unveiling of cars

  • Thread starter GT
thank's for the conversion i knew the Japanese time, but can never get the conversion sites to work lol. Bumma that's 6:30pm here:( And i will have to go home in a couple of hours(i don't have a com)
that was the coolest unveiling!!!comes in 6 colours aswell!!!. All that's left now is the subaru

Press the right option at the end to see it again:sly:

has an awsome incar view with a working gear indicator aswell

OMG the screen in the middle actually works!!!
tomorrow i'd say as that press release thing said the updates(unlvailings) would be from the 23rd to the 25th so...
love the lexus it has so much power lol. I need my G25 her so i can see the screen of the GTR properly, see what it's actually showing me lol. Does it show boost?
very impressive... love the unveilings. too bad the cars themselves jiggle round and round when viewing, but I'll assume that will be worked out in time....

very impressive.
I posted this in the "Demo Thread", but I suppose it fits better here:

OK so while it appears it isn't possible for the same user to see the "unveiling", once they have gone past the "repeat" menu, there is another way of seeing it again. PD only updates the user's game save file with the unveiling, which then tells the program to unlock it. This is a nice feature as this means if one user sees something like the "unveiling" it doesn't ruin it for any of the other users on the same PS3 using the same game.

This means by using a different account or even just deleting your GT5:P Demo game save that is stored in the Saved Data Utility folder, you can see the unveiling all over again! 👍

Now if you want to go the route of deleting your game save, but do not want to lose your current game save, just copy it to another user account, or to a memory card/drive and then copy it back when you are done. 👍
It was very interesting. The transmision in the IS-F sounds like a real automatic, gives it a more realistic touch to it.

and i just love the interiors of these care :sly:

u can even see the matching blue stitching on the is-f's steering wheel with the glowing blue dials of the instruments :)

and the gtr interior!!!!! that is hot!

oh well it's only 4:25pm here so lots more driving for me ;) hahaha.

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