Warhawk • The Official Thread

I also jumped three ranks last night, up to Air Marshal now 👍, once again great fun.
That's it? I made Brigadier General. Last week I was a Wingman, then I logged on last night to find I had been promoted up to Commander, and after getting killed about 100 times by SolidFro (were you purposely hunting us?) I became Brigadier General.

Have to say that Solid Fro is just too damn good at this game, regularly topping the scoreboard.
Don't forget the bragging....and publicly calling me out for sniping. Which I was trying to snipe back at a sniper, thank you very much. Trying would be the keyword as he found me, and well anyone playing last night knows what happens then. Although, I did come out alive two or three times.

Not played many Zones matches in the past, so it was nice to see some different layouts on the maps (also helped to confuse the hell out of me as well - driving around lost in a tank never helps your kill total much).
Is that your excuse for regularly ranking under me? Actually, you, me, and ND4SPD were often right next to each other in our team's rankings, right in the middle.

Anyway, that was fun playing where I actually knew some of the people last night.

I have a question though: my headset cuts out between games and so I can't chat with all the players. I was going to try and trash talk Solid when he was bragging, but it wouldn't work. :indiff: Is it doing that to anyone else, or is it just that you can't talk when someone else is?
Shame that I can't play with most of you guys since you're in America... Damn time zones.

Although, Scaff do tell me whenever you are going to have a match again, I'll gladly join it. 👍

Today I noticed something which happens frequently enough for me to have to mention. People shooting snipers at my tank... It's just suicidal because it does nothing but let me know where they are! :dunce:
Today I noticed something which happens frequently enough for me to have to mention. People shooting snipers at my tank... It's just suicidal because it does nothing but let me know where they are! :dunce:
Either noobs or someone just caught up in the moment or not thinking. It could just be that the thought is that if they can take down a Warhawk they can take out a tank.

Last night I didn't expect that many people on. I just followed ND4SPD into a game and then I guess the rest followed along as well.
That's it? I made Brigadier General. Last week I was a Wingman, then I logged on last night to find I had been promoted up to Commander, and after getting killed about 100 times by SolidFro (were you purposely hunting us?) I became Brigadier General.

Don't forget the bragging....and publicly calling me out for sniping. Which I was trying to snipe back at a sniper, thank you very much. Trying would be the keyword as he found me, and well anyone playing last night knows what happens then. Although, I did come out alive two or three times.

Is that your excuse for regularly ranking under me? Actually, you, me, and ND4SPD were often right next to each other in our team's rankings, right in the middle.

Anyway, that was fun playing where I actually knew some of the people last night.

I have a question though: my headset cuts out between games and so I can't chat with all the players. I was going to try and trash talk Solid when he was bragging, but it wouldn't work. :indiff: Is it doing that to anyone else, or is it just that you can't talk when someone else is?

Ermm, I made brigadier general mid game last night according to the icon, got quite happy, but when I left the game, I became an air marshal again..........:grumpy:
Ermm, I made brigadier general mid game last night according to the icon, got quite happy, but when I left the game, I became an air marshal again..........:grumpy:
Yeah... these ranks are becoming pretty stupid. If you look at the requirements for each you need 100,000+ points and certain badges/medals to become anywhere near a Brigadier General. I only gained Air Marshal a couple a days ago, and not risen above that yet with nearly double the playing time of some of you.
Was I purposely hunting you guys down? No, you guys just ended up in my reticle. I found FoolKiller sniping in one of the hangers, I just happened to walk in on you. :) I usually don't trash talk, I stay quiet through out the game until it ends. If I have something to say, I'll say it. Especially if you're whoring the Warhawks or sniper rifles, I'll call you out on it. It's really being passive in the game, you're never going to get much points if you're just going to play the game as a shooting gallery. I don't know about the headset issue. Some games it works fine, most games it just doesn't work.

Pro Tip: Keep moving.

Oderint Dum Metuant.
I usually don't trash talk, I stay quiet through out the game until it ends.
At which point you say, "First again!" Although, I have to say, you earn the right.

Especially if you're whoring the Warhawks or sniper rifles, I'll call you out on it.
I have three uses for sniper rifles:
1) Killing other snipers (which was why I was hiding in the hangar when you found me)
2) Taking down Warhawks
3) Defending my guy with the flag.

Other times I just use it for recon because binoculars are spaced out and then rarely available when I get there.

