Wed 20:30-21:30 UK Time - CLOSED - Suspended until further noticePS4 

Speaking of track limit penalties:

After being warned several times, I was finally given a small one or two second penalty

The problem is that I don't know why I was getting the warnings.

It's curious to me because I did not get warnings when I went off the track, like when I went too wide on a turn or broke too late

I was getting them when driving at speed
@RagingBullLC I made it to lap 33 in my replay and I'd like to thank you also for pristeen driving.

You went a bit wide on the first turn to the right, the hairpin, and I went underneath you and you could have pushed your way into rejoining (because you didn't go off the road you just barely went a little wide) but you didn't.

If I'm correct, you slowed just a fraction and stayed left long enough to allow me to get through that turn.

Things like this and what RJ did and what all of the drivers do in this group are why I'm so proud to be part of it.

EDIT: actually, you didn't go wide. You were just deep outside on the red and white curb.

Double EDIT: Were there any drivers who managed the entire race without going off? I can't imagine it.
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@WiSchmo it was completely my fault when I spun behind you on the main straight.

I thought I was closing on you using slipstream. I was not expecting to catch you. I lift the throttle and I completely lost control of the car. It was a bit odd but my fault anyway.

I am just glad I didn’t take you out :)
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@WiSchmo it was completely my fault when I spun behind you on the main straight.

I thought I was closing on you using slipstream. I was not expecting to catch you. I lift the throttle and Incompletely lost control of the car. It was a bit odd but my fault anyway.

I am just glad I didn’t take you out :)
Is it possible to lose control like you're describing by only letting off the throttle without even breaking or downshifting?

If so, that would explain some of my problems
Is it possible to lose control like you're describing by only letting off the throttle without even breaking or downshifting?

If so, that would explain some of my problems

Yes, you can lose control on downshifts if you are not careful. Heel-toe cures it.

When chasing @WiSchmo, I just lifted the throttle. I was really close so it is hard to tell if I touched him (don’t think so), sudden lag made me contact him or just that I accidentally turned when lifting.

In any case, it was an awesome race trying to climb back positions!

The format works well and it is really positive to see different people enjoying the podium. Well done @Sick Cylinder!
I think that it would be good for the racing behaviour to turn on the damage again. Together with fuel consumption to force a pitstop it would be pefect,

I'm going to be the flip side to that I'm afraid. Turning on the damage won't improve the racing behaviour, that would only be the case if we were racing with serial rammers that actively seek out contact.

100% of our contact that results in damage is a result of driving error, whether it be the fault of the defending or overtaking car. So I don't get why punishing those mistakes further would do anything to benefit our races.

Take the last race for example. The contact between @slthree and myself with 10 minutes to go was purely accidental and non-malicious. I ended up on my roof and flipping over so, with 10 minutes to go, that would have been my race over there and then. I might have limped to the pits and started repairing but then I would have seen that the repairs would take the best part of 5 minutes, putting me around 4 laps down on the guys I was racing with. So then I would have quit out so as to avoid any accidental contact with the cars many laps ahead of me when I did eventually come out the pits.

The only thing we'd get from that is there'd be two less cars to race against (as slthree's car would be damaged as well), he'd probably feel more guilty about his mistake (which shouldn't be necessary, we're racing for fun) and I might feel aggrieved at the situation. Oh, and I'd be making an early cup of tea.

Add to that Dd's early accident and everyone would have missed out on a lot of close racing at the back as the two of us fought our way through from positions that, whilst down on where we qualified, still left us in contention with our competitors.

I've been in a championship before where my very first race ended at T1 thanks to damage and accidental contact from my team mate no less. After the 100's of laps I'd put in to setting up the car... Let's just say I wasn't racing in that championship for very long... especially as having damage on did nothing to prevent the accidents that occurred in the next races.

Apologies for the long post!
I'm going to be the flip side to that I'm afraid. Turning on the damage won't improve the racing behaviour, that would only be the case if we were racing with serial rammers that actively seek out contact.

100% of our contact that results in damage is a result of driving error, whether it be the fault of the defending or overtaking car. So I don't get why punishing those mistakes further would do anything to benefit our races.

Take the last race for example. The contact between @slthree and myself with 10 minutes to go was purely accidental and non-malicious. I ended up on my roof and flipping over so, with 10 minutes to go, that would have been my race over there and then. I might have limped to the pits and started repairing but then I would have seen that the repairs would take the best part of 5 minutes, putting me around 4 laps down on the guys I was racing with. So then I would have quit out so as to avoid any accidental contact with the cars many laps ahead of me when I did eventually come out the pits.

The only thing we'd get from that is there'd be two less cars to race against (as slthree's car would be damaged as well), he'd probably feel more guilty about his mistake (which shouldn't be necessary, we're racing for fun) and I might feel aggrieved at the situation. Oh, and I'd be making an early cup of tea.

Add to that Dd's early accident and everyone would have missed out on a lot of close racing at the back as the two of us fought our way through from positions that, whilst down on where we qualified, still left us in contention with our competitors.

