Warhawk • The Official Thread

I think in general it's just too easy to take a warhawk down from the ground for it to be very useful as an all out attack vehicle, but it's very useful for getting around or for certain support situations once you get the hang of its weapons.
I've been playing too much Warhawk. I keep hearing the mine ticking sound in my head. Ahhh!
Hahaha. I swear everwhere I go now I hear the hissing sound the binoculars make before the airstrike comes...
Ranks? I'm a Commander now :)

I'd have to disagree with warhawks being too easy to take down, but that's because I make it a point to always grab any ammunition I can, and even if I have over half of my health, I always grab it if it's en route.

Having lots of weapons in warhawk (on foot, or in the sky) will always make you a threat. TOW missiles > Everything in this game.

2.55 KDR :)
I'm a Commander. Hopefully, I rank up today.

Warhawks are not easy to take down, but can be with the simplest of weapons, the rifle. Run towards the Warhawk, not away, and use cover when you can. Much like the Banshee whores in Halo, a few well placed shotgun rounds can take them out. I think tanks are much more of a threat in close combat, especially in Zones. They shoot wildly and their humongous splash damage makes up for their inaccuracy.

edit: The game displayed that I ranked up twice today, but I am still Commander. Are the stats ever going to be fixed?
Confirmation that Sony will be releasing the disc edition of Warhawk without the Bluetooth headset for the same price as the download, $40.

Which to choose really comes down to which advantages mean the most to you.

Advantages to Games on Discs
  • It doesn't take up any space on the HDD.
  • If you have a lot of games and demos on your HDD, it can be easier to find.
  • It can be played on other people's PS3s.
  • It can be sold.
Advantages to Downloadable Games
  • You do not have to go to a store or order them online and wait to get it while possibly paying more for shipping.
  • They don't take up space on your shelves.
  • There are no discs that require you to get up and insert and remove.
  • It can't get lost or physically damaged, and can be replaced instantly and free of charge.
Advantages to Games on Discs[/B]
  • It doesn't take up any space on the HDD.
  • If you have a lot of games and demos on your HDD, it can be easier to find. You can be lazy.
  • It can be played on other people's PS3s.
  • It can be sold.
Advantages to Downloadable Games
  • You do not have to go to a store or order them online and wait to get it while possibly paying more for shipping. You can be lazy
  • They don't take up space on your shelves.
  • There are no discs that require you to get up and insert and remove. You can be lazy
  • It can't get lost or physically damaged, and can be replaced instantly and free of charge.
Translated that for ya!

So basically, it comes down to how lazy you are.

Personally, I prefer the disc for the reasosn you listed. Also, I don't know how BC issues will affect games you have bought and downloaded on future systems. but as long as Sony keeps a BD laser in their systems I can hope to keep playing down the road.
Heres a new one for ya, I went into a ctf game last night where they were purposely raising the their rank by working with the opposing team to constantly capture and save the flag so everyone could get points, they would have 7 guys from each team at the their flag while one guy from from the opposing team would capture the flag and then somehow release it so it could immediately be returned by the other guys, and then repeat over and over again... creative buy you could also just have skill and play the game...

lmao - we were using that strategy as part of our testing for score count. :dopey:
I'm finally picking up my free copy today.. now i just need a PS3.. lol

its been a while since it first came out; anyone still on there?

On another note, about the damage weapons cause; early on, it was fun with the knife - one swing one kill with that thing.. really fun in deathmatch. lol
its been a while since it first came out; anyone still on there?
Not as much as I was, but it's a new TV season. I've given up on my new shows on Wednesdays, so now just Mondays and Thursdays are taken up by other entertainment.
I'm still on almost every day, usually more than once. It's refreshing to play a game with no story where you just kill real people :sly:
I'm still on almost every day, usually more than once. It's refreshing to play a game with no story where you just kill real people :sly:

I'm sending some guys with white coats to give you a fancy jacket. They also have a very comfortable room all laid out for you.
Warhawk on Blu-Ray still installs the 800MB of data on the HDD. The disc is only a boot disc, everything is loaded on the HDD when you get the game.
I forgot to mention Scaff joined a couple of games I was playing the other week. That was fairly fun, but I wasn't at my best at the time... :P

As far as I remember I have over 2500 kills now with a kill/death ratio of 2.13. I was on a TOTAL rampage last night killing 30+ people 3 matches in a row. It was rather silly though - on one map the other team was pretty useless. Our team had taken all the zones and were pushing hard on their only zone. Many of them would run into the bunkers for cover from the other guys and I would blast them with the tank each time they went in... :lol: It was truly hilarious and must have been seriously annoying for them because they can't spawn outside of that base!

Another match I must have killed several in a row with the flamethrower before an air-strike hit me.
Haha yea you're deadly with a tank. I was playing last night and I think I am getting better. At one point I was in a warhawk and flew into an enemies territory right on top of the flag (it was a zones match) and quickly got out of the warhawk and threw a grenade at it, because i knew it was about to blow up, and i didnt want to get blown up with it, so i backed up and threw my only two grenades, blew it up along with two other guys, and then used my pistol to take down two more guys before they took me down. It was a rush.
Haha yea you're deadly with a tank. I was playing last night and I think I am getting better. At one point I was in a warhawk and flew into an enemies territory right on top of the flag (it was a zones match) and quickly got out of the warhawk and threw a grenade at it, because i knew it was about to blow up, and i didnt want to get blown up with it, so i backed up and threw my only two grenades, blew it up along with two other guys, and then used my pistol to take down two more guys before they took me down. It was a rush.
Yep. Being good in situations like that is a really good way to play well.

I usually throw grenades at weak vehicles I've just used so if I die I can respawn in the location I got it from and use it again. That's if no one else takes it before me, though!

Plus, the pistol is an underrated weapon. I can usually kill guys with it quicker than when they have a rifle - you just have to get close enough to them to get the autoaim working and tap the fire button as quick as you can.
Yep. Being good in situations like that is a really good way to play well.

I usually throw grenades at weak vehicles I've just used so if I die I can respawn in the location I got it from and use it again. That's if no one else takes it before me, though!

Plus, the pistol is an underrated weapon. I can usually kill guys with it quicker than when they have a rifle - you just have to get close enough to them to get the autoaim working and tap the fire button as quick as you can.

I agree that and the knife, I find the knife to be very useful on certain maps. I like the stealth aspect to it and how I can just sneak up behind someone and slash them. Hey G.T hit me up on MSN if you're about to play some Warhawk anytime!
I am an in-tank sniper.. its fun :D - especially @ archipelago. I can help from a distance.. and see everything going on.. lol

with the occasional warhawk bugging me.
I like to put a mine in an inconspicuous place on a warhawk or jeep and park it right in the middle of the enemy's main base :)
Im still not very good with the Warhawk. While playing the other day, I ended up in a team deathmatch, "dogfight" I only killed one person, while I died 8 times. Im just an inconsistent player.
I like to put mines behind walls and other such non-visible places, especially in Destroyed Capital.

Boom shakalaka, boom.
oh, yeah.. lol

I put them on the inside-roofs of buildings & they make great anti-tank devices.. not to mention; put them on the bottom of a jeep; nobody even knows its there ;) lol .. there's other things you can do with mines too.. but i want to give MYSELF some sort of advantage when i get on.. lol ;)
mine on flag is obvious, mine one jeep nearest to flag = 👍
mine on door frame is obvious, mine on roof inside of door frame = 👍
mine on vehicle is obvious, mine on ground right where vehicle spawns = 👍


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