Unlimited number of engine swaps

  • Thread starter Szami67
I love getting all of these invitations to buy exotic cars I have zero interest in.

I have managed to get a 500k ticket. Followed immediately by a 10k ticket. :rolleyes:
Yeah... Those invitations are useless. Especially that you can win it even when you won the same one recently. Those should get out of roulette when you have active ones and come back only when your invitation has expire.
(or just get rid of them entirely Invitations are stupid xD)
I understand you’re just trying to help people, but that guy is re-hosting those without permission from the creators.

Only what has been shared in the mentioned PSNProfiles GT7 discord server has been vetted by a team of devs and is trustworthy.
I don't know who is sharing and re-hosting what, I just posted this link because I saw people trying to find a good tutorial on how to implement the script. This tutorial sums it up in couple of minutes, without digging through the discords and whatnot.
Yeah... Those invitations are useless. Especially that you can win it even when you won the same one recently. Those should get out of roulette when you have active ones and come back only when your invitation has expire.
(or just get rid of them entirely Invitations are stupid xD)
Agree, this invitation manufacturer is usless and kind of slow us buy cars!!!
This is so silly.
They make engine swaps very difficult to come by, then release an extra cafe book which gives you one to appease the crowd but you still have the faux scarcity as it's only one each & most won't have won one of the good ones. THEN they somehow manage to mess it up so everyone has a huge number of engines each and loads of free cars!

Haven't been on all week so missed most of the fun but in 15 minutes I just had a great haul!
Haven't bothered myself thinking that this would eventually be patched And here's the evidence it's coming.
just wondering how or if they will Reverse The booty those who have taken advantage of this Glitch Have accumulated To appease people like Myself Who didn't want the risk of being banned or penalised by taking advantage Of there Unprofessional mistake?

Haven't bothered myself thinking that this would eventually be patched And here's the evidence it's coming.
just wondering how or if they will Reverse The booty those who have taken advantage of this Glitch Have accumulated To appease people like Myself Who didn't want the risk of being banned or penalised by taking advantage Of there Unprofessional mistake?

Appease people like yourself? Lol, you've lost literally nothing by people doing this glitch. All you've done is miss out but it's hardly the end of the world.
Haven't bothered myself thinking that this would eventually be patched And here's the evidence it's coming.
just wondering how or if they will Reverse The booty those who have taken advantage of this Glitch Have accumulated To appease people like Myself Who didn't want the risk of being banned or penalised by taking advantage Of there Unprofessional mistake?

Sending you my thoughts and prayers in these trying times
I really feel like this game hates me. The most frequent prize I have received from the 4 star tickets is 30k. After 3 tickets tonight I have a Porsche invitation (oh yay) and x2 30k. :irked:

Edit: Got another Porsche invitation and 10k. Go me.
All I got yesterday was 30k, 10k, and invitations over and over.

Edit; for those worried about being banned, what are they going to ban you for? Pressing X xx then O then X again in a normal sequence? They'd have to not only ban thousands but then publicly explain why they banned thousands of people who used the glitch because their game design is as pathetic as it was in 2010 and 2013 for GT5 & GT6.
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To appease people like Myself Who didn't want the risk of being banned or penalised by taking advantage Of there Unprofessional mistake?

well their options are a) erase all progress of all players b) ban anyone who accessed a menu more than once or c) quietly patch something 5-10% of the users are doing.

They can’t simply remove what was gained from certain players - I’ve purchased and upgraded a couple dozen cars in this time with the cash/parts, and run sport/time trial in them. It would have to be a hard reset to before the update.

And for option B- Keep in mind that a fair amount of these users are the ones who care about the game the most, and many have not played the game except for this fun Free Slot Mode they created. you ban them they’re not coming back.

You should do the menu thing while It’s available, you can basically play the game how you want for the rest of the GT7 cycle without worrying about grinding or daily workouts
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Haven't bothered myself thinking that this would eventually be patched And here's the evidence it's coming.
just wondering how or if they will Reverse The booty those who have taken advantage of this Glitch Have accumulated To appease people like Myself Who didn't want the risk of being banned or penalised by taking advantage Of there Unprofessional mistake?

