I did more endurance races, beat the L750R Hybrid 2 days ago, then mixed it up last night with the Mark IV race car vs GR.4
The Mark IV is a handful, se easy to over steer. I had put it on random weather as well, except for some 'pprogrammed' rain at the end for a rainy finish. Of course, random weather was all dry as last time. The thing with the Mark IV is, it handles better in the rain! Or rather easier to catch when the back breaks out. In the dry you don't get any warning, it just goes. High speed sections are terrifying in that thing
Poor car got all scratched up from randomly seeking out the wall
Close finish, past the last one on the final straight.
I had the fastest lap for a while until the AI got its catch up boost again. They're just toying with you, go out up to 2 minutes ahead in the beginning of the race, then slow down so you can catch them and speed up again when you get close or pass them. It provides entertainment along the way, they spin out regularly as well.
It looks like the AI is slowest in the TT Cup, best in the Viper and Cayman.
The last lap in the rain
Btw I didn't mean to go wide at T1, the car veers off course that easily.
Fun and exhausting. Fingers cramping from the necessary throttle control, yet can't wait to go again lol. Hopefully we'll get more weather options, thunder, lightning, high winds, snow, hail. Bring it on!