Week 95: Cote

  • Thread starter Kent
well ive improved my t1 by .2 and my t2 by .58 but the real best was my t3 which has improved by 1.3 seconds yay

T1 - 30.235
T2 - 1:20.020

that t2 is my fastest ive seen but i did see a 29.xxx T1 which id love to replicate consistently :P

BTW im using TCS, but not ASM.
I'd like to give this a go, but I need to unlock Cote in the arcade mode... still working my way back up after I deleted everything <_<

What section is Cote at anyhow...

Skyline here... I will have restrain on the accelerator for sure

I love it because it's all about finesse.

I hate it because it's all about walls.

Two hours of racing, on only a handful of clean laps.

29.571 (29.4 PB)
1'18.701 (1'18.3 PB)

In case anyone doesn't know the last corner should be taken flat out, no brakes, no lift (it took me a bit to figure out). You have to turn in earlier than you'd expect. I'm shifting up to third mid-corner to help minimize any sliding.
In case anyone doesn't know the last corner should be taken flat out, no brakes, no lift (it took me a bit to figure out). You have to turn in earlier than you'd expect. I'm shifting up to third mid-corner to help minimize any sliding.

Ha! I thought I was the only one to figure this out a while ago for Monaco. It is key to a fast lap, one of the corners you can loose time very quickly.
Yep i take the last corner flat out as well, and the 2 turns before the tunnel are nearly one for me, its pretty much a double apex wider corner.

BTW the t2 times are either high 1:19's or mid 1:18's or even high 1:17's. is there a shortcut that we 1:19's dont know about? :odd:
This isn't going to be my week I think. Havn't had much experience at Cote, and I really don't like this car at all. Right now I'm in the low 1:20's, and I think with work I could get low 19's but I don't know if I have the guts to try to wring more out of the car.
well new times for me

T1 - 29.955
T2 - 1:19.565

My T3 has improved by .3

i saw a T2 of 1:18.9xx but on the very last corner i hit the wall, and monaco decided to play skyline pinball :(
I'm DEFINITELY in on this one. It's one of my favorite tracks, and I've been running the 787B at Monaco for the past few days soo, I think I might stand a chance at throwing down a good time this week. Good luck all and good choice Kents 👍
Nothing special as of yet, still finding where some of the braking points are but this is my rather slow clean thus far...

T1 - 30.295 (seen 29.896)
T2 - 1:20.842 (seen 1.19's with a small touch somewhere)

Can definetley get in the high to mid 1'18's.Starting to like this combo some more.BTW still have ASM and TCS on.
It helps me out alot .I usually leave the asm at zero for all my cars but this one is an exception.I don't know exactly wht it does though.
I'm currently using TCS but no ASM. On the stint before that I was using no driving aids and the one before that I was using everything. I've been swapping between what I've been doing all the time so yeah. I think I'll put on ASM, TCS has made my laps alot more consistant, and when I was using ASM they were even more so. :)

The two parts I lose some time in is the sweeper at the top of the hill, but I think I've got rid of any problems their. And the sharp chicane after the back straight, the one at the bottom of the hill. Any suggestions? :confused:

Currently I have 0'30.062 / 1'20.259, not enough improvement made :(. Though I've only had a short stint today :)
Someone PLEASE tell me I'm doing something wrong. ARCADE MODE, FREE RUN, COTE, with the R34. I know I've just been running it for an hour, but I can't get out of the XXXs and you guys are talking >1:20. I know I was last in D2 this week, but I posted that time within an hour of starting. I'm not THAT bad.
Someone PLEASE tell me I'm doing something wrong. ARCADE MODE, FREE RUN, COTE, with the R34. I know I've just been running it for an hour, but I can't get out of the X:XXs and you guys are talking >1:20. I know I was last in D2 this week, but I posted that time within an hour of starting. I'm not THAT bad.
Seems very right to me. 👍

But be aware that we're discussing the split-times. Called T1 and T2 and not the Laptime. We're not supposed to discuss Laptimes in the thread.
If I'm guessing right, please edit your above post.

Hope this helped and welcome to the WRS. :)

Can definately shave off a few more 10ths but need to smooth out the driving.

There are two corners on this track where alot of time can be made up or lost. Trying to get them perfect is not so easy.

Also wanted to say HELLO to everyone as I am new here. I have been entered into Division 1 and look forward to the competition, if there is any of course.....!!!!!!!!:sly:

Persian Pride
Persian Pride
Also wanted to say HELLO to everyone as I am new here. I have been entered into Division 1 and look forward to the competition, if there is any of course.....!!!!!!!!:sly:

Persian Pride

Hi Persian. Welcome to the WRS. Enjoy your stay here. :)
I'm sure you'll find, what you're looking for. ;)
I normally don't use TCS, but since the Skyline R34 is known for all it's techno gizmos this is one car I don't mind using it on.

My problem right now is "Massenet", the 180* on the top of the hill, I know I am loosing time there, but I can't figure out a better way of taking the corner.

I go to bed tonight with my fastest lap thus far;

30.746 / 1'19.977

See what I mean about Massenet? I have only seen one 29.9 T1, most are between 30.3 - 30.5, if I could chop .5 off of my T1 I could dip into the 1'18s T2 easily.

Any tips from the fast guys? I've always had problems with Massenet in any car. It is one of the mental block corners for me. If it wasn't walled in I could use the curbs (the Nordscleife has a corner alot like this). I've watched alot of video in various cars on this corner and can never get it right?!?!?!

Oh ya BTW, Hi everyone I'm new to the WRS, but not to OLR.
Seems very right to me. 👍

But be aware that we're discussing the split-times. Called T1 and T2 and not the Laptime. We're not supposed to discuss Laptimes in the thread.
If I'm guessing right, please edit your above post.

