- 8,169
- Hindmarsh Island
- TDZ-4-12-14-88
- XBOX_is_GAY!!!!
On that note, I would like to raise some concerns in that department regarding the next round at Laguna Seca. With the track being as relatively narrow as it is and with a lack of paved runoff, I fear this is really gonna come under some serious scrutiny that weekend. I still remember all the trouble I had with back-markers there in the last WSC season at the wheel of a Ferrari 330 P4. As far as I can remember, whenever I would come up to lap an ST (Alfa Romeo Guilia TZ2) or GT car (AC Cobra, Chevrolet Corvette, Jaguar E-Type, to name three), I would usually try and do so on the straights as there is more room there to maneuver. I'm not saying everyone has to do it that way, especially the LMP drivers. But it usually doesn't result in as many incidents. Just something to think about.
I can somewhat agree here mate, as trying to get past a GTE car through the S curves at suzuka was a difficult thing, however the cornering speeds were so similar that the only time lost was a few tenths that would be gained through the acceleration of the LMP car, but,
Once again, as we have said multiple times previously, It is the LMP drivers responsibility to make the pass without making contact with the GTE car,
Are the penalties not harsh enough to make drivers think twice? we can be more painful in this respect,
If you maintain your line then that makes it easier for an LMP driver to get passed as they can anticipate your actions, if you plan on moving over then make your actions clear prior to doing so,