What do you expect from GT5 in terms of weather

  • Thread starter Stevisiov

What do you want from GT5 in terms of weather?

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Am I the only one who wouldn't mind a sacrifice from 60fps to 30fps if it meant good weather effects (rain on windshield, maybe snow on the snow tracks)?
Cars in GT5 already look realistic enough for me - what kinda kills the overall impression from time to time are lifeless surroundings - weather being one aspect. In reality, clouds etc move, the sky is no static wallpaper. Weather and especially wind have to affect the landscape - I want to see trees moving in the winds, leaves moving in autumn and apart from that : people and cars walking / driving around the track.
Simulating a race in New York or Tokyo without some every day life in these mega cities just feels like racing in a past-gen Zombie town - therefor : not cool, no matter how many polygons they used on their cars if you ask me.
Am I the only one who wouldn't mind a sacrifice from 60fps to 30fps if it meant good weather effects (rain on windshield, maybe snow on the snow tracks)?

No, sacrifice the amount of cars on track. Forza 1 ran at 30fps and it made it hard to control the cars. Forza 2 ran at 60fps and you could definitely tell a difference in the game. Though if I remember correctly Forza 1 physics ran at 30fps as well, so that could have been the deference in the control ability. By the way, I haven't voted because I'd pick more then one option.
I think the biggest advantage of dynamic weather is that it'll make GT seem much more real-life if they can get the effects just right. Traditionally each track had its own never changing lighting and racing on them just becomes a routine and the weather feels so digital.

It would be so cool if you're driving and suddenly it starts drizzling and raining with the water pattering on your car's roof while the water beads on the windshield. I love the sensation of driving in the rain and hope GT can capture it.

On the subject of snow driving, it would be desperately pretty, but neigh-useless. Living in Canada, I understand that if you try to take any turn on the snow at anything over 40kph even with snow tires, you'll likely slide sideways into a ditch or onto a curb. It's not just less traction, it's super low limits with NO traction after you start sliding, which would mean that snow races would happen at around 50kph tops. The main skill of driving on snow is feeling your car's traction by seeing the reaction to throttle and braking, which you just don't get when you are sitting in your living room with a controller or a wheel, which would make snow driving in GT5 that much more difficult since you don't have one of the essential senses to accomodate snow driving, which is feel.

I can definitely see it as a training tool for over eager teenagers who think themselves to be racing gods to get a feel for snow driving before they actually go outside and wreck their cars though.
Am I the only one who wouldn't mind a sacrifice from 60fps to 30fps if it meant good weather effects (rain on windshield, maybe snow on the snow tracks)?

I'm not sure 30fps feels right when playing, I certainly wouldn't want to jeopardise the feel of the game for aesthetically pleasing weather. Snow tracks is an interesting one, I put that category in the pole even though I think snow racing isn't particularly realistic on race tracks. That said 34% of people voted for extreme weather so I guess its what many people want to see.

Cars in GT5 already look realistic enough for me - what kinda kills the overall impression from time to time are lifeless surroundings - weather being one aspect. In reality, clouds etc move, the sky is no static wallpaper. Weather and especially wind have to affect the landscape - I want to see trees moving in the winds, leaves moving in autumn and apart from that : people and cars walking / driving around the track.
Simulating a race in New York or Tokyo without some every day life in these mega cities just feels like racing in a past-gen Zombie town - therefor : not cool, no matter how many polygons they used on their cars if you ask me.

I think you touched on one of the major reasons I am desperate to see weather. It's all to do with races where you have tuned you car a bit too much, your miles ahead of the pack, so you slow down to look at view but everything is pretty lifeless, there are few spectators apart from the grandstands, no wind, all water is motionless, everything around seems dead.

My main problem was with 24hour of la sarthe. 24hours of daylight just seemed ridiculous, with only 6 cars on track miles apart things just got a bit boring. With 16 cars on track things should be better, hopefully day/night will improve things, and the prospect of changing weather could really help to make this race really interesting. Ideally I want the race track to feel just a little bit alive.

I haven't voted because I'd pick more then one option.

I intentionally made this poll a multichoice, so you can tick as many boxes as you feel represent your opinion :) I did this because many people want more than one feature for the weather, and it can be incorporated in different ways.

I think the biggest advantage of dynamic weather is that it'll make GT seem much more real-life if they can get the effects just right. Traditionally each track had its own never changing lighting and racing on them just becomes a routine and the weather feels so digital.

It would be so cool if you're driving and suddenly it starts drizzling and raining with the water pattering on your car's roof while the water beads on the windshield. I love the sensation of driving in the rain and hope GT can capture it.

I'm not sure 30fps feels right when playing, I certainly wouldn't want to jeopardise the feel of the game for aesthetically pleasing weather. Snow tracks is an interesting one, I put that category in the pole even though I think snow racing isn't particularly realistic on race tracks. That said 34% of people voted for extreme weather so I guess its what many people want to see.

Yeah, I can definitely feel the difference in smoothness (not just graphical quality) when coming from F1 or Ferrari Challenge back to GT5P, but 30fps is what a majority of games seem to run at nowadays, I believe. Thing is, the game would still look just as amazing at 30fps as it does at 60fps, but it would look a little less smooth.

