US braces for 'Day Without Immigrants' (AFP)

  • Thread starter Anchor Man
Here's the thing. If they DO get amnesty for our country, the entire advantage of having them here(if there even is one), will be gone. They will have to pay taxes, work for at least minimum wage and get paid overtime for extended hours. So, all the "good" aspects of what these criminals do is totally lost.

There's a great thread on it here....
Swift, how many illegal immigrants are there in your area?

Too many. I live in the Baltimore area. So much like most other major cities, it's pretty bad. Of course, I don't know exact numbers. But I'd say pretty significant. To the point were a number of businesses had to shutdown today as a result of this strike. Of course, that's the fault of the employers for giving illegals jobs in the first place.
Jim Prower
My mom says it best: "If they're here illegaly, they shouldn't be here."

Wow, what a logical statement. God forbid we kick out the criminals. Sheesh...
its a problem of their own making...if businesses were punished for employing illegals then recruitment would drop, dependance on low paid workers would drop and stikes wouldnt have an impact...

serves these comanies right...

there is a political system in place that benefits illegals...either reform it to suit the citizens or dont have a procedure at all...
there is a political system in place that benefits illegals...either reform it to suit the citizens or dont have a procedure at all...

Well said. 👍
God forbid we kick out the criminals. Sheesh...
Why do you keep referring to them as criminals? They're not out murdering people and stealing cars. Technically, an extended vacation to a foreign country is illegal immigration. Aside from the fact that they are undocumented immigrants, they aren't commiting any crimes. This whole immigration uproar is aimed specifically at kicking the Mexicans out of southern California, which is why I disagree with any government action. Do you think that the White House has any interest in deporting white-collar Hans who forgot to renew his green card? Is he not also an illegal alien?
Why do you keep referring to them as criminals? They're not out murdering people and stealing cars. Technically, an extended vacation to a foreign country is illegal immigration. Aside from the fact that they are undocumented immigrants, they aren't commiting any crimes. This whole immigration uproar is aimed specifically at kicking the Mexicans out of southern California, which is why I disagree with any government action. Do you think that the White House has any interest in deporting white-collar Hans who forgot to renew his green card? Is he not also an illegal alien?

They are breaking the law. That makes them criminals in the USA, period.

I honestly don't care who it is. If they are here illegally then they are criminals. I know Diego had a situation where there was a period of time between his work and student visas, but that's a different story.

They ARE out there stealing and other things. MAybe not so much murder, but they commit crimes on top of their illegal entry to the country.

I don't care what nationality you are, if you here illegally, you're a criminal and should be treated as such.
They are breaking the law. That makes them criminals in the USA, period.
Then every 10-year-old boy who mows lawns for money should be arrested, period.
They ARE out there stealing and other things. Maybe not so much murder, but they commit crimes on top of their illegal entry to the country.
Now you're just making stuff up. The vast majority of illegal immigrants do nothing illegal in this country. They get up, work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed, just like you and me.
I don't care what nationality you are, if you here illegally, you're a criminal and should be treated as such.
What about those families who came in through Ellis Island who no longer have their documentation? What about my grandma who fled the Holocaust with nothing but the clothes on her back?

Yup, criminals, all of them.
Then every 10-year-old boy who mows lawns for money should be arrested, period.

Yes, because he's here illegally and he knows it. He shouldn't go to prison, but send him back to his home country.
Now you're just making stuff up. The vast majority of illegal immigrants do nothing illegal in this country. They get up, work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed, just like you and me.

And people just like you and me commit crimes everyday. Not saying you are a criminal. Just that "the average citizen" is capable of commiting crimes.
What about those families who came in through Ellis Island who no longer have their documentation? What about my grandma who fled the Holocaust with nothing but the clothes on her back?

Well, they actually came through the system...go figure? Again, different story when you go through the established system instead of running around it.

Yup, criminals, all of them.

Yes, all the ones that know they came here illegally, stay here illegally, and work illegally are criminals. I refuse to have the PC overtone of our culture mask the fact that it's illegal. That's like saying someone stealing money to pay for their mortgage or they're out in the cold. Sure, I feel for them, but that doesn't make them any less of a criminal then a bank robber.
Yes, because he's here illegally and he knows it. He shouldn't go to prison, but send him back to his home country.
Oops, I'm not talking about immigrants here, just a regular ol' 10-year-old not reporting his income to the IRS (which can technically land his parents in prison for tax evasion).