I've been in a championship before where my very first race ended at T1 thanks to damage and accidental contact from my team mate no less. After the 100's of laps I'd put in to setting up the car... Let's just say I wasn't racing in that championship for very long... especially as having damage on did nothing to prevent the accidents that occurred in the next races.

Apologies for the long post!

Totally agree with all of that.. Most of the damage comes as a result of a mistake, and generally you already make a huge loss in terms of time and fall behind the rest of the pack. With damage as well you might as well not bother with the rest of the race... Take DD's incident at the start of Wednesdays race, with damage on there's no way DD would've had the opportunity to come back through the field.

If any change gets made, I'd suggest losing the penalties for reasons previously mentioned!!

to clearify my thoughts: I was comparing to real life where mistakes or risky driving can lead to incidents - but - the racers have to handle those too. Being aware that the race can be spoiled if I risk too much is part of real life racing.
100% of our contact that results in damage is a result of driving error, whether it be the fault of the defending or overtaking car. So I don't get why punishing those mistakes further would do anything to benefit our races.

I agree Rob, we made contact, early in the race, we had to make up field, then had a crash, with NERVOS, towards the end. Damage good, but some great drivers, stopped racing, because of it, Lancer. Fuel tyres, agree about, here's race photos.

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On the other hand, accidents are an inseparable part of racing. Also sim racing. Our task is to avoid them at all costs. Just like the risk of getting the first corner after go on green. I will always support full sim conditions. With all consequences.

Edit: Now, our slow starts are sometimes more dangerous that normal go on green (awkward behaviours, slowing/speeding or even stopping in middle of track, accidents).
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Apologies for the long post!
Short reply, I tend to agree with you. Damage has its place, especially for longer races, but I do prefer visual only for our 30 minutes.

Fuel usage? I don't see why not. Since we now have tyre wear back on a car getting lighter would help with that wear. Are we going to run out of fuel over 30 minutes though? I suppose it might affect the Mustangs more but I'd have thought even those should last the race. That would need testing.

Starting on green? Yes that would be nice since it is an integral part of races. But our modified procedure, while not ideal and can still cause confusion, has generally helped it preventing 1st corner pile ups. Although... I've got my thinking hat on. @Sick Cylinder since we currently have damage disabled we could perhaps try to go on green again sometime. Any early incidents wouldn't require a pit visit or be race ending just cause loss of places - with plenty of time to catch up. When you originally introduced the modified procedure damage was on which was causing some of the problems.

Oh yeah, track limit penalties. :ill:
3 warnings and you get a 10 second penalty then a drive through for further abuse. That's what it needs SMS. None of this "slow down" by an unknown amount for an indeterminate length of time nonsense. It causes problems to following cars.
The key idea behind the series is that they should be accessible to drivers with very limited time (i.e. full-time jobs and family commitments). This dictates that we race using default setups.

It also makes it desirable that both series use the same tracks (whenever possible) so that the Monday race provides track practise for the Wednesday race.

I don't want to add anything to the series which increases the amount of time that participants need to invest.
Fuel usage just won't work I'm afraid in our races. For us to be able to alter fuelling amounts we'd need setups to be modifiable (to prevent default setups having awry initial fuel levels) and that just opens too big a can of worms. And, as Sick says above, he's designed this series to be accessible above all else.

Besides, in a half hour race, there is absolutely no benefit to pitting mid race to fuel up. The time lost just won't outweigh the time gained from having a lighter fuel load in the first half of the race. So then you have to enforce a mandatory pitstop, which we have in some series anyway.

I do 100% agree with removing the penalty system though.
I all ways have fuel, tyre wear on, did 30 min race, loads left at end. Maybe see what happens Wen.:D

If that's the case then, from a handling point of view, it's actually better if we have the fuel usage switched off. Seems like the game brims the car no matter the race length and you have lots left over at the end. Whereas with no fuel usage the game gives you about 5 laps worth (I think it was only 16L in the Escort). So although the car won't get lighter as the tyres wear, it'll be a lighter fuel load whatever anyway.
Hi guys,

Following my post on the PSN chat, I checked when my PS+ membership is due renewal. It actually is 01/10.

Which means that tomorrow is my last race.

It is not a goodbye, it is a see you soon. I will take a break from sim racing. If I miss it, I’ll be back soon with a new setup.

It is a hard decision as it has brought me great moments and even greater people to my life, but I feel is the right decision nonetheless.

This summer I spent more time on (real) track than previous years and I also started preparing my own track toy, which is extremely satisfactory doing it by myself. I was at Oulton with the car on Saturday, and even though not everything went as planned (fried the brake fluid mid session) every minute on track was x100 what sim racing provides. However, it is an expensive hobby and some things need to give way to free (time and economical) resources.

It has been a pleasure to take part on @Sick Cylinder races for two years and I’ve been honoured to race against such a clean bunch of great drivers.

See you soon guys.
Hi guys,

Following my post on the PSN chat, I checked when my PS+ membership is due renewal. It actually is 01/10.

