Last night, I walked out of The Triangle Club. I was walking to my car, going to get in, when Dooglers8 says "You're car got stolen." Obviously it didn't because I was hopping in it, but Doog just wanted to get interactive... lol
And I didn't tell you that your car was stolen to get interactive, I just told you it was stolen because I didn't see a Faction in either of the parking lots. But it all worked out for the better, and you got a Lokus out of it.
I put your PSN just in case rallymorten didn't catch it.
I just thought you said that to be all like "Hey, I want dialog." And, Doog, I was drove a Admiral
More or less, yeah. Ever wonder why I sometimes drive in the general direction that you do?
Eh, often times we cross opposites on the road or follow each other for a bit, but normally we don't go to Burgershot or anything at the same time.
Plus it adds to the aliveness of the game. It's comforting to see at least one more good driver on the road.
Unlike that exploding Intruder that rammed us
Yeah that's a point. The AI online are friggen nuts!! You're driving around minding your own business and you get pit manoeuvred by random drivers. "Only country where they let blind people drive" - Nico Bellic
I went out to find some building you can enter, i tried all of the main mission ones, but no new one have come up yet, can see inside the one where Francis gets you to kill that guy through the window, you can get up to it, but not in it, which is annoying.
Also found out yesterday the 'Crack house@ is open, but Doog might want that.
Dwaynes Apartment is open, but Pinkintron might have that.
Also various other building which have doors, but no room or anything, will continue looking though.
EDIT: This might be of help.
Go to the points of interest, Buildings with interiors. Have a look through there and see if you see somthing you like. Maybe Put in the OP.
"Only country where they let blind people drive" - Nico Bellic
We Role Playing tonight?
PinkintronNo, at least not me. I did plan on Saturday, though.
What about Thursday?
No, can't Thursday. Earliest I can do is Friday, around 12:30 or 1:00.
I will be on friday through sunday
Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience:Alot
In Character (IC)
Job/Career/Money Sourceolice Officer
Bio (Young boy i was very passionate about Driving after watching plenty of Ayrton Senna, i drove go karts for 6 years but then in high school i decided to go to be a Polcie officer to help Liberty City to stay Safe.
Personality:Funny, Works hard, Humor, Likes to chat
Hmm, again, a very vague one. Try looking at the bios written by Pinkintron and myself on the first page, they should help inspire you and show you the kind of information we'd like to know. It's good to see another police officer, though! 👍
Vague i can make it like a paragraph if you want o.o
bio:I Grew up with a poor family. i worked very hard in school trying to be a honor student. When i reached high school i got a scholarship. I went to college and did very well. I finally decided to go to police academy, and i passed, i started martial arts and became black belt in 8 years. i was still a recuit in the police force.
20years later
i moved to Liberty City, and joined the force