clarkson anything if I can get close to him, while in the backstage paddock tour?
When I am at MPH 06 this Friday, do you guys want me to ask Clarkson anything if I can get close to him, while in the backstage paddock tour?

I doubt you will, he gets interveiwed after the show by the autmotive academy or sotmhing like that. he did when i was there!
the 1st few episodes of 5th gear this season kinda sucked. but they are pretty good now :) right now i'm getting episode 8.
No, JUST the code bit - the 10 or so characters after the = sign. The rest of the URL is irrelevant. I've edited so you can see.
The lap record has already been unofficially beaten in the past by other track day cars, but becuase they don't class track day cars as real world road cars, they don't put thier times on the power laps board. I don't think that CSR is the fastest, there was a Radical tested there and a Jaguar Palmer JP1, I think the criteria was that it had to be capable of getting over a speed bumps which I tihnk the CSR is more than acapable of should they do an official test. But damn that car looked like it'd be a rush to drive.
A friend told me Richard Hammond is going to be on 'Friday Night with Jonathan Ross' in a couple of weeks but Im not sure. Keep your ears open.
I watched 1/2 the first one and have not watched a single one since, Tim 'football' bloke is just a nightmare to watch.


I used to quite like/bare to watch 5th Gear - but this season has just taken an absolute nose dive 👎

When is the next season of TopGear due?
They had Clarkson on a couple of weeks ago, they talked about Richards progress a bit and saying how he's back to normal apart from his chipped tooth which has hit him a bit hard. Clarkson was also saying that he wears a T-shirt with Hammond is fine printed on it because everywhere he goes that's all he keeps getting asked.
I used to quite like/bare to watch 5th Gear - but this season has just taken an absolute nose dive

When is the next season of TopGear due?
I haven't gotten into this season of Fifth gear either. What little it had has gone, theres too many non car reviewing bits, they just can't pull it off like TopGear. It's far too scripted as well, a lot of TopGear is but Jezza, Hamster and captain slow play off each other brilliantly. There's none of that on Fifth gear, it's just trying too hard to copy TopGear with some daft bits worked in around the car reviews but they arn't pulling it off. Instead of laughing and liking them, your just thinking "should I see what else is on".

Theres no confirmed date yet for the new series of TopGear any more specific that it should be ready late January.
I used to quite like/bare to watch 5th Gear - but this season has just taken an absolute nose dive 👎

When is the next season of TopGear due?

I actually thought 5th gear were bringing themselves up last series and I was starting to really enjoy it with there international locations and interesting features..... but then they had to go and host it in a cafe with a **** who knows nothing about cars plus do mindless games and stunts as if to copy top gear and failed miserably. They even tried there own version of star in a car, well kinda and thats rubbish.. wreck my ride is rubbish... most of the presenters (apart from the big bloke with curly hair) are rubbish..... I mean dear god how could it have gone so wrong so quickly, its now like a variety show with just idiot presenters...... the best thing they could have done is make themselves look as different from Top Gear as possible to give something different...... but nope they thought carbon copy! The only reason why its porbably doing ok at the moment is because Top Gear isnt on!

