I did the Manufacturer's cup race on Deep Forest which luckily worked for me. Qualifying was dirty, yet finally on he last lap I could get a mostly ram free lap and qualified 8th. The race was rather uneventful, a parade. People trying moves bu not getting anywhere. I made on pass, took the inside on the sharp left after the tunnel when the car in front of me braked early. I was alongside him when he turned straight into me, ramming me on the apex. He bounced off and fell back, luckily no penalty popped for me although I did drop to SR.A after the race. Finished 7th, 8K credits, waste of time....
So I tried to figure out how to get some decent credits from custom races. Take a low powered car, win from a grid of pro GR.1 drivers in one endurance lap on the N24. Easy with heavy rain since the AI doesn't start with the right tires. After the rain gets the track flooded with water, the GR.1 train only moves at about 80 kph. With a Mini you can do a 15 minute endurance race, arrive at the line before 15 minutes is up, wait for the timer to hit 0, cross the line and collect 59K. Get CRB, nearly 90K for 15 minutes of a leisurely drive in torrential rain on N24. (The AI arrives a bit over 15 minutes)
It's still worse than Fish ranch or doing the WTC 800 tournament again, but it's an alternative on a track I don't get bored of. 350K for an hour, 4 races. Better than 117K for 3H endurance in a real race. (Fish race is 770K an hour, WTC 800 is about 600K for an hour)
I checked the Legend car dealer, new oldie up for 245K. Would love to drive it but can't spare a penny in case another GR.C shows up.