Warhawk • The Official Thread

Ok guys I'll be in on tonights game. I guess I'll just see what game land sea air is in and I'll follow. See ya in a few minutes guys.
setting up a game now

game is landseaair password is gtp see you all online!!!

ps dont forget headsets

EDIT could someone message foolkiller since im already in the game?
that was a great game guys, I'm liking the idea of every other Friday at whatever time is best for whoever is playing. Shame you didn't join us JR I would have liked to have played against you :sly:
that was a great game guys, I'm liking the idea of every other Friday at whatever time is best for whoever is playing. Shame you didn't join us JR I would have liked to have played against you :sly:

Yea man, sorry guy's. I got on around 12am CST, and tried to join a game that Foolkiller was in, but couldn't get in :( Then some buddies came over and I ended up going out. FOR SHAME!
Yea i pulled a no show as well. I just got too tired, and went to bed. Im such a wuss. But yea lets try that again another day.
That was fun but 12am on fridays is a little tough for me. I have to be up at 6am on saturdays. How about Saturdays? if that doesn't work I could just suck it up and try to join in on friday nights.
I'm flexible as far as weekends go so whatever gets the most people on. 4 people is definitely not enough for the full size island outpost.

my favorite moment was when I used an airstrike at point blank range on foolkiller, who was trying to snipe nd4spd, then before I could take the base over foolkiller respawned and knifed me in the face!!

also wontonlady=wtf
My favorite moment was when I spawned behind FoolKiller and I tossed a gernade right as he was exiting the pillbox. His body flew past me as I took his gear.

Would have been nice if we had a more GTP'ers though, heck if we start to get a decent turnout maybe we should start a GTP clan?
A woman's stare is more powerful than ten TOW Missiles... all at once. :)
It made me realize how understanding my wife is.

Yea man, sorry guy's. I got on around 12am CST, and tried to join a game that Foolkiller was in, but couldn't get in :( Then some buddies came over and I ended up going out. FOR SHAME!
Land Sea Air forgot to add a password and we had a few non-GTPers join in.

That was fun but 12am on fridays is a little tough for me. I have to be up at 6am on saturdays. How about Saturdays? if that doesn't work I could just suck it up and try to join in on friday nights.
Basically I invite anyone who sees me not folding send me a message and if I don't have anything coming up I will definitely switch over to play.

my favorite moment was when I used an airstrike at point blank range on foolkiller, who was trying to snipe nd4spd, then before I could take the base over foolkiller respawned and knifed me in the face!!
You were a fool not to expect me to return!

also wontonlady=wtf
Usually if the other players are asking who you are and making comments about teaming up on you it is a good sign to leave. You could have just booted him/her though.

Would have been nice if we had a more GTP'ers though, heck if we start to get a decent turnout maybe we should start a GTP clan?
Clans sound fun until I start trying to schedule matches with my team and their team and realize that I can't make over half the matches. Clans require a devotion that I just do not have.

Out of curiosity, why is it that in our matches I was always in last place but the next day I was in a 32 player ranked TDM match on a Sony server and never got less than fourth overall?

I realize I suck at regular deathmatch games, but I shouldn't regularly be the best on a team if I suck so much on my own, should I?
I don't think I would have the devotion for a clan either, I do really like the idea of a game every other weekend though.
Quick question:

Has anyone played on both a SDTV and an HDTV? I am just curious if distances are slightly clearer or if I just suck as a sniper, because I took three shots at Land Sea Air with the sniper rifle while he was standing still, and I swear I had him dead center, then he shot me with one shot.

EDIT: For future matches, whoever sets it up should do a rotation of game modes and maps, that way it keeps it mixed up and we aren't stuck in one mode or map for too long.

And if whoever sets it up could possibly not have a game hatin' girlfriend that would be great. :sly:
Quick question:

Has anyone played on both a SDTV and an HDTV? I am just curious if distances are slightly clearer or if I just suck as a sniper, because I took three shots at Land Sea Air with the sniper rifle while he was standing still, and I swear I had him dead center, then he shot me with one shot.

EDIT: For future matches, whoever sets it up should do a rotation of game modes and maps, that way it keeps it mixed up and we aren't stuck in one mode or map for too long.