Rocket launchers on the other hand, yeah I whore those.

It's really being passive in the game, you're never going to get much points if you're just going to play the game as a shooting gallery.
Yeah, somehow I find myself going into defensive mode more often than not. I think I am just much more comfortable in smaller games, like 8-16 players in a match. I love the non-stop action, but I love being able to be sneaky and that is nearly impossible when the board looks like an angry ants nest.

I don't know about the headset issue. Some games it works fine, most games it just doesn't work.
Mine always works in-game, but never between games when everyone is chatting.

I had an odd situation last night where I spawned next to the tunnel leading to the bridge on Island Outpost, right where the land mines are. There was a guy from the other team shooting at my teammates around the flag and when he saw me he turned to shoot. With nothing but land-mines and a hand gun I just ran in a circle around him throwing down the mines and then ducked behind the boulder and watched him suddenly stop and look around. When I started taking shots with the handgun he just chose a direction to go blow up in. I could almost swear I saw him shrug his shoulders. :lol: It's times like that I wish I could hear the other team talk.
Wow, those guys were real D-bags, jumping all over you for asking a question about an error. I rarely read boards outside of this one and that reminded me why.

well at least most of them were forced to walk away with their shoes in their mouths

Had anyone been able to install and try out the update yet?
I have 1.10 installed, not much difference. I could have sworn that the control response for the Warhawk hover was slower, but I think it's just my hangover.
Blimey... about time they fixed the stats and ranks. I'm now Sergeant Major, how it's supposed to be.

There are a few very small changes I've noticed. Joining matches is a little quicker, shooting is a tad more responsive, and in a Warhawk shooting people on the ground with the machine gun kills them a little easier.

In the end, I had to re-download Warhawk to be able to install the revised patch.
Ugh, I'm a Wingman piss on now. Do the requirements for each rank actually work now?
Apparently so. I meet all requirements for my current rank - the next one up I need another 7500 points.
I finally got that ridiculous 4x4 Bandit badge. Five kills in the jeep in a row. I had to do it twice because the game wouldn't recognize that I had the badge. The best way to do it is to get into a team death match game on Island Outpost and run people over.
Man I need to start playing more. I suck. And its no fun when as soon as you get in a warhawk, you get blown up with a missile turret.
Pro Tip: Avoid missile turrets by using cover. You can see any active turret on your map. Their lock-on radius is about the size of a level 3 zone. Fly around them to make them look ridiculous as they uselessly rotate around. You can also use the geography to block any lock-ons. One trick that I use is to fly very low and approach the turret, pull up as you reach the turret, kick it to hover mode and destroy it. Once destroyed, take over their zone for extra points. Extremely effective in Destroyed Capitals and Archipelago.
I'm really thinking of getting this. I've been playing Star wars battle front for psp and i really like that game it it owns for a handheld title. I just wish there was more than a few vehicles and maps.
I've seen quite a few people using that tactic.

So, with me only getting 2 or 3 kills per game in team deathmatch, do I suck, or does everyone suck at this game since it's so crazy?
Play a game with G.T and you will realize that it is possible to be good at this game. He consistently gets first place overall.
I looked at his stats. When we play together I hope I spawn right next to him. I'll follow him everywhere.
So when is the next GTP meetup? Maybe this time we can do it so us americans have to wake up early and the UK ers can do it at a good time.
I've seen the most astonishing tactic today. A user strapped the mines to a Warhawk and did kamikaze runs on the enemy zone. Unbelievable carnage.

Users seem to like camping a zone all of a sudden, pouncing on unsuspected enemy. Guess what? I'll go camp your main base and see how you like it! I got at least 20 kills, some double, and tons of bouncing grenades off the flag pole into enemy's faces.
So, with me only getting 2 or 3 kills per game in team deathmatch, do I suck, or does everyone suck at this game since it's so crazy?
Well, I joined that game you were in last night and that was pure carnage. You were in a tough matchup for a new player.

Users seem to like camping a zone all of a sudden, pouncing on unsuspected enemy. Guess what? I'll go camp your main base and see how you like it! I got at least 20 kills, some double, and tons of bouncing grenades off the flag pole into enemy's faces.
Yeah, I had to quit a game because the other team immediately began camping our base with three Warhawks and spawning just resulted in getting appearing in the middle of machine gun fire and lightning storms. While they were busy killing everyone as they spawned the rest of their team claimed all the other main spawn points, so your only hope was to spawn at a sub-point and hope you could get to a weapon and move out, avoiding the minefield the rest of the board had become.

