Week 100: No Restrictions!

  • Thread starter Kent
I made minor improvements across the boardwith my F1 time, but I think I've hit my limit. I cant drive this thing any faster. I'm done for the week and my final time is ready for submission. So, if multiple submissions are allowed, I plan to slap some T8's on my skyline and try for a real time with it this weekend.
I say just allow multiples entries, and list ALL the results from fastest to slowest, and only use the fastest time from each driver for the results tables such as the dynamic stats page and whatknot. Maybe even disregard the division system just for this week, since it's kind of a special event. Maybe in parenthases next to the time, just type the car info and division rank also. Say I posted 3 times for this week. Post my fastest time in the results table in red, then all my subsequent times down the list in black.Do that for each driver. That way it will be easy to read for those updating stats pages and whatknot, and will still be a nice huge impressive list of runs to look at in general. Just an idea to consider.👍
I agree with all of that 👍
LOL ... It is starting to get a bit out of hand ;) Oh well, I don't mind. Just wish I wasn't so busy IRL this week. I'm glad you guys like it. CS is a pain because I save all the times in milliseconds (i.e. 1'00.555 = 60555 milliseconds), but after you get above about a minute and a half, it's tough to figure out the milliseconds in my head, so I have to use a calculator, which slows me down.

Alright, here I go being geeky.....

I'm a software developer, I make a living creating systems that store/sort data and make reports. So naturally when I joined the WRS and saw the stats I figured it was all done using a program. But of course, they always do it manually when a program would do it much easier :P
I'm not sure if Kent is doing the same thing, but if you guys want, I could write an application that would make your lives much easier.
Developing programs is so cool, I got an A in programming last year, it's fun using C++, I guess that program is just for newbies compared to what the pros use:P

Btw I agree with what CFM said:tup:
I did 4 laps in the arcade mini last night. It didn't take as long as I thought....

Ouch.. As expected I am embarrassingly far behind whatever car I choose here.. I guess more practice would help at least close the gap a little bit but I am super busy... 👎

Oh well.. Hopefully I can get a few more laps done until the end of the week..

Really impressive times on the leaderboard I must say.. By the way, to whomever updates the leaderboard, I'm in division 2..

Good racing everyone! :)

Anyone have tips for the R390 on the hilly section. I can take that section full throttle sometimes but other times it's really hard to maintain a good line. So far my faster T1 was 1:02 and that was when I nailed the hilly section perfectly.
@ Kent :
Actually I fully support the multiple submission idea. This is week 100 remember, a special occasion and a wonderful (I really mean it) 'anniversary' combo.
I'm certain that even with 1 submission per racer we would break the max submissions the WRS ever had (was it 29 ?).
For my stats, I can use each driver's fastest time as it has been mentioned on the thread (CFM, daan...).
As I answered to Monty in the dynamic stats thread : the stats are definitely not the reason why we all race ; fun and friendship are the reasons.
So nobody would mind losing some points or positions on whatever board.

I might even consider using each driver's average time to grant the points. Special anniversary occasion, hey ;)
Even though the GT3 era is coming to an end, WRS is getting more and more popular :cheers:

Denso Sard Supra:

Still some time left :sly:
Hugo Boss
Denso Sard Supra: 2'55.758.
Still some time left :sly:
I know why I chose the full modded Mini this week : self esteem preservation ;)
I won't have to compare my time with yours :lol: :lol: :lol:
I know why I chose the full modded Mini this week : self esteem preservation ;)
I won't have to compare my time with yours :lol: :lol: :lol:
HAHA! Well mine is gone. :dunce:
He passed up my GTONE time and is well on his way to catching my R390 at T3. By the start finish line, he has probably gobbled up the .5 second cushion I have and I'm staring at his Supra tail-lights as he crosses the line just in front of me. :lol:

Amazing times Hugo, as always. 👍
I jumped on the PS2 since I had a bit of time before dinner.:sly: Went in cold and ran 4 laps with the arcade Mini:


I'm about 1 or 2 missed apexes away from Shpinx & Flinx's time at GT.de. One good session should get me on top of that combo, for now.👍 It's a nice combo because I can just set a brick on the gas pedal and go take a leak or hump the wife during the start straightaway, and come back and run the rest of the lap.:lol:
Thought I would try out a new car. So here are my times. Clean lap, though there are alot of mistakes on it.

Poly 001

T1 1.02.932
T2 1.50.951
T3 2.41.985

my new fastest clean polyphony 001 times.

