Week 54... titles coming soon.

  • Thread starter Kent
Ok, first off... the off track thing... that stands as is. No off tracks what so ever.
3 laps is not that hard to avoid going off track for, and if it is, then slow down. :D

Second, the ai contact.

As some of you have noticed the rules about ai contact are some what vague. (sp?)

Basically, it works out how famine said, if there is an advantage is the result of contact... no good.
If there is no advantage from the contact, ok.

However, that is not enough...
The degree of contact is the key to this.

Contact that is minimal (a rub, or you being rear ended) those are situations where nothing key to the race is affected... however, if your sliding into the ai so you can muscle your way into a spot, then you are breaking the rules.

The best way to go about this is to aviod ai as much as possible.

If contact occurs, be honest with yourself.
Did it give me an advantage?
Was it a banging crash or was it just a tiny bump?

Since so many of you have no xport, I am hoping for an honor system approach.

For those of us with an xport, do your best, and if you really feel like it is too close to call, then just keep working and I will take a look at the final race. (if needed)

Basically, I just want to stress that contact of sorts is allowed, but racing without any regard to contact is not acceptable.

I am sure that as long as there are no major hits, and as long as you aren't pushing the ai around, all is fine.
Originally posted by Famine
Umm... What?

hahaha !! Ooops I meant turn 4 (or 5 or thereabouts!!!)

originally posted by GoKents

Basically, it works out how famine said, if there is an advantage is the result of contact... no good.
If there is no advantage from the contact, ok.

Didnt you mean me ????

originally posted by bigjamesgti
Number 6 says no cheating of any kind.

I think that you know if the contact you have with the AI gives you an advantage or not.

If it does then its cheating

If it doesnt then its ok
Originally posted by Famine

Improvement is one thing, but above all GT3 is a game. Enjoyment ought to be paramount - and if you're not having fun, you're not going to play the game, or race here, or improve.

I think that Div 3 (again, I'm not being condescending. Well, not TRYING to be) ought to be given a little leeway - maybe ONE incident of three or more wheels off.

As a division 3 driver, I would like to follow the same rule as everybody else. I'm a competitive man (though it may be hard to tell from my times :D), like all gamers probably are. And having privileges because I suck, is far worse than just to suck. :)
Don't you hate it, when that other guy suggest he throw his darts with left hand. ;)

Anyway. 3 clean laps on Laguna isn't hard for me either. I just adjust my speed and run some relative slow laps. The 1 clean lap in the 787 on Cote d'Azur was far worse. :mad:
I'm in division 3, and I like to be treated the same as division 1. The only difference should be time. Different rules would make comparison impossible and could lead to awkward discussions.

I like a good threshhold. Gives me something to fight against (as long as it's not seemingly impossible) :odd:

The 3 lap race with the crappy cars are hard, and I have no clean laps whatsoever, but I'll try. Even if I don't make it to a clean submission, I tried and had fun. This discussion alone is at least half of the fun, watching people discussing about "important" things like camber, rubber, corners, lines, etc.. :D
Originally posted by NielsG
As a division 3 driver, I would like to follow the same rule as everybody else. I'm a competitive man (though it may be hard to tell from my times :D), like all gamers probably are. And having privileges because I suck, is far worse than just to suck. :)
color=red]Don't you hate it, when that other guy suggest he throw his darts with left hand. ;)[/color]

Anyway. 3 clean laps on Laguna isn't hard for me either. I just adjust my speed and run some relative slow laps. The 1 clean lap in the 787 on Cote d'Azur was far worse. :mad:

Good point - I think that if were in the weekly it doesnt matter what div we're in the rules are the same
See...this is the issue. Limited contact is common of all auto racing, except maybe open wheel, though even they mix it up time to time. Getting the right line into a turn when X amount of other cars want that same spot means there will be contact, some worst than others. Obviously you can't go harpoon the next guy and push him off the track but that is a hell of alot different than trading a little paint and rubbing doors while fighting for a line. Real racing has course marshals that look at isues like this and decide if there needs to be a penalty or black flag. if a race looks as if he drives up behind another and plows him into the grass they get a black flag. If two races are fighting for the same spot and rub doors and one yeilds no harm no foul.