Let me summarize my stance on this: Our government is being retarded once again. Illegal immigration has always been a problem (if you want to consider it as such). Why all of the sudden does everyone care about it? Midterm elections. The immigration debate is just an irrelevant talking point. Remember the gay marriage debate in 2004 that just happened to coincide with the presidential election? Do politicians still care about that issue? Hell no. It's yesterday's news. Now they're latching on to something else. After state senators get re-elected, do you think that they're going to keep pursuing this? Probably not. They'll be too busy fundraising for their next campaign. Secondly, this whole issue is squarely targetting Mexicans in California, and nobody else. That's rather short-sided, is it not? I've never heard a peep about deporting our apple-pickers in Yakima, or shutting down Samir's corner store.

I agree that it would better if these people were to live here legally, but treating them like a threat to American society is ridiculous. Also, the fact that the situation is exactly like The Simpsons episode "Much Apu About Nothing" speaks volumes about how our government operates on a beyond-satirical level.
Oops, I'm not talking about immigrants here, just a regular ol' 10-year-old not reporting his income to the IRS (which can technically land his parents in prison for tax evasion).

That's not even the same issue.
Let me summarize my stance on this: Our government is being retarded once again. Illegal immigration has always been a problem (if you want to consider it as such). Why all of the sudden does everyone care about it? Midterm elections. The immigration debate is just an irrelevant talking point. Remember the gay marriage debate in 2004 that just happened to coincide with the presidential election? Do politicians still care about that issue? Hell no. It's yesterday's news. Now they're latching on to something else. After state senators get re-elected, do you think that they're going to keep pursuing this? Probably not. They'll be too busy fundraising for their next campaign. Secondly, this whole issue is squarely targetting Mexicans in California, and nobody else. That's rather short-sided, is it not? I've never heard a peep about deporting our apple-pickers in Yakima, or shutting down Samir's corner store.

I still care about it whether or not our congress is asleep on gay marriage. But I don't want to turn this thread into that.

You're right, it's been a problem for a while. But I want to know why you're so laid back about it.
I agree that it would better if these people were to live here legally, but treating them like a threat to American society is ridiculous. Also, the fact that the situation is exactly like The Simpsons episode "Much Apu About Nothing" speaks volumes about how our government operates on a beyond-satirical level.

They are a threat. Particularly to security. Millions of people, running around a country completely unchecked and unkown. Using our facilities like the "deserve" it. It's garbage. I don't care why it's a big deal right now, these people need to go home, where ever home happens to be.

Why do I get stuck paying for their healthcare and possibly other things that I have to pay for myself?

Illegal immagrants are just that, illegal. Immigration is one of the greatest assests of this nation. However, when people just flood in to be here because it's better and the government of one of the most offending countries ENCOURAGES this, we need to act and quickly.
Oops, I'm not talking about immigrants here, just a regular ol' 10-year-old not reporting his income to the IRS (which can technically land his parents in prison for tax evasion).

If someone of any age makes less per year from a particular source than the minimum, they don't need to file a tax return. Otherwise they do. It's the law. If it weren't the law, parents would find a way to get their paychecks to go through their kids and then back to them.

I agree that it would better if these people were to live here legally, but treating them like a threat to American society is ridiculous. Also, the fact that the situation is exactly like The Simpsons episode "Much Apu About Nothing" speaks volumes about how our government operates on a beyond-satirical level.

People who come here illegally are a problem and should be deported. End of story.
Absolutely. People who want to live in the United States and work here should research the laws and procedures for becoming a citizen, preferrably before they pack up for their pilgrimage. I don't really know how the whole green card thing works--is that a sort of temporary ID while you are in the citizenship process?
But where do you draw the line between a long vacation and permanent residence? Or do we deport vacationers who don't have return tickets? Vacationers wouldn't have green cards, but they could stay for years if they had the money. So, unless they have planned on return ship or plane tickets years in advance we should deport them, right?
Oh, and we should enroll new legal immigrants in English classes immediately, if needed.
But where do you draw the line between a long vacation and permanent residence? Or do we deport vacationers who don't have return tickets? Vacationers wouldn't have green cards, but they could stay for years if they had the money.

But they would have passports ;)
Say, what about Terrorists? All they'd have to do is learn spanish, get a fales I.D., get in, and carry out some hanus attack, and no-one would suspect a thing until it happened.

Ridiculously simple, incredibly effective. It works.
That's what they do. They just don't speak Spanish. Besides, they want us to know who is attacking us.
I think we need Mexican workers in the States, but should be done legally with a new system. Like it or not, there are many jobs in the U.S. that are not filled by American Citizens, because most of them feels that work is too hard or that they are too good for them. Especially in farming industry.

Problem with not guarding the borders are that along with innocent workers, criminals and drugs gets across the borders as well.