To be honest there is no risk. They didn't ban people who were using AFK script before and they won't do it now. Also if they will ban people for using this glitch then again there is nothing to lose because of how unfinished is this game. I will play other games just as before the glitch.

I haven't played since Tomahawk fix/Tokyo nerf because my goal was to collect all cars in the game and I don't find it fun to grind 12 hours (basically a job) for a single 20.000.000 car (it was 6 hours with Tomahawk which was still boring but atleast half the time). I launched game again only because of this glitch.

Also I am very disappointed that last 2 patches had events with laughable payouts so people who want to collect all cars quickly have to grind Tokyo over and over again. Imagine having so many fun circuits and set good payout for only 4 events in the game :banghead: also Sport Mode where winner gets ~100k credits for 18 minutes race 🤣.
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Haven't bothered myself thinking that this would eventually be patched And here's the evidence it's coming.
just wondering how or if they will Reverse The booty those who have taken advantage of this Glitch Have accumulated To appease people like Myself Who didn't want the risk of being banned or penalised by taking advantage Of there Unprofessional mistake?

GT7 is "developed as a live service" and it's very likely their immediate performance indication is concurrent online players. In this case, how would they benefit from this if they "appease people like you" ?

Are you (plural) going to keep online and play more so that their metric would be better than now ?
If you think about it, it makes absolutely no sense to ban players who are simply doing what the game lets them do: navigating through menus and pushing some buttons. Nothing more. Imagine if a poor 10 year old found by himself this glitch. Would PD ban him?
If PD really had a problem with it, GT7 would have gone offline the moment they found out and stayed offline until they patched it.
How many days have passed since it went public?...


On a side note, what should I do...put those new engines in cars before PD wipes everything out? Just in case
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Food for thought, a buddy if mine messaged me to say that he'd "had enough" and uninstalled GT7. Then I mentioned the engine hack, ao he reinstalled and has been sending me pics and such.

This is probably not an isolated incident. This scenario is probably being repeated and increasing the installation base.
No ill-will towards the player is going to happen from Polyphony regarding this. It's an error in THEIR programming. In THEIR code. Somewhere a kid is performing this exploit that he found by accident and he is not on the forums, etc, nor worrying about the bannable implications of such. Imagine how that kid would feel if he turned on GT7 one morning and his account was banned for something he accidentally discovered with no ill(?) intent. Its not going to happen.

It will get patched some day, and that will be the end of it.

* EDIT * The Hive mind is real. Hardvibes beat me to the post with nearly the same thought, haha
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Haven't bothered myself thinking that this would eventually be patched And here's the evidence it's coming.
just wondering how or if they will Reverse The booty those who have taken advantage of this Glitch Have accumulated To appease people like Myself Who didn't want the risk of being banned or penalised by taking advantage Of there Unprofessional mistake?

Can’t see any evidence here that a fix is coming! All that is being pointed out is the “known issues page” has been updated which has been (incorrectly) used in the past as upcoming update confirmation.
Try driving them before PD wipes everything out! The RX-7 with R26B is insane ... also the Silvia Q's (S13) with LS7 and Tundra with 3UZ are also worth try.

And the Toyota MR2 GT-S '97 with BYH ........ oh my.
Aight will do. I just put the 787 engine in the RX7 ....even the start up sound changes. Nice touch
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Try driving them before PD wipes everything out! The RX-7 with R26B is insane ... also the Silvia Q's (S13) with LS7 and Tundra with 3UZ are also worth try.

And the Toyota MR2 GT-S '97 with BYH ........ oh my.
I need to do that RX-7 swap so bad, but I've been preoccupied with this damn glitch and finally making a little money. Hopefully I can get to 100M before they fix it :)
Well, it got me the F40 last night, but I only pulled 2.4m credits in >4 hours, so it's unlikely I'll get anymore expensive cars.

