Unexplained experiences

I can see some grey shapes on the sides of the window, but the image is a bit too pixelated to define anything. And remember that everyone else viewing the image has not seen if for themselves in real life, so they can't make the connection between the grey shapes and what you saw in the windows... I think, or did you just do a selfie thing in order to capture it, and you can't see it if you actually look at it?
I took a selfie with my mate in the kitchen because that's where most weird things happen. We tried to capture something and we found that in the photo. Its a bit weird, I`ll try to get more information about the house.
I took a selfie with my mate in the kitchen because that's where most weird things happen. We tried to capture something and we found that in the photo. Its a bit weird, I`ll try to get more information about the house.
As an additional experiment, try taking random photos of empty fields, open bodies of water and patches of sky, but being careful to include some object for scale. Later, check them carefully for the appearance any unusual object that you didn't see when you took the photo. It's possible that your experiences have more to do with you or your friend than with the house itself. Sometimes young men have a "wild talent" they don't understand and can't control, yet have it they do.
This thread is awesome. I personally have no interesting stories, but I love to hear all of your experiences. Also, @Dotini, how do you know all about these unexplained occurrences?
This thread is awesome. I personally have no interesting stories, but I love to hear all of your experiences. Also, @Dotini, how do you know all about these unexplained occurrences?

As a youth, I had some of these experiences, but they went away as I aged. I had several close friends with similar experiences. I did some experimenting. I subsequently made a hobby of reading the available literature. I have quite a library of aberrant literature.
As a youth, I had some of these experiences, but they went away as I aged. I had several close friends with similar experiences. I did some experimenting. I subsequently made a hobby of reading the available literature. I have quite a library of aberrant literature.

Oh. Ok. I had a really nice teacher last year who was into that New Age/modern hippie stuff and she sometimes said that kids are more "perceptive" of energy. It doesn't sound true to me, but your posts reminded me of her talking about that.
Oh. Ok. I had a really nice teacher last year who was into that New Age/modern hippie stuff and she sometimes said that kids are more "perceptive" of energy. It doesn't sound true to me, but your posts reminded me of her talking about that.

It does make sense in a way, because younger kids haven't been taught a particular way of thinking. They are yet to be jaded or forced into what is the normal of what seems to be "socially acceptable thinking." If you show someone a beautiful sight, and they don't want to see beauty, most of the time they're not going to see the beauty in what they're seeing. When a person is very young, their subconscious is still willing to accept whatever it sees, but I think as you get older, that subconscious starts to block things from your conscious mind. Hence why we get more "mature."

But remember, I am probably half talking out of my arse right now, because all I'm doing is making a theory on the spot... I do that often, like the time I considered the idea of your "life flashing before your eyes before you die" thing as your brain moving your conscious memory to your subconscious memory so you can't remember your now past life in your new current life and you don't remember birth because your subconscious is still moving a new nearly blank mind for you to fill in that life... And some people are sometimes hypnotized (if successfully done) into their subconscious speaking of it. Though the person has to believe that they have the knowledge somewhere in their head for it to work.

It makes sense to me (sort of), but to anyone who has intellectual/academic knowledge it is absurd, ridiculous and extremely unlikely. Though I do agree with the unlikely bit.
A long time ago, around 2010, at 3 AM, our car started up by itself, and drove a few meters by itself without any mode of remote-control or driver.
One or two, but these days I'm more than aware of how the mind can play tricks - so I'm highly skeptical of any stories relating to suggested paranormal occurrences.
I was walking on the street with my brother one night, we noticed that the Moon was bigger than usual, we stared at it for a couple of seconds and we inmediately noticed an object flying very quickly through the sky (it passed right beside the Moon), my brother only said "It must be an experimental Aircraft or an asteroid" we were still looking at it and then it made a 90 degree turn to the left, that was really scary :ill:

Have you ever heard of the story that someone hears his mother calling him from the kitchen, and when he is heading there, his mother tells him "Don't go, I also heard it".

It has happened to me :boggled:.

And shadow people, freaking shadow people.
When I was little I had a batman digital alarm clock in my bedroom. I never used the alarm function, my parents always woke me up for school. About once every six months this clock would go off in the middle of the night and play radio music at max volume, scaring the crap out of me every time it happened. Upon inspection, I always found that the alarm setting was never on. There was no explanation for why it was going off. Eventually I decided to get a new clock, and Batman was sold in a yard sale. I wonder if it's new owner is having the same experiences with it.
I saw what I considered a UFO once. In a literal sense, it was a flying object I could not identify.

