[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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I'm not arguing, just stating a fact. Do you have something that contradicts me or are you just going to quote the Constitution? If you'd like to see what that portion of the Constitution means to the individual right to bear arms see District of Columbia vs. Heller.
Better than what? I'm not siding with anyone I'm just pointing out that there is no contradiction between supporting Trump's position on Muslim extremist terrorism and the right to bear arms as @HELLAFLUSH240SX asserted here .

There is though. You can't argue for the innocence of one group while proclaiming the guilt of another.
Interesting link - however I reckon this is different because it is relatively easy to classify people based on a physical characteristic, a nationality or something written on a certificate or a passport - not so easy to identify who is a Muslim and who isn't - without making blanket assumptions and hence banning a whole bunch of people who are not Muslim into the bargain. Either way it would be extremely counterproductive and rather pointless - every person traveling to and from the US would experience massive inconvenience and intrusion into their private business, and it would have a severe impact on the economy as well - and for what end?
I love it when people use the term "inchoate".


Stanford’s Kennedy pointed to “inchoate, diffuse, free floating anxiety” brought on by economic strains, the nation’s inability to extract itself from Middle East wars and a generally unsettled world as other causes for Trump’s appeal. He also noted that in contrast to times past, what once held extreme expressions in check no longer does.

“We’ve known for a long time that we’re just less trustful as a people,” he said. “We have less confidence in our major institutions and our leaders. . . . He gets denounced routinely when he does these things and everyone gets up and says this is not a voice we should listen to. But nobody has credibility on the other side. Nobody has the cultural authority to put this guy down. . . . All the condemnation in the world falls on deaf ears.”
While I think what Trump has said is beyond stupid, the fact that he said it is arguably smarter than it appears... Trump is headline news even in the UK, and he's portraying himself as the candidate who is prepared to say what others wouldn't say in a million years, and brings contentious issues to the forefront of the debate.

By making such remarks, Trump is controlling the debate and dominating the media, making his opponents look weak and ineffective - either by making it look like they are siding with the Democrats, or, worse still, making it look like his opponents kind of agree with him but don't have the balls to say it themselves. Either way, I reckon it could just end up doing Trump's campaign more good than bad.
Petition to prohibit Donald Trump from entering the UK has reached 200,000 signatures. This warrants an official discussion in Parliament. Now, this can (and probably will be) a simple "Members of the House, this petition is a load of rubbish" and they'll move on but it's certainly sending a message.

And that message is... don't feed the trolls. He's the Katie Hopkins of the United States. If everyone turns their backs, he will go away very quickly.
Bernie Sanders won TIME's Person of the Year Award by Readers poll, yet TIME still chose Mrs. Merkel. It is quite respectable though, Sanders isn't president yet, but if he were no doubt he would be it.

Looking at other candidates, Carly Fiorina comes in just below Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the former leader of ISIS...

She also said she's a lump of coal... Okay..

Isn't Time's Person of the Year award based on who has had - for better or worse - the biggest impact on the news? IIRC Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was 2nd in that list.
Isn't Time's Person of the Year award based on who has had - for better or worse - the biggest impact on the news? IIRC Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was 2nd in that list.
That might have caused a bit of a problem when it came to arranging the award ceremony, or where to send the winner's cheque and flowers etc.

If anybody deserve to be Time Person of the Year its no other than Ron Paul or Walter E. Williams. In fact both should be PotY at the same time, but then again I can't imagine the latter ever being PotY as he doesn't follow the blame game orthodoxy.

Anyhow I find this article quite hiliarous...truth is, Trump might be bad in but in reality it the very policies of the Pentagon and its masters in the White House which is fueling ISIS. The Only thing Trump is doing is merely repeating everything the Pentagon have been saying for decades.

If anybody deserve to be Time Person of the Year its no other than Ron Paul or Walter E. Williams. In fact both should be PotY at the same time, but then again I can't imagine the latter ever being PotY as he doesn't follow the blame game orthodoxy.

Anyhow I find this article quite hiliarous...truth is, Trump might be bad in but in reality it the very policies of the Pentagon and its masters in the White House which is fueling ISIS. The Only thing Trump is doing is merely repeating everything the Pentagon have been saying for decades.


Bonkers. At least you didn't make a thread :D
Isn't Time's Person of the Year award based on who has had - for better or worse - the biggest impact on the news? IIRC Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was 2nd in that list.
Second for their choice, but not the readers choice...
While I think what Trump has said is beyond stupid, the fact that he said it is arguably smarter than it appears... Trump is headline news even in the UK, and he's portraying himself as the candidate who is prepared to say what others wouldn't say in a million years, and brings contentious issues to the forefront of the debate.

