Wallbanger's "Tons of Fun"(Final Round Underway)

You actually ended up in 4th place in the photo poll Dragonthing one of the things helping you out right now.
Added my mini reviews for praiano and sheephead to my results/review post.

Currently testing Group A. Will have results posted near the deadline but the reviews may not get posted until after the deadline.
Added my mini reviews for praiano and sheephead to my results/review post.

Currently testing Group A. Will have results posted near the deadline but the reviews may not get posted until after the deadline.

XDesperado67:P praiano63 Maserati Gran Turismo S '08: Great driving feel, keeps you aware of the road surface without being stiff or getting upset by bumps and curbs. Excellent tire wear that is aided by wonderful brakes and a transmission/LSD combo that results in almost no wheelspin. Very good car overall. Drivers Choice 2nd.

krenkme : Praiano your Maserati was the easyist to drive and the most fun. Turn in was great and just enough wheel spin to keep you on your tows.

Onboy123:Praiano63 Maserati Gran Turismo S '08
Grip. More grip than a car of this size should have. Very easy to drive, slight understeer when pushed at high speed. Very controlled at all times and feels very GT like too.

GoSpeedGo88:Praiano63 - Maserati Gran Turismo S '08
This car surprised me. It handled well at London but was very enjoyable at Monza. The longer I drove it, I found myself sitting back and relaxing. It is a very well balanced car with great tire wear. Best car to drive to a dinner date in. To me this is a grand turing car. Nice Job.

MrGrado: praiano63 Maserati Gran Turismo S '08
Excellent at Monza. Great Driving experience. Good at London.

DaDog: praiano63 Maserati Gran Turismo S '08

The Grand tourer , just looking at this car is enough to fall in love ( exept for the color of the car you used on borrow ) . Yet looks alone are not enough , but for this one that aint a problem . It handles the way a Gran Tourer should . Easy to drive and fast , yes it might not be the fastest of the bunch but that doesn't matter one bit . This car represents what Gran Touring is all about . Driving down the coastline heading south , doing some shopping or taking it to the track nothing seems to be a problem .


Thank a lot to all the testers. I'm very happy with the result, even passing or not to the second phase, my mission is already accomplished . I did not check a lot of cars before choosing this Maserati, to tell the true , it was in my mind since the first time.No matter if it was the fastest or not, for me it was the car i wanted to tune for this event. Maserati GranTurismo is his name... what else ...??? Very good job everybody, i know all the time this test represent, thanks to you all.:)👍

My Driver choices are completed and times completed (highlighted with red or green text)
Thanks MrGrado it's greatly appreciated!👍👍

Completed results for all Groups posted here!:cheers::gtpflag:

My mini reviews will take a little longer but should have them done in about an hour.:D
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6th. wildheart

Excellent at Monza. fast and smooth through the high speed corners. precise at London. engine sounds alright.

Hello, can you please provide a little more feedback as I am confused how you made your decision.
My Driver choices are completed and times completed (highlighted with red or green text)

Thanks MrGrado it's greatly appreciated!👍👍

I'm testing my last car now so should have my results posted in about an hour. My mini reviews will take a little longer but should have them done in about two hours.:D

Scoresheet updated for MrGrado's Drivers Choice and Desperado's Group A & D results.

Awaiting Ealirendur Group C results. :)
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Scoresheet updated for MrGrado's Drivers Choice and Desperado's Group D results.

Awaiting Desperado Group A and Ealirendur Group C results. :)
My results for Group A are posted.:D Haven't posted my mini reviews yet.

Ealirendur Group C is the only one who hasn't submitted complete results, but then he said he might not be able to so...

Also please check your scoring for the photo polls as some of them don't match with the results showing in the polls.:odd:
Updated, finalized. For better or worserer.

Busy at work today, sorry for the late post.
Thanks Ealirendur.👍👍

Well that closes out the first round.:gtpflag: Great job everyone!:cheers:

I'll post the finalists shortly along with our two new tracks.
Tuners will get roughly 48 hours to make any adjustments to their tunes and submit a new photo if desired.

