Weird BUG after pit stops in ONLINE MODE!!!

  • Thread starter Osr20_L
Today i encountered a similar bug playin with some friends, but this time it was present all the time during practice, no matter if we dind't pit. At first the car was handling fine and was doing deasent times equial to my other friends, we where using the subaru BRZ GT300 No Tune. Then we changed the track and after that me and another friend were 4 to 5 second slower than the rest and the cars got MASIVE understeer!!
Then we decided reset the lobby and change host, problem solved, the car was handling like a champ again and we where ahead of the bunch in the same track that we got the Bug.
If i can recall there was a similar bug present in GT5 online lobys at the begining, then PD adresed it slowly by doing several server maintenance.
Really hope this other bug can be fixed soon, cause this can ruin anynoe's online racing experience.
I can confirm that this bug exists. I've completed 5 laps on Mount Panorama and had 9 on fronts and 10 on both rears. On another 5 lap race, i've pitted on the end of lap 2, put 4 tires, no fuel, and my tires ended with 10 on front and 9 on rears, almost 8 actually. If you compare both wears, rear tires with 3 laps had MUCH more wear than rear tires with 5 laps.

The car feels really strange after pitstop as well. Very strange bug.
I have noticed this as well in offline. seems the first set of tyres last longer than after you pit for the exact same tyres. also the car seems to have less grip on the fresher set.

my 2 cents

PS I only use hard tyres because softs seem to be more quali tyres than race ones
I do definitely also confirm that bug! This is very annoying and keeps us core racers from really diving into the game. Setting cars up is pointless like this. Running races that require a tyre change is pointless. PD please fix this asap.

BTW, here I tried to address that issue, too, so the problem is listed in the bug list. So far I was not heard. Maybe you guys drop a post there on this too to support a quicker solution. Thanks!

Keep Racin'
I don't know if someone experienced this as an addition to the bug! The other day I was online with a bunch of guys at Trial Mountain circuit 550PP and everyone was using either the S2000 LM race car or the Mitsu FTO super touring car, I chose the F430 Stradale and went out to compete in a 6 laps race with mandatory pitstops, I was using racing softs at the beginning and as soon as I decided to pit at lap 4 guess what?! I cannot choose race softs again its sports softs what is displayed only!!

What if and I'm speculating here that you are replacing your tires each time to sport softs while the game is displaying what you have as a tire at the start of the race?! or the bug is that the game is giving you a lower tire each time you pit? that would explain the 2 sec at least drop in laptimes.
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This is the most serious error in GT6! This should be treated with priority! Online Championships otherwise make no sense!

test instructions

1 visit online lobby without driving aids
2 Select car Audi R8 LMS with soft racing tires
3 go on Track and do a timed lap
4 Pit.Choose same tires as used before.Refuel.Exit pit
5 again take a timed lap
6 Notice a difference (driving, lap time)

7 Repeat test with, for example: Nissan Calsonic GTR 08
8 Notice a difference (driving, lap time)

I can not speak English. Complaints please to Google Translate :)

これはGT6の中で最も重大なエラーです!これは、優先的に扱われるべきである!オンライン大会は、他に意味をなさない!テスト命令1エイズを駆動することなく、オンラインロビーを訪問2ソフトレーシングタイヤが付いている車アウディR8 LMSを選択3道路に移動して計測ラップ4 、ボックス駆動、同じタイヤを選択し、燃料を補給5もう一度計測ラップを取る6違いに気付く(走行、ラップタイム)7例えば、でテストを繰り返します。日産カルソニックGTR088違いに気付く(走行、ラップタイム)私は英語を話すことができない。苦情はGoogleにして下さいはてな
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This Bug is realy horrible! Our complete Community is very sad about it, cause we have realy good years with the GT 500 in GT 5! But now its not possible to create a league with this Bug! Please Polyphony fix this bad bug in the name of all GT 6 Drivers how wants to be a real Racing Driver!!!
I'm really disappointed by PD. This bug is so obvious, that everybody who has ever done a race with a pit stop should have noticed it. The freakin' Kaz himself should have noticed the bug by now. Or if not him, then at least someone at PD. Is no one of them even playing GT6? Not even their family members or friends or someone else who can tell them about this? There seems to be no identification with this game at PD.