Then I remembered that my town is on the flightpath for a lot of air force activity, and that I didn't have my glasses on at the time.

Myth: Busted
I have witnessed some odd going's on in my own house, the mother in law describes them as visits from spooks.
My wife was told by a psychic not to worry about spirits in her house as it is her family just keeping an eye on us. The psychic was never told we have weird goings on before her meeting with the wife.

I really struggle to accept ghosts are real I have been on official ghost hunts and to be honest was disappointed.
I kept an open mind and was not sucked in to "it's dark we have been told it's haunted" as when you believe it is haunted I think your brain can play tricks on you. I witnessed nothing which couldn't be explained rationally alas some people who were there believed they saw a ghost. It was proven to be a shadow of a bird outside flying off from a tree and the shadow cast through the window on to the wall and moved as the bird flew.
Many of people have reported seen ghosts I never have seen one if I do my opinion will change.
It doesn't help the cause of understanding what really is going on when so many fake films on youtube and ghost apparitions are proven false.
I have read a lot of publications from respected analysts for and against the argument and am still not convinced there is proof it is real. There is a grave which the story goes is a witch whom reappeared at home after her funeral. so they dug her up beheaded her buried the coffin the other way around. I have been here many a time and tried all the hocus pocus sayings and all sorts and got nothing, Yet others have reported positive findings from carrying out the same tests.
A quick link is http://fullerlegend.hubpages.com/hub/The-legend-of-the-Burslem-witch-Molly-Lee this explains the basics.

Right. That's my sleep for tonight gone.

View attachment 228169 Was at my mates house at 5 in the morning and we found Thomas the ghost and his friend. Like I said before his house is haunted. And no it isn't the light either, because a lot of weird stuff seems to happen around that window. I`ll try to get more pictures of the window up.

Why were you up at 5am and why did you decide to take that photo at that precise time?
If you get the time can you set up a video camara on the window all night or sit there yourself and explain any strange goings on. Just a quick test I have done in the past when a certain area of a house is the focal point of apparitions.
Cheers and don't be worried. It is just something you cannot explain which normal human nature turns to fear when there is nothing to fear, you have been there before with what appears no problem so you can do it again.
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When I was at university, I held a position that saw me running a residential college out of business hours. It was a job I shared with a few others, but since I was the eldest, I quickly became Crisis Guy. For the most part, the job was limited to opening up rooms for residents who had locked themselves out, or moving groups of drunks along. Occasionally, we'd have an attempted break-in or someone tripping a fire alarm. But one call-out stood out in my mind.

It was about 1:30am in the morning when I got a call about a disturbance at the far end of the college. It was freezing cold, and fog was rolling in. I got down there, but there was no sign of any trouble. I spent ten minutes checking everything out, but to no avail. I left when I got another call after a master fuse blew out, and that took most of the night to resolve.

The next morning we found bright pink oil-based paint - the kind used by surveyors - all over the place, and a pile of tricycles in the middle of nowhere.
Throughout this year and random but periodic times at night I have woken up for no reason at all.

For every night one week I kept waking up at 3am.
Then two weeks later I woke up every night at 4am.
Then two weeks after that I woke up at 5am.
Lately I've been waking up at 5.30am for a few consecutive nights.

Probably not as weird as some of the stories on here but still weird.
Throughout this year and random but periodic times at night I have woken up for no reason at all.

For every night one week I kept waking up at 3am.
Then two weeks later I woke up every night at 4am.
Then two weeks after that I woke up at 5am.
Lately I've been waking up at 5.30am for a few consecutive nights.

Probably not as weird as some of the stories on here but still weird.
That`s been happening to me as well. Makes me even more tired in the morning for school, I think its common.
Never really had a paranormal experience, but I've had a minor case of sleep paralysis once. Basically, your sleeping soundly and then all of a sudden, you experience what can only be described as someone trying to squeeze the life out of you. It felt like someone had grabbed my quilt and was pushing down against my chest. Super strange, considering I can't physically create the feeling whilst laying flat on my back but it felt like someone was definitely pressing down on me. I woke up shocked and confused, went back to sleep but researched it a few days later. When I found out it was very common and all the things your hear about it I was creeped out for a few days. Definitely something I don't want to experience anytime soon.
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Throughout this year and random but periodic times at night I have woken up for no reason at all.

