Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Amazing episode! The Hamster did a stunning job, hard to believe that last year he had a major accident, he has obviously pretty much fully recovered. I know the show wasn't particulary funny as such, but often it is nice to get a more serious show once in a while. But I did laugh for what seemed like forever when Clarkson got that nut stuck in his mouth :lol:. Great episode, I am going to miss Topgear until it comes back in October.....:(

Also the music in most of the show was Requiem of a Dream

It's. All. In. Jest.

They're jokes. We americans make fun of the Brits in much the same way all the time.

Taking Top Gear and its presenters seriously 100% of the time (or even the majority of the time) will only lead to bewilderment and outrage. Learning how to discern the facts from the opinions and the opinions from the entertainment is the only way to get the complete viewing experience.
I'm well aware of all of that.

I was more concerned about the way your countrymen would take it - rednecks in pickups rallying around cars with painted slogans ring any bells?...


And I'm amazed they refilmed parts for that last US screening. I thought they'd just run it as it had aired in Britain. If they've already put the necessary subtitles on for previous seasons (like YSSMAN said), it sounds like they've broken down all the barriers already. It is strange they're not screening it again.
It was my understanding that Discovery had quite a few letters on their hands about canceling the show, and while it was moved to the Science channel, it only showed a few episodes, and then was taken off again. I want to say that we only had six or eight of the "modified" episodes, mostly consisting of models that are sold in the US, or at least in Top Gear's view, should be sold in the US.

...If I recall, there was a test of the Jaguar XJ V6 that was aimed almost squarely at the Americans, and James May, if I recall, made note that it was a shame that it was unavailable in the US during the test...

Those modified episodes still had plenty of jokes at the American's expense, usually referring to how fat or stupid we generally are (most of us agree we are) and how much of an idiot George Bush is (most of us agree he is), so it wasn't much of a departure from the regular show. We just did without references to BBC Radio and TV hosts that we don't know about...
Topgear.com has just put some videos of the episode on, so you people that haven't seen it go and watch it!
After watching the Polar Special in HD yesterday night, I don't know how I have been able to cope watching it in SD after all these years. Anyway two of the parts I enjoyed seeing in HD were the following:

*Ice Bolder fields
*The round screw getting stuck to Jeremy Clarkson’s lips.
I think Brasenose would have a heart attack if I tried downloading it on their network. I guess I have to wait till the 2nd of August to download it back home and watch it from FinalGear. I can't believe I'm in the UK, where I can actually get the show, and there is no place to watch TV.
I think Brasenose would have a heart attack if I tried downloading it on their network. I guess I have to wait till the 2nd of August to download it back home and watch it from FinalGear. I can't believe I'm in the UK, where I can actually get the show, and there is no place to watch TV.
What's up with your common room?
Did you hear that apparently the show last night according to many people was a hoax and they didn't actually get there. I personally don't believe that and believe that they did actually do it.
I would think that they would have gone for it if thats what they set out to do. I think the whole "it was a hoax" thing is more of a side effect of the BBC's recent phone in contenst scandal.
I would think that they would have gone for it if thats what they set out to do. I think the whole "it was a hoax" thing is more of a side effect of the BBC's recent phone in contenst scandal.
And Angry queen scandal and survival expert that sleep in a hotel scandal and...
And Angry queen scandal and survival expert that sleep in a hotel scandal and...
Yes, you have a point. I forgot about thoes. But still, it's the phone contests that's been the big news item.
Yes, you have a point. I forgot about thoes. But still, it's the phone contests that's been the big news item.
I was just highlighting that it wouldn't be against the grain for them to edit a show rather than just fake a phone in.

However, the BBC wouldn't show anything that would look bad on them after all the fuss.
Holy Craptacular Batman - What an amazing episode..

And man I felt sorry for Hamster in a couple of scenes - Poor kid looked like he was ready to lay down and just give in..