By making such remarks, Trump is controlling the debate and dominating the media, making his opponents look weak and ineffective - either by making it look like they are siding with the Democrats, or, worse still, making it look like his opponents kind of agree with him but don't have the balls to say it themselves. Either way, I reckon it could just end up doing Trump's campaign more good than bad.
His entire campaign has been that way from the beginning. Every little controversy he stirs up only ends up putting him in the headlines & for some reason or another, his numbers either go up or are hardly affected. He says a lot of stupid things, but he has some small base for where he comes from. He is appealing to the crowd who is tired of the PC trend that everyone needs hugs & kisses, and bad words are no-no's.
Because it's a logical inconsistency.

They also combine to form a very clear case of having one's cake and eating it too.
About as logically inconsistent as saying that you like baseball caps and your favourite colour is green...while you're wearing a blue fedora. In other words not at all.
British public's attempt to stop the Trump drifting in reaches almost half-a-million signatures, more than any other uGov petition. Several politicians are pointing out that other well-known public speakers have been barred from UK entry through hate speech and they wonder why a Trump should smell any different. Nicola Sturgeon has removed him as a business adviser and he's had his honorary degree from Robert Gordon University removed.

Trump blows back; UK politicians should thank him for what he's done to for Scotland. BBC.

I lost it when he referred to "respected columnist Katie Hopkins" and said that she knows the truth about "Britain's Muslim problem".
You know things are quite serious when Muhammad Ali makes a comment related to it. I didn't know he even spoke in public anymore since falling quite ill!
Trump seriously has issues though, whether he is a racist or a bigot or just mentally ill somehow, I do not know.
In the last few days, Trump has increased his lead in the polls; 35% nationally, 38% in South Carolina, more than doubling his nearest opponent, Ted Cruz.

It seems that the more the elite media and political establishment howl in rage and pain, the happier the peasantry becomes. Too bad, but they are allowed to vote, democracy always being a double-edged sword.

It might seem Trump is a curious throwback to a simpler time when the world system was made of nations working in behalf of their own citizens.

Trump seriously has issues though, whether he is a racist or a bigot or just mentally ill somehow, I do not know.

In the astonishing event that Trump actually prevails, I suppose we would then be required to openly acknowledge what was true all along, that Americans are mentally ill and bigoted racists. In violent and troubled times, appeals to "public safety" have always drawn out the worst in us. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
He says a lot of stupid things, but he has some small base for where he comes from. He is appealing to the crowd who is tired of the PC trend that everyone needs hugs & kisses, and bad words are no-no's.
Disclaimer: I'm not talking about your personal position, I know this post doesn't mean you actually support Trump. I doubt you do and I'm not calling you a supporter of him. I'm not talking about your ideas specifically so much as the general way his campaign has been portrayed and talked about.

I am really not a fan of characterizing Trump as a reaction to a vaguely defined "PC trend". If Trump is supposedly the proportional response then I think that says more about him and his supporters than about any sort of political correctness. The discourse on Trump (and a lot of topics on this board) really smacks of the South Park "there's 2 sides, and they're both crazy!" idea. There's not really a reasoned middle ground here between the status quo and "wall off Mexico and create a registry of muslims". Donald Trump isn't the equally crazy counterpart to Bernie Sanders. The reasoned counterpoint to "consider not using slurs or sexist language" isn't "be as incendiary as you want because free speech and the constitution".

I get that there's a lot of anti-establishment movements in western countries these days, but just because there's issues with the establishment doesn't mean any anti-establishment movement is a good thing. It's pretty easy to envision a world where anti establishment politicians like Trump are far worse for the world than Obama or Clinton (or Romney or Bush v. 2.0/3.0)
About as logically inconsistent as saying that you like baseball caps and your favourite colour is green...while you're wearing a blue fedora. In other words not at all.

You can't actually believe this. Are you really that myopic?
In the astonishing event that Trump actually prevails, I suppose we would then be required to openly acknowledge what was true all along, that Americans are mentally ill and bigoted racists. In violent and troubled times, appeals to "public safety" have always drawn out the worst in us. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

Only some Americans, mostly those voting for him. If I remember rightly, the election turnouts have been pretty low and of all the Americans I have got to know on a personal level, I have to say that they are wonderful human beings and I couldn't have asked for better friends. I am quite confident though that come election time America will do a good job of voting.
Only some Americans, mostly those voting for him. If I remember rightly, the election turnouts have been pretty low and of all the Americans I have got to know on a personal level, I have to say that they are wonderful human beings and I couldn't have asked for better friends. I am quite confident though that come election time America will do a good job of voting.

For what? Another socialist?

Self loathing drove Great Britain from being one of the greatest empires ever, over which the the sun never set, to being a bankrupt shell of its former self that has being the ultimate immigration destination for angry muslims as it last great achievement.

Quite a change yeah?

I guess it is not surprising then that these are the aspirations projected onto every other successful western nation by its dejected subjects.
A good job of voting would mean voting something other than Demopublicans.

Can't see that happen in the foreseeable future.

Yes, I suppose not. Whoever is picked will eventually just follow the ideals of the party and some group, somewhere will always be left out. But still, at least voting and nicest and most respectful candidate maybe? He/She may not do everything right but at least they could do a number of things right.
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