Does anyone know how to report someone cheating with their points? I entered a ranked player server called "CTF CTF CTF RANK RANK RANK" that was a 8 player CTF game. The thing was the minimum players was set to 0 and the one guy playing had already snagged 45 flag captures. Just after I saw him and killed him I got banned from the server by the admin. It was obvious someone was running a server on one PS3 and playing on another just to build his points. Of course this makes me glad there are more than just points required to rank up.

Speaking of which, I am screwed now that the rankings are fixed. I am stuck because I need a Warhawk Recruitment ribbon, which is one player and one vehicle kill with a Warhawk in a game. I suck with the Warhawk. I am lucky to manage one Warhawk kill in a game.

Oh, and is it bad to win the Supreme Sacrifice medal?
Well, I joined that game you were in last night and that was pure carnage. You were in a tough matchup for a new player.

Yeah, I had to quit a game because the other team immediately began camping our base with three Warhawks and spawning just resulted in getting appearing in the middle of machine gun fire and lightning storms. While they were busy killing everyone as they spawned the rest of their team claimed all the other main spawn points, so your only hope was to spawn at a sub-point and hope you could get to a weapon and move out, avoiding the minefield the rest of the board had become.

Does anyone know how to report someone cheating with their points? I entered a ranked player server called "CTF CTF CTF RANK RANK RANK" that was a 8 player CTF game. The thing was the minimum players was set to 0 and the one guy playing had already snagged 45 flag captures. Just after I saw him and killed him I got banned from the server by the admin. It was obvious someone was running a server on one PS3 and playing on another just to build his points. Of course this makes me glad there are more than just points required to rank up.

Speaking of which, I am screwed now that the rankings are fixed. I am stuck because I need a Warhawk Recruitment ribbon, which is one player and one vehicle kill with a Warhawk in a game. I suck with the Warhawk. I am lucky to manage one Warhawk kill in a game.

Oh, and is it bad to win the Supreme Sacrifice medal?

I won that medal too when i first started playing. I felt like a loser. And I am an airman now that everything is fixed, but im glad its fixed. It just seems so much more legitimate now.

But last night something amazing happened. I got 1st place overall!!!! My first time ever. And I only had 44 points. But i was so happy.

But really, for those just starting out, e.g. keef, just play a lot. The more you play, the more little quirks you find to give yourself an advantage. I mean look at G.T, he is really good, but he has logged 73 hours of play time. Anyone would be good after that much practice.
But last night something amazing happened. I got 1st place overall!!!! My first time ever. And I only had 44 points. But i was so happy.
I tied for first in a game yesterday with 74 points, but the guy I tied with had 30 kills and I only had 10, so he earned his in a much harder way.

Oh and I had my first gameplay based friend request from a guy I had been playing a CTF game with Saturday. He sent me the request and explained he enjoyed playing with me because I made a good teammate. It made me feel special.

Those few games where your team works together are great. We had warnings of tanks coming into certain areas and guys requesting aid when certain zones were getting attacked. It was really funny when one guy got auto-switched and as soon as the game was over we heard the guy yelling about how his team sucks and they need to get headsets. Then he told our team he got switched and explained what happened. I didn't even know you could get auto-switched between games like that.

EDIT: Land Sea Air, I hope I didn't interrupt anything when I jumped in that game between you and a friend. I saw you hosting your own game and with a GTP password I thought it might be a GTP match I didn't know about.

And has anyone else been kicked for joining a private game and when you end up winning, because the host is a noob, you get kicked. I mean, some of you guys can verify that I'm not that good, but when I can jump in mid-match and come out as the top player it is definitely a sign that everyone else really sucks. Maybe if they realized that you can limit the rank allowed.
Yep... the more you play the better you get. Once you know most of the places people tend to be, where all the weapons are, etc, you WILL get better. I tend to use the tank quite a bit but ever since I've spent a little more time in the Warhawk getting me to different zones and such, I'm good at solider combat now too.

The only thing I'm not all too good at it using the Warhawk. I'm average, but if I'm trying to destroy a tank with it (which isn't always recommend... try and get that vehicle kill on a 4x4) I usually don't dive around a lot and the tank shoots me down. It's great sneaking up on enemy bases with it though...!