Brilliant Episode! Something new but it was more about them then about cars but great all the same.
That Toyota Hilux was the business, fully kitted out, it even had invinsible written on the side of the door! Nice custom truck, imagine having one just going to the shops of something! I really do find it hard to believe that that was the first time a car has never gone to the pole but all the same it was a great challenge.
Hats off to Hammond who always seems to get the raw deal because the other two are rather lazy but he put alot of effort into it and I was also abit dissapointed when he didnt win, you could hear how bad he felt on the sat phone when clarkson rang him... I had thought that maybe the dogs would have been a much better choice, but Clarksons lack of care for living is what got them there so fast...
Clarkson was talking about how hard it was, well not really when you have like 3 support trucks, heating and no physical effort! Its only clarksons stupidiy that broke it, I really cringed everytime he smashed it into solid ice, you could hear all that expensive undercarrige smashing to bits...
I also expected there to be some kind of monument, or pole at the north pole, was abit dissapointed when it was just a GPS location.
My best bits were...
Clarkson was pushed into the ice water in testing,
The bit when they had gin and tonic,
May guarding the toilet with the shotgun,
Clarkson driving off with May on the toilet,
Clarkson finding white wine,
Clarkson smashing the truck up,
Clarkson getting the nut frozen in his mouth.
Really great stuff, one to keep when I find the time to download it but ive got it on tape for now... It seemed that not alot actually happened in this episode but it was aleast something. Cant wait till the next series, pity its like only 6 episodes again, I think they need to get back to doing more car stuff.