I did get a few nice cars from the 4 Star tickets, though and pulled 1m on my second spin.
So I've been running the ahk script on my laptop the last couple of days and kept an eye on it, because sometimes the script goes off-piste or the connection to the PS4 is lost.

On the 4-star tickets I've won 10k, 30k (both tens of times) 500k (about 8 or 10 times) and 1m (3 or 4 times).

But I've never once won the 100k single gold bar. Anyone else find this, or am I just finding myself at the end of the long tail of a probability distribution?
Yesterday after work I started the script and it would glitch out literally every hour. I cut it off at midnight when it was on some Legends car getting all the info. Um, no thanks. Running smooth this morning though, 2 hours in and no issues. I have a friend that thinks it's our time zone compared to the server. I just want it to run.
If you think about it, it makes absolutely no sense to ban players who are simply doing what the game lets them do: navigating through menus and pushing some buttons. Nothing more. Imagine if a poor 10 year old found by himself this glitch. Would PD ban him?
If PD really had a problem with it, GT7 would have gone offline the moment they found out and stayed offline until they patched it.
How many days have passed since it went public?...


On a side note, what should I do...put those new engines in cars before PD wipes everything out? Just in case
Nothing will happen. Any action would be a PR disaster. The engine swaps and special parts are easily the best part of the game.

A, a hotfix could have been droppped days ago. The lack of one is conspicuous
A, a hotfix could have been droppped days ago. The lack of one is conspicuous
Agreed! I assume a hot fix for this specific issue would be pretty minor and wouldn’t take much effort! Definitely feels weird that PD haven’t fixed it let alone acknowledged it yet!!
So I've been running the ahk script on my laptop the last couple of days and kept an eye on it, because sometimes the script goes off-piste or the connection to the PS4 is lost.

On the 4-star tickets I've won 10k, 30k (both tens of times) 500k (about 8 or 10 times) and 1m (3 or 4 times).

But I've never once won the 100k single gold bar. Anyone else find this, or am I just finding myself at the end of the long tail of a probability distribution?
When I was doing it manually in the beginning I went 5 hours (103 times) and never got the $100K.

$10K - 29 times
$30K - 16 times
$500K - 7 times
$1M - 0 times

I stopped keeping detailed track after that, but there have been times that I make $2M in 45 minutes, and times when I make $80K in 6 hours. It's truly random.
If you think about it, it makes absolutely no sense to ban players who are simply doing what the game lets them do: navigating through menus and pushing some buttons. Nothing more. Imagine if a poor 10 year old found by himself this glitch. Would PD ban him?
If PD really had a problem with it, GT7 would have gone offline the moment they found out and stayed offline until they patched it.
How many days have passed since it went public?...


On a side note, what should I do...put those new engines in cars before PD wipes everything out? Just in case
Agreed. They’re not banning anyone over this. Worst case scenario they take all the excess engines people have in their Tuning Parts or take it down to 1 of each for everyone across the board. But I don’t even see that happening as they will royally piss off (at this point) a good chunk of players. Especially players like me who already had engines won legit from daily roulette (Hellcat and a Corvette engine).

To answer your question though, just in case, and because I was already planning on doing all these swaps anyways, I went ahead and swapped at least one of each into cars I already had waiting for the swap that I purchased fair and square with credits from grinding. It will be a really, really hard thing for them to do or justify taking engines you’ve already used in swaps, especially without taking the entire car from you in the process. They don’t want to alienate that much of their fan base in such a significant way.
Nothing will happen. Any action would be a PR disaster. The engine swaps and special parts are easily the best part of the game.

A, a hotfix could have been droppped days ago. The lack of one is conspicuous
At this point it almost feels intentional to me. The fact it has been an entire week and not one peep from PD about it being a “known issue” or plans for servers going down for an emergency patch or anything. Part of me thinks this is their way of quietly apologizing to players without having to publicly acknowledge it for releasing the game in the state they did and knowing that 1 million credit gift wasn’t enough.