Fixing this bug should not be hard. As it seems, only the rear tyres are affected. It's probably just one small typo in a single line of source code that's causing the problem.
I'm really disappointed by PD. This bug is so obvious, that everybody who has ever done a race with a pit stop should have noticed it. The freakin' Kaz himself should have noticed the bug by now. Or if not him, then at least someone at PD. Is no one of them even playing GT6? Not even their family members or friends or someone else who can tell them about this? There seems to be no identification with this game at PD.

Fixing this bug should not be hard. As it seems, only the rear tyres are affected. It's probably just one small typo in a single line of source code that's causing the problem.

Alright, alright, I agree it's a stupid bug, but there are so many things that can slip past a group of QA testers that won't get noticed until thousands of people play the game. Even things that are incredibly obvious... such is game design I suppose. I'm sure it will get fixed in due course, PD are usually good at that.
Alright, alright, I agree it's a stupid bug, but there are so many things that can slip past a group of QA testers that won't get noticed until thousands of people play the game. Even things that are incredibly obvious... such is game design I suppose. I'm sure it will get fixed in due course, PD are usually good at that.

Absolutely supporting that statement mate! Now that ppl, in this forum also, reported and confirmed that bug, I am also sure PD will fix it.

My gut feeling is that the bug appeared after they removed the "Community Features" from v1.00, which are surely related to lobby options/settings. That would explain why it might have slipped in the QA for v1.01/02.

The game might be out for 3 weeks now, but tbh those days now are the "slowest" season of the year when it comes to business/productivity due to all the holidays going on around the globe... I guess we will have to wait at least 1-2 weeks from now until the next patch shows up. Would be very glad to be wrong on that though :sly:
I also noticed this a lot in the "S" races.

Did the Apricot Hill and Silverstone races with a stock McLaren F1 Stealth on RH.
If i pit at half race distance i almost can't finish Silverstone because rear tires are shot.
Apricot is same but not so bad.

It is also not only the degradation rate of the tires, the whole balance of the car changes.
Before stop i have understeer in fast corners and good traction out of slow corners.
After stop car is more neutral/slight oversteer in fast corners but has less traction out of slow corners.

In Apricot Hill cars feels even better right after the stop as understeer is gone, but i'am not faster and once the rear start to wear i get a lot slower because i have to prevent oversteer all the time.

This sounds a lot like the "custom tire bug" BUT:

I also tried the same with the F40 and V16T in the 20miles Willows race and can't see a difference in rear tire width after the stop in photo mode.
Please can someone confirm this as i really suck at taking photos !

I also can't tell if the handling changes because those car have none :)
(They have lots of oversteer from the start)

But if i use my stock MP4-12C i can feel the change again, if i stop at 4th (of 8) lap the rears are fine in 4th but shot in 8th, also can feel the reduced high speed understeer again.

(If i stop at 5th as i most times did when i did the race before the difference is only very little)


Imagine the consequences this will have in any endurance races if they should come.
I'am certain now that the "custom wheel bug" and "pit stop bug" are the same thing basically.

If i use custom wheels on the McLaren i have the same handling and tyre wear as after the pitstop with standard rims from the beginning and no change after the pit stop.

With standard wheels i do 5/3 to avoid the issue of running out of tires, if i try that with custom wheels i run out of tires in 5th (not completley but it gets very sideways)

I also verified it with the 2013 Viper, same thing but the difference is not as pronounced as with the MP4-12C as the Viper has slight oversteer from the start. But it gets more after pit stop and i can fell the loss of traction in 3rd gear.
Hmmm I've not thought about this until I see this post. I did the Le Mans race earlier and I noticed a pretty dramatic drop in performance after the pitstop, driving the Speed 8, in that for the first half of the race on damp track on RM or RS tire the car is perfectly stable, then after a stop I would lose the car under braking easily and I have almost double by braking zone and entry speed has to be reduced by a lot. I thought its just some really extreme cold tire situation or something. I haven't notice this as much when I am driving the HSV-010, or the M3 GT in the other longer races, or the R18(R18 in real life actually have basically squared tire setup, but front and rear are different tire even if the width are similar). The FR layout GT cars should be staggered by they don't have nearly as much power as the Bentley or the stability issue of the MR cars.
I think I got this yesterday in an online race. Suzuka, 20 laps, stock Scion FR-S with stock rims and SH tyres. Until the pitstop I kept improving my times slowly as the consumed fuel lightened the car. Then after the halfway pitstop my times got 1-1,5s slower.
I encountered this glitch last night during a GT3/2 online race (Brands hatch GP, m3 gt2 '10). The lobby was set such that you had to pit once over the 10 lap race.
I decided to pit at the end of lap 8. Coming out of the pit on brands hatch is that first tricky right hander which I had nailed all race. I immediately ate dirt and struggled to take turns in gears that I did over the previous 8 laps.
Oversteer, then under steer, just a nightmare.
I held on for 2nd place but it was quite a fight as the 3rd place car(blue and yellow r8 lms) was gaining fast.