For every night one week I kept waking up at 3am.
Then two weeks later I woke up every night at 4am.
Then two weeks after that I woke up at 5am.
Lately I've been waking up at 5.30am for a few consecutive nights.

Probably not as weird as some of the stories on here but still weird.

I had similar to this but when I researched it I found out the answer. It was because I was trying to give up smoking, a very popular thing to happen when going through nicotine withdrawal.

Never really had a paranormal experience, but I've had a minor case of sleep paralysis once. Basically, your sleeping soundly and then all of a sudden, you experience what can only be described as someone trying to squeeze the life out of you. It felt like someone had grabbed my quilt and was pushing down against my chest. Super strange, considering I can't physically create the feeling whilst laying flat on my back but it felt like someone was definitely pressing down on me. I woke up shocked and confused, went back to sleep but researched it a few days later. When I found out it was very common and all the things your hear about it I was creeped out for a few days. Definitely something I don't want to experience anytime soon.

I also had this happen to me, woken with a force pushing me down in to my bed rendering my movement useless, as I didn't like or understand it I became very aggressive with a "get the ***k off me you do not scare me" shout in an aggressive voice and instantly the force was gone. Imagine what a fool I felt when I researched it and realised it was a common trick the body plays on us. It was me versus the dark force for a moment :dunce:
Forgot to say my wife still gives me stick about it, when she is a bit down I say "Baby GET THE ***K OFF ME" always makes her smile.
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Never really had a paranormal experience, but I've had a minor case of sleep paralysis once. Basically, your sleeping soundly and then all of a sudden, you experience what can only be described as someone trying to squeeze the life out of you. It felt like someone had grabbed my quilt and was pushing down against my chest. Super strange, considering I can't physically create the feeling whilst laying flat on my back but it felt like someone was definitely pressing down on me. I woke up shocked and confused, went back to sleep but researched it a few days later. When I found out it was very common and all the things your hear about it I was creeped out for a few days. Definitely something I don't want to experience anytime soon.

Yeah, I thought I was possessed when I had sleeping paralysis. I just didn't feel like myself.

As for my story... It was a normal school day, and I had actually slept well. I got up with ease, stretching, on my way to the bathroom. But it felt cold and it was fall, so I don't know why it was open. I'm positive my dad closed the door. My mom always goes through the garage and while eating, she said she didn't go through the front door. Nothing was stolen, so I figured maybe the door wasn't closed right. Or maybe it was a ghost...
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I often see strange lights in the sky, they look like stars but fly strange maneuvers, do instant-stop and goes like there is no gravity and do zig-zag patterns until they either stop till dawn or vanish in the horizon. Altitude varies, some seem very far away but I have seen very bright and large ones under the clouds, much bigger than any plane.
They only appear in very hot summer nights, and I've watched those with friends so I have many witnesses. Some lights can be observed for several minutes. I live in a very rural area and I like to go for walks in the night in the early morning hours, thats where I make most of those observations.

Also years ago I experienced a strange phenomena for a couple of weeks, every time I was on the border of falling asleep some random object fell from a desk somewhere in my room, or some object tipped over, like a lamp, waking me up. It was very annoying. One night my clock fell from my desk, and I remember to 100% that I placed said clock in the middle of the large desk, like I always do. Windows and doors are always closed so wind didn't cause the objects to fall.

Once I got a call from the telephone in my house even though there was nobody at home and the doors were locked. No one was on the other end but I heard strange cracking and static sounds. Back at home I couldn't find any problems with the phone and the receiver was on the phone.

I often hear a female voice call my name, so clearly that I answer until I realize that I'm alone. The voice sounds unfamiliar and strange.

When I was a kid I once saw the handle of the door to my room (locked) go down very slowly, even though my parents were out that night. It was definitely not a hallucination.
Nobody was at home but me. It wasn't a prank either, I was SO scared my parents would have told me if it had been one. Later I checked the house and there wasn't anybody there but me.
That experience kind of changed me.
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