Unexplained experiences

The only unexplained experience I've ever had was an empty water bottle slide across my dresser randomly one night. There were no windows open. It was probably just someone closing a door or something. :lol:
I often hear a female voice call my name, so clearly that I answer until I realize that I'm alone. The voice sounds unfamiliar and strange.

Yeah, I've had that as well, quite a few times. Was it when you were going to sleep? Because usually that's when I have it. I think it's sort of the same part of your mind that you dream with, and you haven't quite fallen asleep yet, so it brings you back to being fully aware because you don't expect it.

Have you ever heard of the story that someone hears his mother calling him from the kitchen, and when he is heading there, his mother tells him "Don't go, I also heard it."

The Government are doing tests to replicate household voices so they can use familiar voices to control you. /conspiracy :P
Yeah, I've had that as well, quite a few times. Was it when you were going to sleep? Because usually that's when I have it. I think it's sort of the same part of your mind that you dream with, and you haven't quite fallen asleep yet, so it brings you back to being fully aware because you don't expect it.
I actually hear it randomly during the day, usually when I'm alone. But not every day though.
Famous professional skeptic Michael Shermer finally encountering something he can’t explain, and he’s admitting to it in Scientific American of all places. The event in question took place…on the day he got married. It has to do with his wife, her deceased grandfather, and his transistor radio, which Shermer unsuccessfully tried to fix three months previously…until it turned on by itself and played a romantic love song as they were getting married at their home. To top it off, the radio stopped working the next day and it has remained silent ever since. Shermer finds the usual explanations—that’s love for you, an electrical anomaly, the law of large numbers, extremely unlikely events, etc.—more than a little lacking. And he ends his account with these words: “…we should not shut the doors of perception when they may be opened to us to marvel in the mysterious.”
Famous professional skeptic Michael Shermer finally encountering something he can’t explain, and he’s admitting to it in Scientific American of all places. The event in question took place…on the day he got married. It has to do with his wife, her deceased grandfather, and his transistor radio, which Shermer unsuccessfully tried to fix three months previously…until it turned on by itself and played a romantic love song as they were getting married at their home. To top it off, the radio stopped working the next day and it has remained silent ever since. Shermer finds the usual explanations—that’s love for you, an electrical anomaly, the law of large numbers, extremely unlikely events, etc.—more than a little lacking. And he ends his account with these words: “…we should not shut the doors of perception when they may be opened to us to marvel in the mysterious.”

You know which class of people encounter unexplained events on more or less a daily basis?


Scientific research is triggered by people observing phenomena for which they have no ready explanation. So they poke and prod and tinker until either they understand or they run out of funding or they fall over dead.

Anyone who claims they have never encountered something they couldn't explain is lying. Any scientist or skeptic that claims that they have never encountered anything that they couldn't explain should be taken outside and beaten with a stick. Including the fool that wrote that article. If he's old enough and educated enough to be writing articles for the Scientific American, the odds of him actually having never witnessed anything that he couldn't explain are infinitesimal.

The odds of him not being observant enough to notice the things he couldn't explain are much higher, but that just means that he's a blind idiot. Generally, we tend not to pay attention to what blind idiots have to say.
when I was little, 12 years old or arround that age, I was in my bedroom with all lights off because I was scolded by my mom and I was really angry, then all of a sudden I start hearing something like a "grrrr" I was paralyzed, then I've heard it again, I've jumped off the bed and got the hell outta of the room, to this day I really don't know what in the hell that was, I say to myself that I imagined it, or a cat got into the house and I didn't noticed or whatever, it was really weird, also I used to have a lot of "deja vu" moments, one I recall was during a birthday, I don't remember exactly what my dad told me but he said to me word by word what I was thinking, and I started to laugh out loud, of course my dad stared at me like "the hell's wrong with you." I had this happen to me when I was young, it's been years since something like this happened to me, as far as I know, the deja vu it's just a sensation and you actually think that you "been there before," but it's a very weird and unique feeling nonetheless.
I had similar to this but when I researched it I found out the answer. It was because I was trying to give up smoking, a very popular thing to happen when going through nicotine withdrawal.

I've never smoked in my life. So it's something else that's causing it for me.
Has anybody ever had a Paranormal experience? For anybody that doesn't know what one is, well basically you`ve seen/felt something that was not there. Like a ghost for example. Here is a TRUE story, no FAKE one`s please. Well whenever I go to bed in my Grandads house on a Saturday night, I can always feel something leaning on me and I can sense somebody watching me. Also whenever I try to go to sleep, I can hear someone else breathing in the other side of the room. Not to mention my Nan has passed away in the house.
Yes and more than one.
I went to Allied Carpets once and there wasn't a sale on.

It's strange how ghosts, spirits, and apparitions only appear on blurred potato quality pictures taken by cameras with an ISO of 6400.

Absolutely, a lot of myths dispelled by the complete lack of photo evidence. In this day and age it's unimaginable.

And if ghosts exist why are they so selective? And if there were insect ghosts it'd be mad! Just think, trillions of them, and the rats.... I could go on! :)
I also had this happen to me, woken with a force pushing me down in to my bed rendering my movement useless, as I didn't like or understand it I became very aggressive with a "get the ***k off me you do not scare me" shout in an aggressive voice and instantly the force was gone. Imagine what a fool I felt when I researched it and realised it was a common trick the body plays on us. It was me versus the dark force for a moment :dunce:
Forgot to say my wife still gives me stick about it, when she is a bit down I say "Baby GET THE ***K OFF ME" always makes her smile.

