Here's a comparison between the Dan Gurney image as scanned, and the finished one. You select an area, then click on the 2nd icon down on the left, and it shows you all the nodes. The nodes on view are solely the ones governing the black area of the helmet. It originally followed the lines of the goggles and the strap, hence all the nodes, but what I ended up doing was to make it virtually circular, and lowered the object so it was below all the other areas, but above the white circle in the background.
View attachment 707055
Click on a node to select it, like the red one in the image below. It's not needed as there are ones either side that can do its job. Press delete to get rid of it, then manipulate the circles on the nodes either side to make the line still follow the same contours. (The one to the left of the red one went too.) Rinse and repeat. It took me 2 hours to get the Dan Gurney image down to the 15kb limit. It seemed like there were thousands of nodes that I had to delete in this image.
View attachment 707056
Here's a before and after of the grey bit at the top of the helmet.
View attachment 707068 View attachment 707069
It went from loads of nodes to 3. I've just noticed that it is also a different shape, but that was just me not paying attention and it wasn't really important for that bit.