Johnny, thank you for getting inspired by my other comment, and for copying it almost entirely (you only replaced the name
Israel with the name
Iran). I feel how you are still irritated, and I am going to remind you that, as long you won’t find the answers to
my rhetoricall questions (
Here comment #1528), you will feel the same frustrations probably forever.
Now...because of what I've just said... I am not surprised you didn’t notice how Mr. Fakhavar it was a "political prisoner" and, he has all the reasons in the world to speak against the Iranian regime, unlike Mr. Miko Peled, who In other words, Mr.Fakhavar got punished and tortured (for his political views), while Mr.Miko Pelev thrived as an individual under Isreals leadership umbrella.
By trying to copy, and subsequently mock (which I cannot be mad, not even upset for), what I've said before, you created a new term "self-hatred Iranian". I need to remind you how the term "self-hatred Jew", created by the Zionists, is referring to somebody that hates his or her own race, while Mr.Fakhavar here specifically says how
So you try to compare oranges with marshmallows here. You need to find people close to or from Khomeini's antourage, that will say how aggresively criminal his regime is..... not his opponents. I hope this makes sense to you, and it will properly guide you to find something that nobody found before you. Borat would have said
this (audio).