The AI in GT3 sticks to it line for better or worst no matter WHAT is in it's way. This means that when fighting for a proper line into a corner the Ai in GT3 WILL hit you...you can go take another line to avoid the AI line (which may or may not be a good line) but then you are bowing to the fact the AI blows.

We should be able to dive into the corner, if there is contact so be it, it is part of racing. Running a 100% clean lap is rarely a reality, especialy when you have an AI that doesn't know better. It CAN be done but it requires a different technique and mind-set that aggressive racing.

Now this raises the question.

By running weekly races with AI cars it sets the situation up to break down as follows.

1) absolutely NO AI contact of any kind, period. This free's the race organizer, our beloved GoKents in this case, form screening many xport replays, dealin with trying to figure out rulings ...etc. however this is video game racing...GT3 IS a video game but it is also a simulator and part of the cool part is being able to race in a real way....but if we are doing 100% no touching the other cars, which if decided i am fine with, lets go video game racing.

2) allow limited contact, rubbing doors, fighting for the line, etc.....cars will touch. Contact that results in pushing someone else off, an advantage for you...etc is a no-no...as it would be in real life. The problem here is this sets GoKents up to be course marshal too and theoretically have to screen all submitted laps upon submission. Also setitng up Kents to make judegement calls as to what is an advantage. Just because I don't see it as an advantage doesn't me he doesn't se it as one. Now his word is gold, it' is his series, but at the same time EVERYTHING and EVERY possible contact type needs to be defined ahead of time in the rules, which is next to impossible. Because if i submit a reply with contact in it (knowing myself I would never submit a reply that I knew or felt was not clean or fair, but that is me) thinking it is clean and it comes back kents decided it wasn't that could open these forums to some ugly exchanges, worst than a few weeks back.

Also this option REQUIRES racers to have a x-port since replys must be screened.

3) don't ever race the AI again in the weekly. Now I doubt any of us want to do this, though i think very limited contact with the Ai is a good thing...just doing hot laps all the time isn't really racing either. So this is a non-option.....
Originally posted by Rolfje
I'm in division 3, and I like to be treated the same as division 1. The only difference should be time. Different rules would make comparison impossible and could lead to awkward discussions.

I like a good threshhold. Gives me something to fight against (as long as it's not seemingly impossible) :odd:

The 3 lap race with the crappy cars are hard, and I have no clean laps whatsoever, but I'll try. Even if I don't make it to a clean submission, I tried and had fun. This discussion alone is at least half of the fun, watching people discussing about "important" things like camber, rubber, corners, lines, etc.. :D

Agreed...the rules should be the same for all classes, If you can't deal with it then don't race. But rules do need to be defined, in detail. This is how i prefer to race. I personally want ti pit myself against the fastest guys there are running the same stuff theya re with the same rules....that gives me a beginning racer good yardstick to judge my progress over the weeks. A bonus is the in class racing which is really cool, racing guys even to your speed...weekly I watch the sector times of the div 1 and 2 guys but I also closely watch HareTurtle and NeilsG and seeing their sectors really gets me working hard. If I ever move up to div 2 or 1 I will closely watch the guys I am usually around on a weekly basis....that is what make this racing so damn fun!

If you are going to have different rules for different classes, or even different races per class per week (which while a pain in the ass for kents i am sure is kinda ncie in a way) you need to offer the race the ability to pick a class to race in. If a div 3 guy wants to race in the div 1 class or with the div 1 rules then fine, the catch is you are not allowed to go back. Once you define your class youa re there for the season or the month or some period of time.
Ok, I think everyone understands what the deal is...

