I am honored by the praise you have all given me.
However, I feel that you all deserve praise also.
Well you can stop praising me because I think it's ass!
[Epic Tale]
So the evening draws on and Blake and I log on to GTP to see the challenge is up. Blake's gleeful, I'm apprehensive. I head to the American section of the car yard and find Shelby. It's a great start - $500,000 to be frustrated for a week? Where do I sign?
I change the oil and have a look at the specs in my garage. The PWR is encouraging and I'm wondering just how slow it can be. I'll just say this - I underestimated.
I head out to the track with Blake's best time so far in mind to see how I stack up. I go to the settings and turn off TCS and ASM, noting in awe I've never seen so many red (hence unaccessible) options (never having touched a stock car before).
I have to admit I'm a little dismayed to see the AI driver in the background of the menu clout every barrier and spin twice in the first sector of the race. Bearing in mind that the AI is far from impressive a lot of the time, I do hold on to some hope. I select Start and press X - things only get better from there.
I spin at the first hairpin of Free Run (so the last of the track) and proceed to almost spin again, three times, on my first lap, leaving me with a time even the AI would laugh at. I pause randomly to relay to Blake via MSN how it's going. There were some nice convo excerpts, like the one he posted as I went into the first bend and wondered why the car didn't turn. Another would be:
~Eãglé~ says:
it doesn't brake, it doesn't turn, so what does it do
Blake says:
it spins
He estimated it would take 30k to stop hitting barriers - he overestimated. In 22 laps of running I managed 1 clean lap, and would take over 80k before running two successive clean laps.
Blake spent most of the evening marvelling at the pain he had helped cause whilst I spent it finding new and innovative ways to denounce the Shelby Cobra as terrible.
It would seem from the times so far I'm in the hunt, and I know I'll get better as it goes on, but by god, countries have gone to war over smaller things than this race.
[/Epic Tale]
Yes I'm aware I can withdraw - I'm enjoying it on some sick level and refuse to baulk at a challenge nor a chance to beat Blake.