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Yeah that would suck! Strange that he doesn't let us know anything. Although he was online today according to his profile. I really hope we keep on with this project.
Are there any updates? I'd hate for this project to stall out after only one issue.
Yeah, so am I, still haven't heard anythingIs he on vacation or something? Anyway, looking forward to the next issue
Maybe GTPlanet should consider a subforum only about GTLife were only you can add threads or something. So you can add polls, requests etc..
Sent you the article and some photos to select from.
Thanks for all your effort and let me know if you need anything please!
He has replied to me. Maybe he doesn't like you? jkNot sure. He said he would be sending me some things by the end of the week, so maybe you will hear from him by then as well.
I have an idea for your next issue -
Reader's rides. People should send in random pictures of their cars on GT5 and show them off to the other readers. I could also help out with some pics and articles.
Are you still on this project? Haven't seen or heard much progress last couple of weeks. Would be a shame if it decayed. I'm really passionate about this project and willing to do a lot for it. Maybe you should find more people to volunteer on a regular basis. That should take some pressure away from you and make the magazine much more professional I think. Maybe you should go for a serious talk with Jordan to talk about a GT magazine based on the events and community of GTPlanet. Including special forums for it and maybe even a new section next to news. That would REALLY expand the community to a whole new level.
Triple posting like a pro lol
I have a MS publiser file I would like to send you for the magazine. Could you please pm me with a e-mail address or something that I can send it to you with.Thanks.
I don't work with MS Publisher. Either recreate the content in InDesign or save it as a .pdf before you send me anything. (remember images should preferably hold at least 204dpi)
Ok. I'm also working on some articles (hope you like atleast one). I was doing them in word would you rather me use another software and when I'm done were do I send them to.
Word documents will be fine. The email is granturismo.mag@gmail.com and I also advice you to read the first post in this thread.
SchwadeganSorry to threadromance, but who do I contact if I have a possible contribution to make to the mag? Shoot me a PM.
Is the 2nd Issue coming out yet, or has this become another dead thread?
Just finished reading the first issue and it looks great
Can't wait for the second issue... will be submitting soon.
Nice to see some progress! Keep it up Schwadegan! And did you receive the Lamborghini review I sent you?