Limited contact is allowed.

However, be conservative in your definitions of "contact resulting in an advantage."

The first turn is the real issue in this race, so I want to look at that turn closest. With that in mind, I want to break the turn into 3 sections. The first section being the entrance, the second being the small straight with no rumblie. Third being the exit of the turn.

Now, if you take the outside line, you will only make contact on the exit, either on the inside or outside, both are going to be slow and more of a rub.
The inside line is different though...
With the inside line you can have one of the hardest contacts to rule on... Entering the turn, if you cut down on the inside and nail the brakes so you can keep on the rumblie, you will cut in front of everyone. Problem is that often times when you do this you end up with a the front end of the ai slamming you door...

With that scenerio in mind, who was really on the right line? I would have to say the ai was since they were infact the one cutting from the outside of the turn to the inside and then planning on going back out again. But since you have jumped down at the last second they end up putting their front end into your passenger door.

I know you have all seen this.

Now the question is,
Do we accept that as "acceptable contact" ?

I say no, not as long as they are hitting you with any strength. Now if they were to only line up on you and rub you, thats another thing, but when there is a real collision, the lap is no good.

Sorry this all has to be so complicated, but I've got a solution. :D

Next week, hotlap.
The next time we wanna do a multi-lapper, it's gonna be in sim mode. That way I can pick a race that completely dogs the ai from the starting line, hence, the first turn wouln't even matter. :D

Good luck fellas.

And just so you all know... I support the idea that contact is acceptable. However, I just don't want to say contact is ok... you know how it is, "give 'em an inch and they take a mile."

also, I do hate when they offer to throw left handed. (but usually it's me asking. :D )
Nah. Let's stay realistic.

1) Try to stay clear of AI cars (no aggressive racing). This avoids discussions.

2) Upon contact, GoKents decides if the lap is clean (this is completely realistic, the real track marschalls are also human and you'll have arguments with them too, beleive me).

3) Keep the divisions as it is. 3 time devisions, 1 race. Nice for comparison, and makes for a large turnout and a better discussion. It also gives div 3 drivers the oportunity to try div 1 setups and such. Much better learning option

I've just done a few laps on Laguna, turned ASM and TCS off in the game options menu. The corkscrew becomes harder, but other turns are quicker.

My T3 is around 56 seconds now, still not great, but I'm getting there. As soon as I can reliably lap the circuit with decent times I think I'll try the race. The AI cars keep me from learning the d*m car. Quite different than the Supra :indiff:

I'll get some sleep first...
For everyone struggling with AI, I will post the grid I ran against. It's different than all the above posts, and you can get through the middle and enter Turn 1 ahead of all the AI's.

1 Vertigo
2 Esparante
3 787B
4 Viper Oreca
5 GT40 Race Car
6 Doh!

I'll warn you though, that this grid seems to be hard to find. I restarted about 20 times last night and couldn't repeat it, that's why I just sent in my time.
Alright to put it in one simple statement...

Try to avoid contact. Only light contact is acceptable.

Take that for what you will, but Im leaving it at that...this subject is not worth a headache before math class. (for me. :D )

So good luck racers and do your best to keep it clean.
Originally posted by Rolfje
I've just done a few laps on Laguna, turned ASM and TCS off in the game options menu. The corkscrew becomes harder, but other turns are quicker.

Try TCS on and ASM off. I started with both off, but my laps were 2 seconds faster after adding TCS. I never use the Anti-Steering Mechanism, so I couldn't tell you how much slower it would make me.
I am running with the TCS on, ASM off the gris I was running against was, GT40, TS020, R390, Vertigo and the Camaro

As far as the AI go, what sort of idiot brakes on the exit of a corner?

For the guys who think light contact is ok, try running the TORC series, no contact even from behind is allowed
Total Ozzie Racing Challenge - an Arcade mode, Single Race based series.

