Week 95: Cote

  • Thread starter Kent
EDIT: Hugo and I posted at the same time ;) ya beat me to it. Glad to see we more or less agree :D

I should just preface this by saying that I'm no expert on Cote D'Azur, just a big fan. IMHO, it's probably the hardest track to get right in GT3, and so deserves some discussion :) I've re-attached a track map for reference.

Touge Master
BTW how do you guys take the Swimming Pool.Thats where my times are mostly affected.

Ok, for me, it's flat out from Tabac (11) through the first section of swimming pool (13). Brake down to second, and stay tight to the inside of turn 14. A little bit of sliding as you brake is ok. The easiest way to lose time is to go into turn 14 too hot, and have to lift or brake for turn 15. So, once you're tight to the inside of turn 14, carefully get on the gas and turn in for 15. Try to get as close to the armco as possible without hitting. The goal is to do this smoothly enough not to hit the outside will on the exit of turn 15.

Luxy, have you got any advice to taking the Nouvelle Chicane quicker? :confused:

Nouvelle Chicane is one I still have a lot of trouble with. The main point is to slow down enough before you turn in so that the back doesn't slide. I brake down to second, then turn in, straighten and coast until I'm far enough in to turn back to the right, then on the gas and out. The trick is to be positioned to get on the gas early and make a good exit out of turn 10.


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Although you might not consider yourself an expert, I've got no comments on your advice 👍 . Cote D'Azur is my favourite track, I wouldn't mind more of these combo's :dopey: .

When taking Swimming Pool, don't force the car to slide. You'll lose too much traction then. This car already starts sliding by his own. No biggie, as long as the rear remains on having enough traction.
Hugo Boss or Luxy - How do you take tabac. I've stuggled with this one for years, trying many lines. For this skyline I brake down to about 60-65mph and turn in and am on the throttle the res tof the way out. It is the turn in I have a problem with I just never feel like i am that fast with it.
Hugo, that's how I started taking it after I posted that and I've got alot more consistant through their. I also started shifting at 7500, it's not doing me any good :(.

Also Luxy, I can't seem to get Massenet right, I can't take Casino flat because my line through Massenet it all wrong. Could you explain it a bit better?

This morning my times were WAY down, I think my best was a second off my good lap time.
Just thought I would add something for a few of you. ;)

I've spent some time with most of the skylines and in my opinion, the rules of early shifting do not apply to all skylines. :confused:

With the race cars there is an obvious difference when using early shifting... It helps, a lot and gives the car much better performance.

However, with the road car skylines I have found that early shifting does not help unless it fits the course.

That is to say...
The power does not die out in road skylines the same way it does with race cars.

Keep that in mind if you guys are forcing early shifts when a full redline run is possible.

As usual,
Good luck in the races and of course, keep us all posted on progress. :D
I'm not using asm or tcs and don't find upshifting early an advantage. Need to be light on the throttle though or this car just spins!
Hugo Boss or Luxy - How do you take tabac. I've stuggled with this one for years, trying many lines. For this skyline I brake down to about 60-65mph and turn in and am on the throttle the res tof the way out. It is the turn in I have a problem with I just never feel like i am that fast with it.

I use the curb on the right side and start braking on the curb. You can maintain a higher speed through that corner then. I'm taking it at about 73 mph. Full throttle after you steered into the corner is the correct way. I think you brake too much, or you have to use the curb on the right side. That makes a big difference.

I can't seem to get Massenet right, I can't take Casino flat because my line through Massenet it all wrong. Could you explain it a bit better?

I can't take Casino flat either. When entering Massanet, shift back to 3rd and try to stay on the inside. Only leave 1-1.5 metres between the wall and your car. Take the first part on half throttle and start accelerating again when your close to the end of the armco. Then try to stay as close to the wall as possible, hit the brakes shortly and accelerate full through Casino. You'll probably need a bit of countersteer, as the rear starts to slide easily.
When you let the car run to the outside a bit during Massanet, it's easier to be on the far left at the end of the corner, but the car will slide more as your speed is higher and you'll need to steer more. This might be an easier and more consistant option as the first, it's also a little bit slower...

About the shifting points; When going from 2nd to 3rd, I shift at about 7500 rpm. When going from 3rd to 4th, I shift at 7000 rpm, as 3rd and 4th are shorter than 2nd gear.
T1 - 29.955
T2 - 1:19.565
well i took on some pointers and ran tcs and asm and these are my new results. (thanks heaps hugo boss and luxy for the great pointers :D)

T1 - 29.669 (best 29.524)
T2 - 1:18.978 (best 1:18.886)

These faster T times resulted in about .8 off my lap time from my previous T times (stated in the quote above)
Hugo Boss
I use the curb on the right side and start braking on the curb. You can maintain a higher speed through that corner then. I'm taking it at about 73 mph. Full throttle after you steered into the corner is the correct way. I think you brake too much, or you have to use the curb on the right side. That makes a big difference.

Agreed, although I've only been making it through at 71mph ...

Hugo Boss
I can't take Casino flat either. When entering Massanet, shift back to 3rd and try to stay on the inside. Only leave 1-1.5 metres between the wall and your car. Take the first part on half throttle and start accelerating again when your close to the end of the armco. Then try to stay as close to the wall as possible, hit the brakes shortly and accelerate full through Casino. You'll probably need a bit of countersteer, as the rear starts to slide easily.
When you let the car run to the outside a bit during Massanet, it's easier to be on the far left at the end of the corner, but the car will slide more as your speed is higher and you'll need to steer more. This might be an easier and more consistant option as the first, it's also a little bit slower...