Anyone wishing to test drive for the finals can start signing up now.:D
thanks for all the reviews from all the testers. I have already improved the Merc with the advice.

On another note i'll test drive the finals. im online most days so i could test and post my results quite swiftly
so is the second round the same thing again (2 tracks, photo comp, drivers choice and weight comp)?
Yep only difference will be the tracks.:D:crazy: Acceleration and Brakes will be at a premium on them. They are both slightly quicker to run than London and Monza but should offer their own challenges to both tuners and drivers.:gtpflag:
I validated the Photo results and added Ren's results. Looks like we are done.

Desperado, please validate the scores and declare the finalists!
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Hello, can you please provide a little more feedback as I am confused how you made your decision.

The cars I least want to drive again scored the least points. As far as I remember none of the cars in group A had a terrible tune, so it came down to what cars I don't like. I don't find the Lamborghini's exciting to drive at all.
The cars I least want to drive again scored the least points. As far as I remember none of the cars in group A had a terrible tune, so it came down to what cars I don't like. I don't find the Lamborghini's exciting to drive at all.

So I can be expecting another last place vote from you in the final round? :P

Seriously though, what can I do to make it more exciting for you?
Final Round Tracks, List of Finalists, Final Round Test Drivers, Link to Final Round Score Sheets and Link to Final Round Photo Poll.
For the final round our 8 finalists and the test drivers will need to head slightly east then turn north to take the Brenner Pass through Austria into southern Germany where they'll continue in a north westerly direction to the town of Nürburg home of the famed Nürburgring to take on the Nürburgring GP/D track. After completing their circuits of this world class track they will head out for their final destination. Traveling to the southwest they'll cross southern France and the Pyrenées into Spain to reach our final destination of Madrid. Once in Madrid it's time for a few quick laps of Madrid Mini (Reverse) before we celebrate our first Gran Turismo Tuning Championship and the holidays in style along the sunny Mediterranean coast.


For a repeat of this information, list of test drivers, and links to the Final Round Score Sheets and Photo Polls when posted go here!

Best of luck to all the finalists, your all winners in my book.:gtpflag:

Remember as Harvey Wallbanger always says...
Drive hard and have fun!:cheers::gtpflag:
If the results are accurate, 2/3 of my favourite cars did not advance:crazy:

Cykosis's Jag was such a perfect tune for me, incredibly balanced and precise, just like IndyRacerfan's AMG. I was looking forward to seeing and driving them again in the second round:grumpy: Those are two very special cars guys keep up the great work!!:bowdown:

Good luck to everyone in the second round. Thanks to everyone that drove my car and I appreciate the feedback, positive and negative.👍👍

So for the next round we get to retune for the new tracks right? I can scrap the first one if need be and/or make whatever adjustments I need for the new tracks?
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@Johnnypenso yep as long as its the same car.

@Dragonthing sorry my dear but it was close none the less.:(
how much time do we have to adjust? :scared: I'm just afraid I might not be home in time to tune for the ring. 👍

Way to go team!!!!
how much time do we have to adjust? :scared: I'm just afraid I might not be home in time to tune for the ring. 👍

Way to go team!!!!
Roughly 46 hours now.:D

Also its not the ring its the GP/D track.

Not sure I could find test drivers to test 8 cars on the ring...:odd:
Roughly 46 hours now.:D

Also its not the ring its the GP/D track.

Not sure I could find test drivers to test 8 cars on the ring...:odd:

oopps. Missed that. :dopey: I hope to be home for a short while in the next 12/24hrs.

Good luck everyone. 👍
and great job to all the tuners. This was a great event!
I will sign up as a test driver for the final group. I assume this is sufficient to get me registered.
Wow, I actually squeaked by into second. I thought for sure Indy would stay ahead of me through the final stretch.

Congrats to everyone that entered. So much variety and still it was a close contest! Dragons, whales and snakes all over!

Time now to see how well my cart does at these new tracks. Thanks for choosing the D config and not F. After days spent looking for thousandths of seconds in the A license test the less I have to see of the Schumacher S the better. :rolleyes:

Good luck to everyone! :D