Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Not long now until Top Gear finally broadcasts its first show in HD alongside SD. Anyway if no one else will be watching the HD version on Wednesday, I will try to put up some of my own thoughts of the HD version of this special sometime on Thursday or Friday.
It is due to all the floods, which have been happening in the UK of late, last time I remember.
Im all hyped up about this episode on Wednesday, although it's only one, I haven't seen the Topgear crew (newish episodes) in ages all the ones on UKTV Gold/People are all series 5-6 the sort of boring ones.
If I may ask, why wouldn't they just be able to show the same UK-version that they show around the world, here? Do they think we won't understand the jokes (well, there are some that fly over our heads...), or won't understand that prices and MPG figures are UK-sourced?

Who cares!

If they were to just show them on Discovery or BBC America, they'd get plenty of viewers. Its just stupid, quite honestly. If they're that worried about things, just throw a couple titles at the bottom of the screen when they want to talk prices and MPG conversions. It isn't that hard...

Oh well. At least I can access the content through Final Gear. Not that I do (or do I?)...
I dunno. There are two huge questions involving things from Europe that should be brought to the States: Why doesn’t Ford bring its European vehicles to the States?, and Why doesn’t the BBC bring Top Gear to the States? They’re both no-brainers, they’re both things that enthusiasts want, yet for some reason the head honchos can’t seem to figure it out. Annoying annoying annoying.
Just show the damn British show on BBC America for crissake. That’ll make us plenty happy.
No, Sage. If they did that, they wouldn't have space for the third-daily airing of Cash in the Attic.
Top Gear don't like Americans. Jeremy openly states that.

And they generally think that Americans build crap cars.

Maybe that's got something to do with why the show doesn't screen in America. On one hand Top Gear might not want it to, on the other hand your importers of the show (or whatever they are) might think it's kind of anti-american.
And they generally think that Americans build crap cars.
That's because generally, we do. :lol:

Top Gear don't like Americans. Jeremy openly states that.
I don't like him much for not liking Americans but that's his opinion and that's my opinion. I like the show though.
It's. All. In. Jest.

They're jokes. We americans make fun of the Brits in much the same way all the time.

Taking Top Gear and its presenters seriously 100% of the time (or even the majority of the time) will only lead to bewilderment and outrage. Learning how to discern the facts from the opinions and the opinions from the entertainment is the only way to get the complete viewing experience.
To broadcast it in the US, do you think they may censor the British version to cut out some parts, which may annoy some people over the pond.
If they show it on a cable channel, then they don’t need to censor it – the FCC’s “acceptable content” standards don’t apply to cable.
If they were to broadcast it in America it would have to be cut much the same way that it is cut when it's shown on BBC UKTV Gold. That's because when it is shown on BBC2 it is a 1 hour show with no advert breaks.

When shown on UKTV Gold you actually lose alot of the humour and some of the sentences are even cut abit short as the show is no longer 1 hour, but 45 mins instead. However, it's nearly always the studio banter that gets chopped.
I'd assume they'd run the full hour, but drag it out to an hour and a half show here. When they ran the previous Top Gear episodes here in the US, they were indeed trimmed to an hour, had American-centered banter and bumpers, and furthermore titles on the bottom of the screen to explain pricing in the US and other "foreign" measurements.

The show was so well-accepted here in the US, it just seems like such a silly idea to keep it out of here. They could run the show on literally ANY of the Discovery channels (TLC seems like the obvious choice), or BBC America for that matter, and I'm sure they would get plenty of viewers. It really wasn't fair to show it for such a short period of time and then rip it away... And then basically sue us for trying to watch the show after dangling it in front of us.

Common sense is something that isn't apparently floating around easily anymore, and that is unfortunate.
If I had a loving wife, cool kids, a driveway with at least half-a-dozen really cool cars in it (none of which were mine) and a few exotica which were mine... and some TV exec told me I had to spend four months in America without seeing any of them, I'd tell that exec exactly where he could shove it.

And I love America. And I'm sure, deep down, so does Jezza (well, just a little bit.)
Only he would have to go to America, that said I lknow if he did he wouldn't.

When TopGear was shown in the US they had to reshoot the studio scenes that's all. And they were re-shot in the TopGear studio here in the UK.Regardless of Jezzas opinions of the US it's not him that's making the decisions, it's the BBC execs. I do recall Jeremy saying he didn't like having to re-film for the US audience, he said they didn't have to re-film for all the other countries, they wre just dubbed. But for the US episodes they had to actually change the content. That was't his decision, it was his bosses. The same bosses who see people in the US asking for TopGear to be shown in the US again, and unedited but say theres no market for it.
OK just got a chance to watch the polar special on Sky+.

I have to say that it was wonderful entertainment all round, but once again my admiration for hamster has risen. Bluntly put that man has ones the size of moons, given that doctors almost wrote him off following the accident what he did in the run with the dog team was amazing.

Top stuff

OK just got a chance to watch the polar special on Sky+.

I have to say that it was wonderful entertainment all round, but once again my admiration for hamster has risen. Bluntly put that man has ones the size of moons, given that doctors almost wrote him off following the accident what he did in the run with the dog team was amazing.

Top stuff

I don't know what state of fitness he was in prior to the accident, but watching him run with the sled and the story about him running home in the night have given me a new respect for the man. It wouldn't surprise me if he's doing a marathon and giving the sponsorship to some brain trauma charity.

A good show, perhaps not so much funny 'ha ha' but certainly entertaining. I imagine there'll be plenty of complaints about certain areas of the show however. :lol:
...wow that was like one of the best Top Gear episodes ive seen!
It was brilliant, yea hats off to hamster for doing that astounding task. He couldn't even ski and he went to the frikken north pole!
I was a bit disappointed when Clarkson and May got there though. I was amazed and really hoped they could get there with the cars but I was expecting something special at the north pole...like a big red pole or something:grumpy:
Its just amazing what the top gear team did though. They got two unfit fat middle aged men to the north pole in a car in relative comfort. Clarkson said it was hard but what they went though must have been a walk in the park compared to what some other professional hikers must have gone through to get to the north pole.
There was some real suspense when they were going over the thin ice, I was on the edge of my seat!