franzgood to see you start playing PS a bit more
the level of soft focus is just right
BTW the 3rd Rx8 is so magnificent
good job!
s12kenWow VR!!! i'm loving the soft touch you've got going on! A1 classe!!!![]()
kennythebombVery nicely done vr6. With doing more in PS comes a higher expected standard, and your new pics deliver.
s12kenThe blurring seems to make them pop out of the screen! you must teach me oh great one!![]()
McLaren F1GTRNo offence man, but I've seen better from you. (Don't hurt me) Something wrong? Good shots, but not your best.
vr6gti72side note: I had no idea the opera 350z had such a sweet exhaust until now
spriteNot too keen on the blury effect VR, but the shot themselfs are good. Yeh I love the Burnished texture on the 350's pipes, looks good, ive noticed that some cars have these little bits of extra detail compared to other cars.
Not liking the extra Ps work huh? Well its new to me so the input helps..maybe less is better
thinkinFRESHCan u work on a SCION the milk truck shaped 1 ... dont know if its xB or xA fully hooked up ... i havent seen that
BTW ur pics are 👍 ive purchased alot of vehicles cuz of u