I found that staying too close to the armco forced me to apex earlier than I wanted, which meant lifting for Casino (it also meant hitting the wall right were the armco ends 9 out of 10 times). I'd say I get through casino 50% on full throttle, and the rest I have to lift slightly to get it to turn in. I'm using a good chunk of the rumble strips on the right through casino.

I drew a crude little map of my line. I didn't really draw the track proportionately, but it should give an idea.

Hugo Boss
About the shifting points; When going from 2nd to 3rd, I shift at about 7500 rpm. When going from 3rd to 4th, I shift at 7000 rpm, as 3rd and 4th are shorter than 2nd gear.

I've been noticing that I'm losing a bit on my ghost on the 3rd-4th shift in the tunnel. I've been trying to let it rev a bit higher, but I guess I ought to shift earlier ;) Has anyone taken a sim skyline to the 1000m test this week? I noticed the biggest gain from shifting early going up Beau Rivage (the 3rd-4th shift near the top).


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Thanks to Luxy and Hugos-X ellent guiding through the twistiest parts of this twisty track 👍
Nice description of the Tabac turning Hugo!

We should have another combo from Cote, next weeks but with another car.

I`m reading this thread at work, and its so hard not beeing able to defend my lap time, you guys are all below 20s in t2.

Guess all I can do is wish you good luck :indiff:

D`you remember Fisichella roofing in the Tabac earlier this year? Ho ho ho - on Coulthard.One of three good F1 races this year. :sly:

Hey, Luxy! I know my splits are bad, but can you please put me on the updated WRS-leaderboard.I will submit, and maybe even better it before that.
OK, guys, i need help

How do you detect slight nose touches? It is obvious that its wagly tail is easy to detect and feel, but a long sweeping corner and a possible nose touch.

How do I see it. Analyzer, speed?

The replay itself is not giving it away, sometimes the graphics mess up and it seems the nose is half a meter into a corner, where I swear I am clean.
OK, guys, i need help

How do you detect slight nose touches? It is obvious that its wagly tail is easy to detect and feel, but a long sweeping corner and a possible nose touch.

How do I see it. Analyzer, speed?

The replay itself is not giving it away, sometimes the graphics mess up and it seems the nose is half a meter into a corner, where I swear I am clean.

In the logger/analyzer, speed drops are easy to detect and this method is very accurate. I have found one at 0.7km/h this week. :grumpy:

In the replay you'll see the car from the front, if you press L1. Use the START-X-START-X-START-X while you keep pressing L1, where you're close.
From reading all the threads above I have now got T2 into the 1:18's. I know I can shave 0.7 of a second of that as I actaully managed a T2 time of 1:17:773 but then wiped out under excitement. lol

Persian Pride
The Nurburgring Nordscleife has been FAR to much of a draw the past few nights so no progress on this. The 'Ring is just too great and the physics and feel of the GT4 demo are so very nice.

I'll get back into it this weekend, but have lost some of my initial excitement.
Need to come back on the shifting points :ouch: . Just wait until red line 👍

Shaved off some more tenths (partially because of shifting...), now got a lap with splits of 28.9 and 1'17.1.
Only lost 3 tenths in the last sector. If I can find another 2, I'm done.
Slow down Hugo! :)

Just had better sector times of 29.351 and 1'18.004. They look feeble compared to yours though. :grumpy:
Hugo Boss
Need to come back on the shifting points :ouch: . Just wait until red line 👍

Shaved off some more tenths (partially because of shifting...), now got a lap with splits of 28.9 and 1'17.1.
Only lost 3 tenths in the last sector. If I can find another 2, I'm done.

:embarrassed: Sorry for the bad info on shifting everyone, my apologies.

Hugo, are you shifting at redline, or at the rev limiter?

Leaderboard Updated 👍
Ugh, I'm getting nowhere this week. I can barely manage a lap under 1'20, I really wish the back of the car didn't have a nasty tendancy to swing out under acceleration, a very bad thing at Monaco. I'll keep trying though...

Best lap so far is a 1'19.7, I have lots of room for improvement...
T1 = 30.056
T2 = 1'20:342

I once again learned why I don't like Skylines... big heavy cars... prefer my MR-S way over the Skyline here...

I find the Skyline is not nearly as tossable as what I am use to, as I tend to drive light weight cars (under 1000 kg) and this R34... is fat... if I ever get the hang of such a large car.., I know I can cut some time...

As a random aside... in making it so I could unlock Cote, I had to complete a decent chunk of the arcade. Well, in the block that has Cote, there is the COmplex string for hot laps. I found I could access the first race of the F section, before completeing the E section... by selecting the Complex in the hot laps, and then backing out and going to arcade...
im not sure what gear do you guys use at the first turn but ill add this anyway.
i noticed that when u come out of the first corner on 2nd gear, if you let it rev all the way over red line, you will not be able to gain the max speed on the uphill. i tryed to change on 7500-7700rpm from 2nd to 3rd gear and guess what, i made 0.1 sec faster time on that section than my best lap. tell me if this helps you any.
Hugo, are you shifting at redline, or at the rev limiter?

Just at redline, although it sometimes feels that the car loses power, it actually goes faster 💡

im not sure what gear do you guys use at the first turn

Use 3rd gear ;)
i use 3rd gear for the first corner also.

What gear do you use for the sharp as haripin??