And if whoever sets it up could possibly not have a game hatin' girlfriend that would be great. :sly:

well you will be able to see a little clearer on an HDTV but the difference as far as sniping should be minimal. I was half covered by the supports for the landing pad above and you were hitting that whereas I had a clear view of you out in the open.

and definitely agreed on the rotation, the game that I threw together was pretty weak but the second one worked out fairly well I will set one up and save it for the next time I'm the one doing it and everyone else who plays should do the same so you don't have to scramble at the last minute.

also agreed about the gf, though she likes watching warhawk because of the human opponents, there were certain *ahem* other things that we needed to take care of at the moment:sly:
well you will be able to see a little clearer on an HDTV but the difference as far as sniping should be minimal. I was half covered by the supports for the landing pad above and you were hitting that whereas I had a clear view of you out in the open.

and definitely agreed on the rotation, the game that I threw together was pretty weak but the second one worked out fairly well I will set one up and save it for the next time I'm the one doing it and everyone else who plays should do the same so you don't have to scramble at the last minute.

also agreed about the gf, though she likes watching warhawk because of the human opponents, there were certain *ahem* other things that we needed to take care of at the moment:sly:

Isn't it possible to setup an online game with the host having another player on the same system join in? If so why didn't she join in, it always helps to have more players in a game right?
Joined Scaff in a few games tonight, that was some fun stuff man! I also went from Commander to air marshal in under 2 hours.
PS: You like my mad tyte Jeep drifting? Haha.
Say hello to your resident Brigadier General. The game skipped three ranks (Command Marshal, Lt. Colonel, and Colonel). I received Air Marshal on the 20th and today is the 30th. So, I should have ranked up about every two days if the game worked correctly.
Joined Scaff in a few games tonight, that was some fun stuff man! I also went from Commander to air marshal in under 2 hours.
PS: You like my mad tyte Jeep drifting? Haha.

The madman nearly ran me over :)

I must also apologies for shooting you down as well, a complete accident, we had quite a nice set-up going with ND4SPD in a Warhawk leading them into range of my missile turret. Unfortunately one of the sneaky buggers ducked being a hill and my missile attempted to track them, with ND4SPD being right in the path.

That particular match was great fun, racked up a good number of kills, the jeep rides were also great fun as well 👍

also agreed about the gf, though she likes watching warhawk because of the human opponents, there were certain *ahem* other things that we needed to take care of at the moment:sly:
So, that gets you evil looks? :scared: Just don't hurt yourself.

Scaff, I saw you join in that server game I got in last night but I don't know where everyone else was. I saw a game with only 3 people in it and joined it thinking I had found a new server going online, but the other two left so I just drove around in the jeep waiting to see if anyone else joined. Then you came and left and I had been screwing around for ten minutes with no one to kill so I bailed as well. I would have thought people would be quick to jump into a fresh game.

After that I got in a 32 person TDM game, but the kill limit was set at 50 and every game ended in about 5-10 minutes.

You know, I am glad to see they have more people in the team games now and you can get in nearly anytime you want, but occasionally the maps are a bit too small for 32 people. For example, in last night's game it was 32 people on one island of Archipelago. You couldn't even go up in a Warhawk without getting missile locked immediately and the battles were so frantic around the zone flags that I got teamkilled almost as much as I got killed by the other team. And then if you blew up a tank you likely took out a couple of your own teammates in the process. If they do a full game they need to do the full maps to spread the battles out a bit. That or my team was being very sloppy.
Scaff, I saw you join in that server game I got in last night but I don't know where everyone else was. I saw a game with only 3 people in it and joined it thinking I had found a new server going online, but the other two left so I just drove around in the jeep waiting to see if anyone else joined. Then you came and left and I had been screwing around for ten minutes with no one to kill so I bailed as well. I would have thought people would be quick to jump into a fresh game.

That one was a little strange, I got in and straight away looked to see which team you were on and noticed we were the only people in. Drove around in a tank for a few minutes waiting for other people to join, got bored and came out to go and get a beer. Shame as I was looking forward to killing things with you.


Oh well, now I know not to bother with almost empty games.

I'll probably be on a lot more tonight. My wife will be out doing stuff and all I have planned is to run by a used bookstore and the grocery after work. After that I should be on for a few hours.
Excellent - I hope to get an hour or two free tonight so I may well see you on the field of battle.


The madman nearly ran me over :)

I must also apologies for shooting you down as well, a complete accident, we had quite a nice set-up going with ND4SPD in a Warhawk leading them into range of my missile turret. Unfortunately one of the sneaky buggers ducked being a hill and my missile attempted to track them, with ND4SPD being right in the path.

That particular match was great fun, racked up a good number of kills, the jeep rides were also great fun as well 👍

Ah that was good times, I think I'll jump online now and play for the rest of the night, hopefully I'll get to see some of you guys online as well!
Hi guys, I have now read this thread from start to finish...just got Warhawk bout 10mins ago, would like to join you guys online in bout 2 weeks or so if I've gotten some practise in...seeing that you all sound like experts at this stage! Great to see all the interest in the game!
I also jumped three ranks last night, up to Air Marshal now 👍, once again great fun.

Have to say that Solid Fro is just too damn good at this game, regularly topping the scoreboard. Not played many Zones matches in the past, so it was nice to see some different layouts on the maps (also helped to confuse the hell out of me as well - driving around lost in a tank never helps your kill total much).