Which means that tomorrow is my last race.

It is not a goodbye, it is a see you soon. I will take a break from sim racing. If I miss it, I’ll be back soon with a new setup.

It is a hard decision as it has brought me great moments and even greater people to my life, but I feel is the right decision nonetheless.

This summer I spent more time on (real) track than previous years and I also started preparing my own track toy, which is extremely satisfactory doing it by myself. I was at Oulton with the car on Saturday, and even though not everything went as planned (fried the brake fluid mid session) every minute on track was x100 what sim racing provides. However, it is an expensive hobby and some things need to give way to free (time and economical) resources.

It has been a pleasure to take part on @Sick Cylinder races for two years and I’ve been honoured to race against such a clean bunch of great drivers.

See you soon guys.

I'll be sad to see you go DD! Please post some pictures/videos of your trackdays on this group when you get the chance, it'll be good to see what you've got going on!
Thanks for the kind messages guys! They are truly appreciated.

I was thinking that with @Sick Cylinder permission and space allowing, I would love to take part on Monday's race. I run out of PS+ membership on Tuesday so it will be the ideal farewell (not a fan of classic Silverstone!)

My track car (MINI R53) is a work in progress. I am on the process of selling one of my other cars (anyone fancy an extremely clean, low mileage Alfa GTV?) to get something practical and go full on with the track car (get rid of rear seats, interior trim, etc.).

Below some pictures:

Blyton Park 1.jpg

So far I have increased a bit the power by reducing the supercharger pulley by 17%, including a SC service and some gaskets replaced. I have upgraded the SC cooling by adding a larger intercooler, refurbished completely the water cooling system: new tank, new hoses all around, new water pump, upgraded calipers from the R56 JCW MINI including larger Brembo discs, braided hoses, lightweight wheels with Michelin Super Sport tires.

I just ordered adjustable damping coilovers with adjustable camber plates. A new rear adjustable ARB will be next, and upgraded cold air intake will be arriving soon too.

Over winter will tackle bigger jobs such as getting both subframes, refurbish them and add polybushes. Some other maintenance jobs such as replacing the timing chain will be done over winter too.

If the wallet allows it, I will get a half cage with harnessess and bucket seats before the 7-day trip to the Nurburgring in Easter 2020.

I've got some videos but nothing as fancy as @Tavilha's chase of a 911! I was actually chasing down a Golf R at Oulton when my brakes said they had enough! It is getting there and the few track days I've done with it were more testing of what to improve rather than exploring the limits of the car.

If anyone wants to keep track of the progress, please send me a PM and I'll add you on Facebook.
Thanks for the kind messages guys! They are truly appreciated.

I was thinking that with @Sick Cylinder permission and space allowing, I would love to take part on Monday's race. I run out of PS+ membership on Tuesday so it will be the ideal farewell (not a fan of classic Silverstone!)

My track car (MINI R53) is a work in progress. I am on the process of selling one of my other cars (anyone fancy an extremely clean, low mileage Alfa GTV?) to get something practical and go full on with the track car (get rid of rear seats, interior trim, etc.).

Below some pictures:

View attachment 853316 View attachment 853317

So far I have increased a bit the power by reducing the supercharger pulley by 17%, including a SC service and some gaskets replaced. I have upgraded the SC cooling by adding a larger intercooler, refurbished completely the water cooling system: new tank, new hoses all around, new water pump, upgraded calipers from the R56 JCW MINI including larger Brembo discs, braided hoses, lightweight wheels with Michelin Super Sport tires.

I just ordered adjustable damping coilovers with adjustable camber plates. A new rear adjustable ARB will be next, and upgraded cold air intake will be arriving soon too.

Over winter will tackle bigger jobs such as getting both subframes, refurbish them and add polybushes. Some other maintenance jobs such as replacing the timing chain will be done over winter too.

If the wallet allows it, I will get a half cage with harnessess and bucket seats before the 7-day trip to the Nurburgring in Easter 2020.

I've got some videos but nothing as fancy as @Tavilha's chase of a 911! I was actually chasing down a Golf R at Oulton when my brakes said they had enough! It is getting there and the few track days I've done with it were more testing of what to improve rather than exploring the limits of the car.

If anyone wants to keep track of the progress, please send me a PM and I'll add you on Facebook.

Great car to choose! You've started purposefully with Cooling, Brakes and Handling/Tyres done first as well. Should be a real hoot once the coilovers are on although it surely is already!
Apologies again to John for taking him out twice, I totally wasn't expecting the Mustangs to be quite so slow through the corners and just couldn't scrub any speed off mid corner before I collided.

You can see how I should have handled it in the video below, the straight-line pace advantage of that Camaro is something else but the Escort and Viva were crawling all over it through the corners. Classic Murray Walker is just a bonus!

As an aside, Crystal Palace is just down the road from me and much of the 1953-72 layout you see here can be walked around to this day. A sprint event is held on a short section of the original track as well. I actually rode some of the circuit when doing my motorbike CBT.

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