I don't really know how the whole green card thing works--is that a sort of temporary ID while you are in the citizenship process?
But where do you draw the line between a long vacation and permanent residence? Or do we deport vacationers who don't have return tickets? Vacationers wouldn't have green cards, but they could stay for years if they had the money. So, unless they have planned on return ship or plane tickets years in advance we should deport them, right?
I have a Green Card. It's an pass for permanent residence. I pay same taxes you pay, even Social Security. As for travelers, etc. without Green Card, they have Visas. When Visas expires, it's time for them to go back.

Oh, and we should enroll new legal immigrants in English classes immediately, if needed.
Amen to that. :lol:👍 In the near future, I have no doubt that states like Texas, California will pretty much be Mexico. U.S. territory, but everybody living there will be Mexicans, and will be speaking Spanish.
Problem with not guarding the borders are that along with innocent workers, criminals and drugs gets across the borders as well.

You meant to say "along with illegal workers". And why do we care about drugs? All you have to do to protect yourself against them is not do them.
You meant to say "along with illegal workers".
I was trying to get a point across. Some are normal people with no agenda, they eat, work, sleep, have fun, just like us. They are illegally here, I'm not denying that.

All you have to do to protect yourself against them is not do them.
If this was true, then the World will be a lot happier place. You are forgetting that most people start the habbit when they are in their teens. Once you start, it's hard to kick that lifestyle from what I understand. In Oregon, meth is a serious problem. Local authorities are coming down hard on local meth houses, but there is no meth shortage as long as they keep on coming through the U.S.-Mexico Border.

Update: My brother tells me that his work had 11 latinas working there(I think they are here legally :though). They were all saying that they were joining the protest today, but 10 out of 11 showed up to work this morning. :lol:
I was trying to get a point across. Some are normal people with no agenda, they eat, work, sleep, have fun, just like us. They are illegally here, I'm not denying that.

And that makes them criminals. Not saying you're denying that, I just wanted to make that part clear.

There are so many facets to this thing that it's not even funny. Immagrant policy, law enforcement, parenting(yes parenting), undercutting local business and so on. There are so many issues that this particular issue directly effects.
And that makes them criminals. Not saying you're denying that, I just wanted to make that part clear.
Well, if you break the law, you are a criminal. At the same time, from what I understand, Mexican government give you a "how-to" guide on how to cross the border illegally. With the U.S. government not securing the border on top of that, I think these illegals are thinking it's OK. Kinda like our perception of speeding. It's OK, as long as it's only 5 more mph. Edit: And that everybody's doing it, and either governments won't do a thing(one actually show you how!).
Well, if you break the law, you are a criminal. At the same time, from what I understand, Mexican government give you a "how-to" guide on how to cross the border illegally. With the U.S. government not securing the border on top of that, I think these illegals are thinking it's OK. Kinda like our perception of speeding. It's OK, as long as it's only 5 more mph. Edit: And that everybody's doing it, and either governments won't do a thing(one actually show you how!).

Yes, I agree that the mexican gov't is messing with the heads of their citizens as far as the legality of just "jumping the fence"
A day without immigrants...they should make a movie, oh wait they did.


But really I'm not for illegal aliens in the states, it's still a law and they are still breaking it. Honestly these people have 0 right to protest because they aren't citizens so they aren't entitled to free speech.
I though about this issue, and I think the U.S. Government could easily turn this around and make it worse for the illegal immigrants. They could find out who participated in this event, find out if they are illegal or not, and if they are, send them back. Then, we could hire other homeless/poor people to take their place, and then the U.S. would have less Illegal Immigrants and a lower unemployment rate. Kinda of a stupid move on the immigrants part. I mean, if they arn't illegal, then why are they protesting? That puts them in suspicion.

EDIT: Going to one of the most diverse schools in the nation, I have to say the hallways were SO clear today. The lunch line was considerably shorter today too......
Then, we could hire other homeless/poor people to take their place, and then the U.S. would have less Illegal Immigrants and a lower unemployment rate.
I don't think that would ever work. Majorities of homelesses chooses to sit around and bum you for change all day. Almost all of them have issues with drugs(alcohol included), and are not able to hold a job.

"Illegals" fill jobs that Americans don't want to do. Lower paying jobs you have to do some work. Where I live, supposedly it's farm work. Maybe not homeless people, but maybe we should put kids to work? When I was a kid, I used to jump at opportunities to make a few bucks.......
That's a good point about homeless people and unemployed citizens. There isn't much we can do about most homless people, though, because many don't have any documentation of their identity, their birth, or even their name. They would have to completely start over with the government, just like an immigrant, but that costs money, which they don't have either. So that isn't directly related to illegals in most cases, just homeless peoples' lack of information.
Most illegals take crappy jobs that your average, or even below average america just doesn't want. They flock to being a janitor at a pre-school and cleaning up puke, whereas I would never even consider that job, the fact that I haven't had a job yet notwithstanding.