T1: 1:01.754
T2: 1:50.831
T3: 2:42.772

EDIT (faster lap by 1.5 seconds)
T1: 1:02.183
T2: 1:50.195
T3: 2:42.099

I believe we submit our fastest lap and that is what the results are based on, this will be organised into divisions as normal. Then underneath that is the unofficail results with all the other combinations listed from fastest to slowest.

Best of both worlds.
New best splits in the F094/S at 1'02.264/1'49.529/2'40.371
And the lap is clean :D

Another suggestion for submissions is to make separate lists, like Small_Fryz said, but instead of clumping all of the additional submissions into one category, instead subdivide them into separate categories based on some of the sub-races we have going on here (Full mod Mini, Arcade Mini, Full tune LM cars, and so on).

And Hugo, I might join you in a JGTC car later. I'm feeling afwuly tempted to take out my 1400 mile Calsonic Skyline for a spin around CSII. I'd make a run now, but I've gotta continue studying for exams. :(
takin to the Div 1's

clean polyphony001 lap

T1: 1:00.953
T2: 1:48.549
T3: 2:39.965 (fastest is 2:38.756)

I lost to much time from T2 - T3 however my overall clean lap time is 1.5 seconds faster than my last clean lap time.
Phew, Fryz next time be sure to not leave fire on the track after that blazing T1 :P

I think I might spend more time on the F1 because this is getting kinda competitive, and probably your lap Fryz is faster than mine because I didn't do that good that S turn section before the T3.

I think I'm gonna spend more time on the F1 and the GT-One, because I just can't improve my Mini time, and I guess none is up for the Evo battle :(
As I stated before me and the 686 had finaly found the limit. So I reluctantly climbed into A 94/s expecting humiliation. The 686 has always been faster than the 94/s for me, so this came as a bit of a suprise.

F094/s, after three laps.

T1: 1'02.922
T2: 1'51.096
T3: 2'47.003

I now have plans for the weekend.


guess none is up for the Evo battle :(

I'll race your Evo in my 22B.
well this is another 1.3seconds faster than my previouse best clean lap

T1: 1:01.787
T2: 1:49.286
T3: 2:39.786

Only .2 faster at T3 yet 1.1 seconds faster from T3 to finish line
I'll race your Evo in my 22B.

Nice to hear mate, fully modded Evo VII GSR is mine, looking forward to your times in the 22B 👍

And Fryz, you just made me to climb back to the cockpit on the F1 and take a few laps, I'm getting scared :nervous:

EDIT: Nothing new, was very sloppy at my driving skills, maybe because I'm so sleepy, so yeah, I have learnt that I shouldn't do hot laps while being sleepy :sly:
Time update

Elise with full custom. gear box with stock settings

Stock Viper with T8's

Had a 10 second improvement in the Tickford but it was dirty i'll seriously race it with much better (right now i'm basically using stock settings).
With the R390 above, that section Ive always found tricky as you have to set the car up before the next corner, downside is you cant see it coming :), Im just clicking it into 5th gear at about the second hill and just holding it flat all the way through, have come unstuck several times in fact at high speed coming off the last hill (getting airborne) and the car can snap right out through there, all I can really say is practice:)

Ran a GT1, best T2 time was a 2.00... I can go reasonably fast at times...

But since it was a lot slower the the R390 time, I binned it

With that 1:02 T1 before Touge Master, I gues I'll need to get the lead out:)
looking forward to your times in the 22B 👍

I slaped some T8's on and did a quick lap. Here's some preliminary T's for ya.

Impreza 22B, full tune.

T1: 1'22.992
T2: 2'28.174
T3: 3'33.669

Even though it starts you out on the fly the second lap is usualy faster than the first. Not to mention the numerous mistakes I made. Unlike with the outrageous F1 I'm actualy shooting for the line here. And I missed it alot.

p.s. what hp is your evo at? The 22B's at 570.
i did a few laps in arcade mini got T3 of 5:05.9xx

no updates on F1 though
Tom's Chaser... is beast... haven't driven an 845 HP monster around in a while... X button is a bit too touchy for the gas, but damn its a fun car. These Ts with lots of sliding, drifting, and other bits of having fun... on the track :P Full tune, T8

T1 - 1'23.286
T2 - 2'29.822
T3 - 3'36.721

Few more laps in the this beast... such a nice looking sedan as well

Then some more Lotus runs... and then the Opel I think...