I'm sure PD has done testing between the two and has decided that 60 is better overall, though, so meh, it's up to them. I still want weather of some kind, though. Or as others have said, atmosphere.
I think GT should definitely stay at 60fps. There's a study that says you can't tell the difference when video exceeds 30fps or something but you definitely can with GT5P, the way things move seem so... organic... if that's the word for it.
Rain and 45-60fps should be possible

If its going to rain then your going to have overcast conditions meaning no shadows. Im guessing all those advanced shadows the cars create inside and out must be a memory hog.

So replace complex shadows with rain drops on the windows and track and give each car a rooster tail
for arcade: when choosing track, you get to chose dusk, day, dawn, night then weather conditions: clear, rain, overcast (wet), overcast (not wet), snow

for simulation: random (based on operation hours, and annual rainfall occurance)

plus, the use of winshield wipers, wet track affects physics, water vapors and steam formation from friction with tires, and in game weather change... the more real the better
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@Earth: The watereffects plus reflections on the road are at least as power consuming, you also forget the particle effects for the spray, theres a reason why Prologue has framedrops when more than 3 cars go offroad.

After almost finishing Killzone 2 i have to say that im curious what PD can do with the PS3. Even in multiplayer, K2 has a realtime wind effect which manipulates smoke and other particle effects, the sky is also not static which impressed me alot, since all clouds ive seen so far were 3D, unlike in CoD4 for example. The PS3 cant do everything, but it sure can do a LOT of nice effects, which is exactly whats missing from GT.
Random rain fall ( drizzle to heavy) depending on the time of the year and day and night change especially for 24hr races thats all.
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I have to go with real-time synched weather. With a weather repertoire like PGR 4, but synched to satellites, it could almost be like we're actually racing there.
i wonder what that night course in older GTs will look like during the day?... its always been at night in those... cool!

I`d never thought about it that way!!! Ferris wheel just wont look the same in daylight,also PD will need to add more to the backgrounds, i think. Do the nite tracks have less detail?

I had a thought today and wondered what everyone thought.

So lets assume GT5 has dynamically changing weather on long races.

Your running 24 hours of La Sarthe and things are going well, your in the lead by 20 seconds or so 2 hours in.

It starts to rain lightly, do you go into the pits immediately on the basis that it will probably get heavier and you don't want to crash? Or do you stay out, your opponent will overtake you if you pit and they don't, what if the rain stops again, what are you going to do?

In a real situation your team would be updating you on the weather and help you call it in advance. Since GT5 presumably doesn't have a team on the radio, how are you supposed to know? should you get weather forecasts telling you what to do every half hour? should you be left to judge it yourself?

Your thoughts?
That depends if its realtime weater of computer generated. If CG then a ingame weater report would be nice. If realtime, then you could always check the internet for the forecast.
I would like someone who voted for: I want the ability to host private races online, where I can programme the weather changes for the race ahead. to explain why? All I see in this is that the Host gets an unfair advantage by pre-programming all the weather changes, hence knowing what to expect and when to correctly change tyres.
I would like someone who voted for: I want the ability to host private races online, where I can programme the weather changes for the race ahead. to explain why? All I see in this is that the Host gets an unfair advantage by pre-programming all the weather changes, hence knowing what to expect and when to correctly change tyres.
Well I didn't vote that, I'm sure there would be some icon or something that says what weather the host has chosen.
I would like someone who voted for: I want the ability to host private races online, where I can programme the weather changes for the race ahead. to explain why? All I see in this is that the Host gets an unfair advantage by pre-programming all the weather changes, hence knowing what to expect and when to correctly change tyres.

Well, it was my idea to put it in the pole, and i voted for it too.

Unless you know the specific lap it is going to rain then you can't really use it as an advantage, also private races are organised as friendlies (supposedly) so including relevant info would be a hosts job.

Also you don't really know what point the change of tyres are needed, it depends on how hard its raining before you have to go in for your inters.
Flight Simulator 2002 had jensen real time weather. Updated even while flying online.

THAT was 7 years ago. Imagine what we could have now.
dynamic weather or jus different types of weather effects would be also great in the rally races..imagine a rally car diving into a pool of water and splashing it ..just like in real rally races
That depends if its realtime weater of computer generated. If CG then a ingame weater report would be nice. If realtime, then you could always check the internet for the forecast.

No one wants to pause a race and go onto the computer to check the weather for a place they aren't really at. Plus, for those that don't have internet or it's being occupied, it would be a death sentence.
IDK it would be pretty cool to live in California near Laguna Seca, have it start raining outside, and have it be raining while you are playing GT5. That would totally sell me. I would watch the weather channel everyday.
I don't want the day/night cycles to be fixed on YOUR current time.

But what I do want is day/night cycles for endurance races AND have different day/night times for EVERY SINGLE TRACK.

Sunrise, day, sunset, night. Would be awesome.

Rain would be cool, but I can see it being hard to implement.

GT4 was annoying as every track was in daytime. would be cool if for example London track is sometimes day, sometimes at sunset, sometimes at midnight time and sometimes at sunrise time. That way, it never gets boring!