Famine's suggestion kicked into touch. One point though - I AM left-handed... :D

I rechecked my grid. It was:
1. Viper Oreca
2. Panoz Esperante
3. Nissan R390 GT1
4. TS020
5. Camaro Race Car
6. Hmmm... Dunno... :D

I could get clear, with no contact at all, by the end of braking for the first corner.
If I never race the AI again, that would be fine by me. 👍

They add nothing, unless I am in a woefully underpowered car.

The Viper is clear after turn2 and the AI are then a non-factor.

They only allow an opportunity for disparity.

If the AI had a set performance level, an entertaining race could be configured. As they are, a good race is rare.

The AI is 60secs. faster with me leading, as opposed to me following. :odd:
Originally posted by Oliver DePlace
The AI is 60secs. faster with me leading, as opposed to me following. :odd:

And how!

I ran a series called "Worst Car Wins" (it's still open - do a search here for the thread) where the idea was to win a simple race - Beginner, Sunday Cup, Midfield - in the worst car possible, ranked by PWR, cost and time. The slowest time won.

By turning around and letting the AI lap you (well, driving the wrong way, so they did lap you), it was possible to get the AI cars to lap Midfield in MORE than 3 minutes. By driving as fast as possible, they'd do two laps in 4 minutes (remember the nature of the Beginner, Sunday Cup cars... :D)!

In this race, if you can get better than 2s clear of the AI, they'll drop away. I won by 4s. But on the earlier races they'd close from 2.2 to 1.8 in the last lap, even though my last lap was 1s quicker than my 2nd lap (on one occasion)...
Ga! ****ing **** AI and their ****ing **** ****ers ****!

Good news: I've finally broken under the 1'00 mark at T3 for an out lap.
Bad news: Every bloody time, the AI Viper tags me. As I finish braking for the first corner - and I've turned and am accelerating - the AI Viper is already accelerating and rams my back end. Of course you'll all know that he always has to then brake again on leaving the first corner, so it's probably not my fault. Even so, I've quit for the night and I'll give it a bash with some different grids tomorrow.

I improved my time by 1.7 seconds and now I see another .9.

The time keeps coming off! I'm already below my target. I must have set it too high.
3 races tonight. I gotta admit I am finding it very hard to motivate myself to sit down and do this race, but I am...I am spending myabe 25% of the time I normally do on the weekly......3 races was all I could manage (I think I may be at about 20 races total since tuesday). I posted a time .6 slower than my best lap but it is dead clean, not contact anywhere, so I saved it over my better lap where the AI cheats and rams me...so be it, if there is no contact than so be it, judgement calls are not needed here. I'll race slower and bow to the AI on the first turn.

I average mid 56.4xxxs for the last sector on the last two laps and around 1'01.5xx'ish for the last sector on the opening lap, best sector I have seen is a 55.8 on lap two followed by a 57.x something on the final lap....voided any time gain.....off to bed a few more races tomorrow, maybe.

Are we going back to Monaco yet? hahaha
Well, I got a little time to give this one a go - first time I've played GT3 in a month. One of my favorite cars, on a track I could always stand to know better.

My first field contained the R390, the TS020, the Vertigo, another Viper, and the Camaro racer.

I got 5 decent runs, with one or two others scrapped for offs or collisions.

Best overall run had an out-lap T3 in the 1':01.low" range, and a T3 on the subsequent laps in the 55.mid" range. Like everybody else, my margin over the R390 was around 1" no matter how fast I was going.

Then I had to quit, and I never got that field back. I didn't like any of the other fields, either, so i gave up. Hopefully I'll get another go this weekend. Fun!
Well, I'm heartened to see that my fellow Division 3 racers are all of a mind to not want any special treatment in the rules. 👍

Meanwhile, having run the race and the S6 Licence a few more times, and seen a 2 sec difference develop in the times, I'll have to recant my previous opinion that these cars were not that different. Being a curious sort, I saved some replays, and submited them to mk's gedit. My original opinion that the main difference was TCS was dead wrong. :embarrassed:

The Lic. car has TCS at 10, the arcade car has 5.
The Lic car has ASM at 0, the arcade car has 10.