Hope this helped and welcome to the WRS. :)
THANKS, NielsG. I just needed a little heads up. I feel a little better now.
Improved my lap time by .2 but my T times are alot worse so I won't bother posting them. :indiff:

This combo is really starting to get on my nerves, I keep making stupid mistakes. I know I can go faster but something happens, every lap!!!!! I'm getting to the point where I want to throw my controller through my TV screen! :banghead:
More running and a slight improvement in the clean, which seems to be the go, the more you run, the more time you seem to find...

T1 - 29.957
T2 - 1:20.362

I'll still plod away...

EDIT: Is it just me but sometimes when you load up the car it just 'feels different'???

Anyhow, I seemed to get 'one of these cars' and saw a 29.752 T1 and a 1:19.691 T2, unfortunately on different runs and both with small touches...

A little more running (actually decided one more run before turning it off..)

T1 - 29.956
T2 - 1:19.838

A little more respectable... :)
I normally don't use TCS, but since the Skyline R34 is known for all it's techno gizmos this is one car I don't mind using it on.

My problem right now is "Massenet", the 180* on the top of the hill, I know I am loosing time there, but I can't figure out a better way of taking the corner.

I go to bed tonight with my fastest lap thus far;

30.746 / 1'19.977

See what I mean about Massenet? I have only seen one 29.9 T1, most are between 30.3 - 30.5, if I could chop .5 off of my T1 I could dip into the 1'18s T2 easily.

Any tips from the fast guys? I've always had problems with Massenet in any car. It is one of the mental block corners for me. If it wasn't walled in I could use the curbs (the Nordscleife has a corner alot like this). I've watched alot of video in various cars on this corner and can never get it right?!?!?!

Oh ya BTW, Hi everyone I'm new to the WRS, but not to OLR.

Massanet's always a killer :scared:

Here's how I'm taking it (best T1 so far is 29.4): As you crest the hill in 4th gear, turn in so you're tight to the wall, and dab the brakes a few times to slow down as you're turning (I usually get three quick taps in - i find actually fully pressing them is too much, and it upsets the car). and move down to 3rd gear. This is the first apex. Then once you've slowed down enough, let the car move to the outside a bit. Turn in again so that you apex right where the armco ends on the left (the second apex). It's super important to be right next to the wall on the left, and to have the car already straight (parallel with the wall on the left), so that you can get though casino without lifiting (it's tough but doable). Exit casino still in 3rd. If you did it right, this is where you'll drop your ghost like a bad habit.

My other $0.02 would be that the next most-important corner on the track is Portier (the right before the back straight). If you want a good T2, make sure that you keep your speed up, and aren't sliding at all on the exit of Portier.

Anyway, there's also this thread that might help: Track Tips - Cote D'Azur

Hope that helps :D

Also: Leaderboard Updated 👍
Well it is slowly coming together. My T1 29:973 and T2 is 1:18:997. But I know I can go faster. It basically comes down to 3 corners and how much exiting speed you can get out of them. Game on...!

Persian Pride
Just had time for a 45minute session
Brought me these T`s

T1: 29.861
T2: 1.20.779

I know I can get down on the t2, but that first sector I went trough St.Devote in third and kept momentum all the way to the Casino bend, unlucky me threw it away on the exit of the tunnel :grumpy: :ouch:


See you at the tracks!! 👍
Forgot to mention, I'm shifting between 7000 - 7500 rpm. Seems to lose a lot of grunt past 7500.
You are a fountain of Knowledge Luxy :dopey:

I always went for 7600 on the arcade Skyline;

👍 congrats to Persian P.Now we already have mr.P at GTP, and he`s damn good, but you look like a handfull yourself-

Dont forget Brazil!
Hey all,

Just wanted to stop in and wish everyone luck on their laps. 👍

Hope you all are enjoying the race... Based on the number of post and the involvement of those posting I would say the race is fun. :confused:

I am not actually racing the race, haven't even touched it actually.

On that note, in case you guys haven't figured out, I have been playing Ace Combat 5 none stop over the last week or so.
(btw, ac5... best game besides gt3 :handsdown: ;) )

So one more time... Good luck and god speed to you all! (unless you're an atheist... Then I only wish you humanly possible speeds. :sly: )

Till next time,
Later. :D
Welcome to the WRS Persian Pride and Kensei :)
Felt a little sick this morning so I don't know how much you'll hear from me over the next days.If it keeps up I might have to submit my time early :(
BTW how do you guys take the Swimming Pool.Thats where my times are mostly affected.
Today is my last day at school for the year so I'll be home in about 4 hours and I'll get some good running in 👍

Luxy, have you got any advice to taking the Nouvelle Chicane quicker? :confused:
Touge Master
BTW how do you guys take the Swimming Pool.Thats where my times are mostly affected.

Same story here. When I take it 'perfectly', I can make up half a second sometimes...

Try to take the easy left-right combination at T2 in a straight line. Don't go too much to the outside afterwards, because you'll run more metres and the car starts to oversteer when entering the righthander afterwards. I stay just left from the middle of the track, shift back to 2nd, hit the curb on the inside and then gently accellerate out of the lefthander. It's not that difficult, but it does become difficult after you just saw that superfast T2 :crazy:

About the Nouvelle Chicane. Start braking just after the edge of the building on the right side of the track, smoothly pass the rail on the inside left, hit the curb and accellerate full out of the corner. Don't try to brake late, you'll oversteer into the chicane and come out slow. Good luck! :sly:

Improved my time:
29.1 (28.9 fastest)
1'17.3 (17.2 fastest)