Uninstalled the game back in March because of the in-game economy…

  • Thread starter Strittan
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There are 4 high earning races that everyone uses to grind for credits: Spa, Le Mans, Sardegna and Tokio. You can also make some decent money golding the circuit experiences. Other than that, earnings are still inadequate.
I haven't played it for a month or so, but I know one thing for certain, the economy sure as hell isn't worse than it was at launch.

You hate the game, you made that clear when it launched and in the weeks immediately after, what are you hoping to achieve here?
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Also, if you gold all the circuit experiences you'll get 48 million. That's a decent starting budget. And as others pointed out, there are a few races where you can get 700-800k within 30 minutes.

That's good enough. It doesn't have to throw money around
Also, if you gold all the circuit experiences you'll get 48 million. That's a decent starting budget. And as others pointed out, there are a few races where you can get 700-800k within 30 minutes.

That's good enough. It doesn't have to throw money around
Good enough? Compared to what? What’s the fun in grinding for hours to afford one particular car in a game literally based on collecting cars?

I guess every rational person left this place months ago. Only the fanboys are still here now, obviously. Happy grinding, kids!
Probably because they're enjoying it. You don't have to of course, each to their own.
I question if the majority of members here are 'enjoying' GT7 given the frequent ranting theads and posts.

Some are giving it the game the benefit of the doubt until things get better (they wont) or you have shills and plants on here trying to convince you every major flaw and game crash is your own fault or due to lack of skill.
Just decided to reinstall it, and it turns out that if anything, things have gotten even worse. What the hell is happening? Why are people still playing this piece of **** game?
I guess people have different standards and for some people economy doesn't matter or they just accept current economy because after so many patches nothing has changed in this matter so it is what it is.

There was also period of Tokyo 3,2kk with tomahawk and engine ticket glitch so there was some time to make millions. Tough luck for those who missed out.

I had hope that they will atleast adjust prizes of every race to 2 millions per hour so all single player and sport mode events would be worth my time but I guess I was naive.

I can see perspective of new player who can be annoyed with how long it takes to grind for the collection but we can't do much because PD doesn't listen and also maybe the percentage of those people who want to have 439/439 isn't big enough for PD to care.

So you can decide to have fun with what you have or just play different games (what I did).
I question if the majority of members here are 'enjoying' GT7 given the frequent ranting theads and posts.
Honestly, I agree that GTP is primarily people who don't seem to like GT7. That said, at least two of the most regular posters don't even own the game, and as weird as I find that it's their choice to post daily about it.

GTP during "peak" GTS felt like a very positive place where people helped each other out. The daily races thread back then played a big part in my improvement from a clumsy B driver to a mostly competent A+ driver. Since then a good number of those people have moved to various Discord servers where that theme has continued.

Conversations about GT7 on discord aren't 100% positive echo chambers as some people might say or think, but the conversations are constructive/humorous and aren't the endless ranting you often see here.

Like I said, each to their own. Some people do actually enjoy GT7 despite its flaws, of which there are many. Personally, if I don't enjoy a game I just play something else, as is my choice.
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