What did you do in GT7 today?

  • Thread starter Harley45
It'll be back. I'm not gonna stress myself out trying to get another $13mil before it disappears. Rather keep what I got for when the 787B shows up. Its gotta be soon, seems like we've seen almost all the LCD has to offer.

Plus, dont forget they're giving us all of the invitations soon for free. It'll be good to have a big chunk of cash waiting so you can ignore invites, or your lack there of. That 250 will always rotate.
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Messed around trying to replicate the current MX-5 Cup cars. And decided to make some templates for everyone to use in case they want to do the same. All you have to do is change the paint color, add graphics and primary sponsors, and you're off to the races. Unfortunately I had to add a rear spoiler and diffuser (not used on the real car) because the car was a handful without them, even on RH tires...

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Did a couple of sport races, which went okay, then got completely owned by the AI at the Maggiore endurance race (need to give this some thought).

Then ran 70 miles or so doing the Laguna Seca CE ... and FINALLY GOT THE GOLD TIME!

My apologies for the shouting, I'm super hyped after that. Funny thing, the start of the lap that got me gold was quite scrappy, so I've probably got a lap half a second quicker in me.

Next up, Autopolis (currently .05 away from gold).
I tried the Bac Mono on Trial mountain again after tuning it with a recommended setup. I wasn't any faster with it and it seemed to nly have more understeer. I like the track yet the Bac Mono isn't fun to drive. I abandoned my attempt as it wasn't going anywhere and I already had the bronze from the first attempt.

So I tried RBR which after a couple restarts was going decently. Until I switched back to normal tires after the rain. The pit exit looked bone dry to me, but apparently it was the wet shade of dry track. I pressed the throttle and spun, got stuck and lost 25 sec on the leader I pitted right behind... 2nd place got by in the mean time and both were extending their lead on me since they don't care about the wet parts on the drying track. I should have stuck with intermediates I guess. By some weird glitch I finished 2nd for the mission yet 3rd in the race. 2nd place pitted with 30 seconds left on the clock, I finished right afer the timer ran out while first was doing another lap. Since the race ends right as you cross the line the game gave me 2nd place, yet the result screen had the actual second place drive the last lap and finish with a lap more than me.

Fun race, but no incentive to try again since no payout for finishing top 5 a second time. On the to do later list when caught up with the LCD. Got more grinding to do.
Race A: no car in the garage
900 credits remaining
Race B: 10 seconds behind 1st Q time
Race C: nope
GTS Race A: all week I guess

Credits Spent on Cars
Cr. 2,679,500
Credits Spent on Customization
Cr. 73,270
Credits Spent on Tuning
Cr. 4,278,098
As an introduction to my newly acquired BMW 3.0 CSL, I set up a Custom Race against just one opponent, a Chev Camaro from my garage, “Professional” Driver, and went to Bathurst for a 4 lap race.

I figured this could be fun, since the Camaro has much longer legs than the BMW, but without the agility.

Through dumb luck, we were very evenly matched. Starting from behind, I managed to briefly take the lead a couple of times, only to lose by 0.9 seconds, having been bested right on the crest of Conrod on the last lap.

The thrill was relentless!

If you enjoy close racing between very different cars as much as I do, you’ll probably enjoy this legendary dice between Mustang and Cooper S -

PS I think today’s task will be to try to emulate the above
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Used the VGT X Tom earnt around 8 Million Cr in various races .

Bought the AC Cobra and yes it's a bucket to drive , can't wait till someone slings up a tune for it .

Won a Hellcat with my Daily Lottery Ticket , see bucket above regarding handling .
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I took out my 06 Viper to the Pan American championship for menu 29. Mind you I have used it a quite a few races raced on Daytona so I was quite surprised on the Blue Moon Oval My Viper decided that it was going to be hard to drive. I would constantly spin on the 2nd turn every time. Restarted it a few times adjust the settings but I couldn't get it stable on this track for some odd reason. The last time I tried I made sure to ease off the gas coming out of the turn but I was really slow and any time the AI would make contact the rear end would get loose. So I quit and decided to do the circuit experience to get some cash to try to use the 18 Camaro.

Anyway I went to the Colorado CE and I think i tried sector 1 three times before I got tired of being done in by invisible walls. I want to Laguna Seca and did enough to get all bronze. Bought a Honda Beat and got some shocks from the raffle for a car I don't own :lol:
I think I restarted well over 100 times trying to get gold on the Alsace Circuit Experience. There’s a tricky corner (the one going downhill then uphill suddenly) that never ceased to make the car grossly understeer or oversteer and lose speed that I carry into the turn. As it turns out, that turn is more throttle control than anything, and after I learned the quirks I was able to smash the Gold time by over a second. Yay me!
Bought a Porsche VGT EV yesterday. Kind of obsessed with it.

Great for getting used to the game physics, wish I started in this. I did the GT WS, against Gr.3s and had time to stop and take pictures. The first EV in the game that doesn't make me shift gears out of habit. Totally recommend it for a good time.

Would be cool with a top off option too.

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All of the Human Comedy missions are now gold. That was a lot of fun doing these missions. Shame that they only have one-time rewards. Otherwise, I would definitely go back to some of them one day with a different car.
GG's. What Gr.3 did you use for the last two missions?
Did Tokyo about 10 times today. Just cashing in some more before they patch it. What they probably will do end of this week i think.

When they do, i will go back to the missions and circuit experience.
Got up early to strip and clean my PS4. Did my daily workout around the RBR. Got a 2 star roulette ticket for my troubles. This was good for a sports steering wheel for fred flintstone's car. So glad I put the effort in.
Got my revenge by doing tokyo in my tomahawk. Took my wad of cash to the LCD. Bought Chaparal cos I cannot be arsed with to win it in the mission races. Went back to tokyo cash machine. Got bored so took tomahawk to the tsukuba race. Found it a bit spicy when it rained hard but won anyhoo.
Did some races in my Cayman. Finished with Laguna seca. Was doing really well until i tried to pass kokinabun who promptly showed the fast route to the kitty litter.
Will be getting up early tomorrow to make a voodoo doll of kaz so I can stick pins in it when his bots nerf me off the track!
A 1 hour custom race at High Speed Ring reverse layout with framerate issues around T1 and some of the most extreme rubberbanding AI I've ever seen. One AI was about 20 seconds ahead, then suddenly fell back to around 30 seconds behind, stayed there for a long time, and then started going about 8 seconds faster than me per lap at the end of the race. Except on the last lap, where it slowed down again. So bizarre. Kinda ruined the whole race when the only opponent that could keep up was only doing so because it apparently had nitrous or something. Each lap, consistently around the same time as me, except when it suddenly found enough extra power to go 8 seconds faster? Sure, that Mazda Roadster can do that. Why not.

And then I stopped playing for the day because having no races for these lower power cars sucks. The cheapest cars are as useless as the most expensive cars.