Bug confirmed
I think I got this yesterday in an online race. Suzuka, 20 laps, stock Scion FR-S with stock rims and SH tyres. Until the pitstop I kept improving my times slowly as the consumed fuel lightened the car. Then after the halfway pitstop my times got 1-1,5s slower.

FRS has same tire all around though....not sure how this affects it if its a wrong tire on the wrong axle thing...
Guys, I'm pretty sure this is not a glitch or anything, its as easy as that the tyres didnt get into temperature, and the first half lap are a bit crap, but in the end of the first lap they start to behave well.
I've done some pitstop races and I'd say this is it. I remember the car handling bad right after the pitstops, but only for a few moments.
I was wondering bout this today the tire sqeual down the straights after pitting .I'm curious to know why does there so much troubles with tires I wonder what else is gonna pop up now???
FRS has same tire all around though....not sure how this affects it if its a wrong tire on the wrong axle thing...
Seemed to affect 1-1,5s per lap ;)

Of course I don't know for sure if it was this bug or something else, but it suits to the description by others quite nicely. I kept lapping very steadily through the race, so I dare to say that something else than my driving did cause the drop in the lap times. In GT5 and similar situation after the pitstop I would've done quicker times than in the first stint due to lighter car.

NixxxoN, it wasn't that either. First I thought so as well, but it didn't get any better as laps went by. My stints were 11 and 9 laps so the tyres did get warm enough on the second stint too.
But it is not only laptime, (rear) tire wear also changes a lot.

In the 10lap Silverstone race if i pit after 5th lap i barely make the finish, last lap is only fighting oversteer.
5th lap on first set of tires is no problem.
If i do 6/4 i still have worse rear tires at the finish than i had in 6th lap.

Same in Apricot Hill, first 10min. only right front tire has increased wear.
After the stop again rear start to wear a lot, last lap is again a struggle against oversteer.
On first 10min. i have only understeer in fast corner, after stop car is mor neutral but starts more and more oversteer as rear tires wear.

This can't be only tire temperature.

Only thing i did not try is a rigidity restore, car has warning on since some time.
(Bit handling never changed and why should this make a difference after the pit stop ?)
The Speed 8 definitely saw that. At Le Mans before pitting I got in the pit with front at 8 and rear still at 9 and I needed fuel. Then after stop after 2 laps the rear are at 6 and fronts are still at 8. Thats with the outlap driven at maybe 6/10th pace since I also thought it was a cold tire thing...
This bug is very noticeable at Daytona, it also seems to affect your top speed as well as the rear tire wear.
I clearly saw a big difference in tire wear and grip levels before and after the first pit stop in the Le Mans S race. The original set of tires could go 4 laps with reasonable tire wear (even though the car runs out of fuel on the 4th lap). After the pit stop the tires are shot after two laps. The grip is better on the original tires even though the track is wetter. It makes no sense. I agree there is something wrong.
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Talk about a game breaking bug. This is even worse than the custom rims bug because there's no way to avoid it and still have pit stops. This really needs to get fixed in 1.03!
There are a lot of game breaking bugs in GT6. This pretty much makes online racing leagues that require pit stops impossible. 👎
Not impossible, just annoying, you can solve it by either setting pit windows or running dual heat sprint races.
Talk about a game breaking bug. This is even worse than the custom rims bug because there's no way to avoid it and still have pit stops. This really needs to get fixed in 1.03!
There will surely be a fix down the pipeline, both these bug's need to be addressed because it is game breaking, right now I dont even feel like driving in GT6 because of the pit bug especially. The custom rims issue I would like to hear what PD says about it because they will have to at least give the original width for all cars from the width of the original rims.

This gives PD the option to give us optional wheel width's like FM series. I welcome that change with open arms, I just wish PD could address us about this and tell us a fix is on the way. Saying nothing is getting me worried, how long will it be before this gets patched up?

I'll fire up GT6 once again when there is an update lumming on the horizon, until then i'm firing up Assetto Corsa. All hell will break lose once AC gets multi player, I can say that much