Haha that's awesome :D, you've got to laugh at things like this or you end up losing your head. Still it didn't help me when I first researched my experience to find a whole ton of web pages banging on about demons and old hags trying to posses your body :nervous:. I would like to know for sure what happened to me that night, but if one things for certain it's that I won't forget the feeling I had anytime soon. Very surreal moment for me.
Well after piping some popcorn and reading some of this storys I must say they are creepy, anything creepy happens to be I will just drive my truck around.
Another very strange experience I had recently: My 9-year-old nephew came to stay over for a couple days, because his parents went on some business trip, and since we didn't prepare a bedroom for him, he had to share mine. He falls asleep later than I do, and one morning he told me that he heard giggling in the room and he looked at my bed and said he saw a shapeless mass and a faint light, so he presumed I was on my phone, under the blankets after the lights got turned off.
He said that it happened at about half-past midnight. However, I could clearly remember turning off the bedroom lights at 11 on the dot, and falling asleep not long afterwards.
Couple years ago a friend of mine and myself were on a walk by my house. Found an unknown ATV trail so we walked up it. There was a wierd circular clearing. He went to go urinate in the bushes and this thing jumped up and sprinted away. Could hardly see it. Looks like a deer but it was entirely red head to toe, had antlers and ran on two legs like a human faster than anything I've seen run. He ended up peeing on himself and we booked it out of there.

Came back a year or so later and there was like this hut thing like a lean-to built as a shelter in the trees on the opposite side and a bunch of paintings on the trees saying "the devil" with odd markings and names.
Me and my brother have always slept on a bunk bed, but recently he started to sleep on the couch because his bed (the one at the top) is now pretty small for him.

I've always felt like the whole structure of the bed was shaking, I blamed it to my brother because he has very bad sleeping habits (moving, talking and yelling).

Now that he's sleeping on the sofa I still feel like the whole thing is shaking, even when I'm laying still, without trying to make any move, the bunk bed is making a shaking movement.
Me and my brother have always slept on a bunk bed, but recently he started to sleep on the couch because his bed (the one at the top) is now pretty small for him.

I've always felt like the whole structure of the bed was shaking, I blamed it to my brother because he has very bad sleeping habits (moving, talking and yelling).

Now that he's sleeping on the sofa I still feel like the whole thing is shaking, even when I'm laying still, without trying to make any move, the bunk bed is making a shaking movement.

As silly as it sounds... see a doctor, could be an inner-ear problem ;)
Saturday, I bought a lottery ticket and didn't win. Explain that! It is truly an unexplained experience.
Something weird is happening on an island north of Papua New Guinea. In December, a Chinese-registed ship identified as the Liao Yuan Yu 68 and believed to be an illegal fishing vessel ran aground on a remote island. When locals investigated, they found three bodies in the ship's freezer. Investigators from Port Morseby got there in the past few days (the island is very remote), and have discovered that the ship was deliberately run aground, and they believe that the fire was no accident.

And there are no bodies in the freezer.

This story, which is currently all over the internet, is as close as it ever gets to a true supernatural phenomenon, or Fortean event.

The woman in the car was already dead, submerged upside down in water and the baby was dangling just above the water in the backseat. A female, adult voice very clearly told the first responders exactly where to go in order to rescue the little girl. The witnesses agree that the voice came from inside the car. And those witnesses? They were two firefighters and three police officers.
This story, which is currently all over the internet, is as close as it ever gets to a true supernatural phenomenon, or Fortean event.

The woman in the car was already dead, submerged upside down in water and the baby was dangling just above the water in the backseat. A female, adult voice very clearly told the first responders exactly where to go in order to rescue the little girl. The witnesses agree that the voice came from inside the car. And those witnesses? They were two firefighters and three police officers.
That one is easy to explain because Fly:

Worms are falling on Norway. Again.
  • worms-getty-v2.jpg

    Heaven sent: Other falling creatures

    * Between AD 77 and AD 79 the Roman writer Pliny the Elder recorded a storm of frogs and fish in his Natural History.

    * Showers of live minnow and smooth-tailed sticklebacks fell on Aberdare, Wales, 11 February 1859.

    * On 21 May 1921 thousands of frogs fell on Gibraltar during a thunderstorm.

    * On 4 March 1998 a shower in Shirley, Croydon, included a large number of dead frogs.

    * A heavy storm in Acapulco, Mexico, on 5 October 1967, was accompanied by maggots around 1in long.

    * Dozens of fish, later identified as flounder and smelt, were found in gardens and on roofs in the borough of Newham in east London, following a thunderstorm on the night of 27-28 May 1984.

    * On 17 May 1996 a fall of more than 20 small fish was witnessed at Hatfield in Hertfordshire.

    * A shower of apples brought rush-hour traffic to a halt in Coundon, Coventry on 5 December 2011.
This story, which is currently all over the internet, is as close as it ever gets to a true supernatural phenomenon, or Fortean event.

The woman in the car was already dead, submerged upside down in water and the baby was dangling just above the water in the backseat. A female, adult voice very clearly told the first responders exactly where to go in order to rescue the little girl. The witnesses agree that the voice came from inside the car. And those witnesses? They were two firefighters and three police officers.

When it was first reported last month it was said that the emergency services were called by a fisherman who'd found the baby in the car. I'm always a bit suspicious when a story gets re-juiced so long after a fact.