So I guess the difference I felt under hard acceleration was ASM, not TCS.

The cars were the same in hp mods, (only race muffler), power multiplier (1000), brakes (9/9), camber (2/1), toe (0/0), springs (16.4/14.8), height (85/85), stabilizers (4/4), downforce (.66/.81), grip (78/78), bound/rebound (7 everywhere), and LSD (10/40/20).

The individual gears and final were the same but the Lic car has autoset at 38 vs 42 for the arcade car. The engine code and car base code were the same, but the tire codes were different, though neither translated into a text tire type. My impression is that the arcade car definitely has grippier tires.

Anyway, I still suck at Laguna. Best T3s are high 55s, but low 56s more typical. And not even a silver on the license yet. :(
It's funny to see that of a 3 lap race, the AI gets us to discuss only the first corner :lol:

The AI is clearly crap, and now I understand why hotlap races are the way to go for a weekly.

Besides, having a "good grid" is like a lottery. First you have to restart 10 times to get a good grid, then, when an AI car hits you in the first corner, you have to go back and do it all over - no driving, just menu clicking contest.

Not that my driving style would gain from a "better grid" though :P I have a lot to learn...
Originally posted by Famine
Ga! ****ing **** AI and their ****ing **** ****ers ****!
Is that "****ers" or "****ers"? I can't quite work it out. :P

I've got one saved that's clean apart from slight AI contact in the first corner. I've found a good grid, so all I've gotta do is do 3 clean fast laps. Easy, eh? :banghead:
I woke up stupidly early today, 4:30am and couldn't go back to sleep (i leave for work at 9am) so after mincing around the living room for an hour tryin to find something to watch to pass ime I booted up the PS2 adnd did some early morning running. 6 more races under my belt, a slight .2 improvement in my time but still not anywhere close to my "dirty" lap where the cheating Ai tags me in the first corner...doubt I'll get to that mark but you can't win them all right?

i also spent some time in the free run with the arcade viper refining corner entry on Turn 4 (my weakest, I learned to use the inner curb there) and the corckscrew (braking earlier and coasting into the turn instead of braking in while turning)...I ran some final sectors in the 54.9-55.6 range on free lap, lets see if i can translate that into the 3 lapper this weekend....
What I'm liking about this race is exactly that it forces you to run 3 solid laps in a row. That means lots of room for error and big improvements.

With that in mind, I think I'll take the rest of this post to the suggestions thread.
Listen you guys, remember that minimal contact is acceptable... I want to be easy on everyone. I don't want you all turning in laps that are 4 seconds slower just because you want to keep your laps perfectly clean.

Just don't get into collisions or hard impacts.

No progress from me, but saturday is the day I will be doing my racing.
Till then,
Originally posted by HareTurtle
Well, I'm heartened to see that my fellow Division 3 racers are all of a mind to not want any special treatment in the rules. 👍

Alright, alright! Shaddap! It was only a thought... :D

Originally posted by HareTurtle
Being a curious sort, I saved some replays, and submited them to mk's gedit. My original opinion that the main difference was TCS was dead wrong. :embarrassed:

The Lic. car has TCS at 10, the arcade car has 5.
The Lic. car has ASM at 0, the arcade car has 10..

Initiative that man!

I've taken to running with the TCS turned on in this car - it gives much more consistent launches.

My new grid is:
1. GT40
2. R390
3. Vertigo
4. Viper
5. TS020
6. Hmmmm...

Occasionally the GT40 gets in the way a little on exit of turn 1, but generally it's a good drive.

I've seen 59.8 for an outlap T3, 53.9 for a fast lap T3, but I'm running 1'00.6 and 54.5 on my current fastest race :(