What does a car say about its driver?

Tell me that is not an actual soldier, and not actually stationed somewhere in Japan. Tell me that is not an actual automatic rifle. Tell me stupidity on the level of Hellaflush has not yet reached the armed forces.
No, no, I'm pretty sure that's illegal, and no.

Your $100,000 Audi can't do this!

lifted 2000 Ford Explorer:

I'm some teenage girl that got her licence too early.


Just by looking at the driver's expression:
Lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely
I have nobody for my own
I am so lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely
Wish I had someone to call on the phone

However, by the car, I'm going to say chauffeur for a dictator of some sort; at least an ambassador's driver.

Likes to work on cars, would rather spend $10,000-20,000 on a modified El Camino than 60-80K on a "classy" European import with the same performance.

My Oscar Mayer Weinermobile ate too many Oscar Mayer Weiners.


wow gt6 photography really has come a long way


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