But all in all, one of the best episodes ever - Can't wait to watch it again in all it's 1080p glory...
It was a good episode, stupid, but funny. No way did they get to the North Pole on their own merits though. Without their support team Clarkson and May would have been stranded quite early on.
Now Hammond did a real good job. Not at all easy. I don't remember seeing his support team helping him out. So I give the win to Hammond. Clarkson cheated and no, it's a really stupid idea to take a car to the North Pole.
And I wish they'd shut up about " oh this climate change is a conspiracy" crap too. It's getting old and I want to see cars..
But anyway, a laugh. Top Gear is more a comedy nowadays.
I watched it in 1080p yesterday. Absolutely excellent picture, everybody with a quick internet and a good screen: get that one!

I'm not so sure about the content though. What they archieved was impressive, but after seeing it, I immediately felt like I'd rather have seen a new normal TG episode.
Brilliant Episode! Something new but it was more about them then about cars but great all the same.

That Toyota Hilux was the business, fully kitted out, it even had invinsible written on the side of the door! Nice custom truck, imagine having one just going to the shops of something! I really do find it hard to believe that that was the first time a car has never gone to the pole but all the same it was a great challenge.

Hats off to Hammond who always seems to get the raw deal because the other two are rather lazy but he put alot of effort into it and I was also abit dissapointed when he didnt win, you could hear how bad he felt on the sat phone when clarkson rang him... I had thought that maybe the dogs would have been a much better choice, but Clarksons lack of care for living is what got them there so fast...

Clarkson was talking about how hard it was, well not really when you have like 3 support trucks, heating and no physical effort! Its only clarksons stupidiy that broke it, I really cringed everytime he smashed it into solid ice, you could hear all that expensive undercarrige smashing to bits...

I also expected there to be some kind of monument, or pole at the north pole, was abit dissapointed when it was just a GPS location.

My best bits were...

Clarkson was pushed into the ice water in testing,
The bit when they had gin and tonic,
May guarding the toilet with the shotgun,
Clarkson driving off with May on the toilet,
Clarkson finding white wine,
Clarkson smashing the truck up,
Clarkson getting the nut frozen in his mouth. :lol:

Really great stuff, one to keep when I find the time to download it but ive got it on tape for now... It seemed that not alot actually happened in this episode but it was aleast something. Cant wait till the next series, pity its like only 6 episodes again, I think they need to get back to doing more car stuff.

I've been finding recently that with the series we're getting here in NZ (the one where they did the roadworks outside some town, and May caned the Veyron) to be more an entertainment show with cars, rather than an entertaining show about cars.

I still like the new show, and it is entertaining, but I think they should really concentrate on testing and reviewing the new cars rather than looking at one car for 15mins then having one of their stories/adventures for the other 45.

I used to love the races they did (Veyron vs. plane, SLR vs. boat etc.) but they were only once or twice a season. It seems like they're having an adventure like that every episode now.

Sure is a change in direction, but I guess it's working for them. And there's always 5th Gear for car news/reviews...
Yeah, that's the most recent series which was filmed just before, during and after Richards hospitalisation, and that was probably largly to do with it. But JC was asking for what people wanted to see in the next series on his blog, the general consensus was to keep it a fun and entertainng show but put more car tests in. That's pretty much how I replied too.
I also expected there to be some kind of monument, or pole at the north pole, was abit dissapointed when it was just a GPS location.


The North Pole is not on a land mass, rather a frozen sea (admittedly a permanently frozen one)....


...so placing a monument would be pointless as the ice does move, so it would end up in the wrong place.


I watched it in 1080p yesterday. Absolutely excellent picture, everybody with a quick internet and a good screen: get that one!

I'm not so sure about the content though. What they archieved was impressive, but after seeing it, I immediately felt like I'd rather have seen a new normal TG episode.
I hope BBC HD improves there HDCP so they can stamp out people downloading future HD episodes.
Had a quick look at Resolute on Google earth....


...not exactly the biggest place around. Also a quick look at the trip itself...


...damn that's a journey and a half.

I just watched the episode and i loved it.
I was a big fan of the ArcticTrucks before, but never saw them in action in a good quality video.

It was really funny when Clarkson drove away with May on the toilet :)

Here is a link to the Acrtic Trucks webpage:

this would be fun to drive around:
I almost felt sorry for James and Jeremy when they reached the lumps of ice and were stuck there for 3 days. They looked genuinly worried and worn. No doubt Hammond was completely shattered afterwards as well.

Great episode though!