What does everyone here do for work?

The workplace cut back, and offered me a work-from-home position. I now sit in front of a window, doing basically data entry, making spreadsheets, from stings of data that can't be processed or interpreted by non-anal-retentive people. I also make PDFs, and blah-blah via their special (Read: clunky and fussy) e-mail program. Most people find it so boring, but I don't, for some reason.

It's easy work that's tough on my eyes, but I get to 987% more spend time with my daughter and nobody looks over my shoulder when I'm spending 372% more time with you guys and gals. I work when I want to (or occasionally, need to), although my sleep pattern is reminiscent of when I went college: 3-4 hours here, 10 hours there, nap once in a while, et cetera.

The best part is that there's no customers, and I can go to the park with my daughter for lunch.

Sounds like heaven. My job is grinding me down and it's come to the point where I no longer enjoy my work. I also missed "The Ocho" which was the nail in the coffin .
The workplace cut back, and offered me a work-from-home position. I now sit in front of a window, doing basically data entry, making spreadsheets, from stings of data that can't be processed or interpreted by non-anal-retentive people. I also make PDFs, and blah-blah via their special (Read: clunky and fussy) e-mail program. Most people find it so boring, but I don't, for some reason.

It's easy work that's tough on my eyes, but I get to 987% more spend time with my daughter and nobody looks over my shoulder when I'm spending 372% more time with you guys and gals. I work when I want to (or occasionally, need to), although my sleep pattern is reminiscent of when I went college: 3-4 hours here, 10 hours there, nap once in a while, et cetera.

The best part is that there's no customers, and I can go to the park with my daughter for lunch.

That's excellent.

As for me, I'm trying to get a part time deal in a radiology dept. of a local hospital.
That's excellent.

As for me, I'm trying to get a part time deal in a radiology dept. of a local hospital.
Leave the lead apron off anyone that didn't vote third-party. :mischievous:
What I do for work?

There are two ways to describe it, the technically accurate way, which is going to a building that is essentially a glorified shed and sitting at my desk pining away whilst I do mindless and numbing work that includes data entry approval of wholesales and shipment co-ordination together with creating analysis report upon analysis report for retails, stock levels and allsorts off other boring and unimaginative work for a large American manufacturer that runs in an extremely inefficient and (sometimes described) bizarre manner. Or I could say it the way that makes it sounds cool...I work for Harley-Davidson Motor Company.

I also running my own photography business.
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I work as an "oil change technician". Translated: I sit around on a bucket with 2-3 other guys for 3 hours a day (8 on Saturdays) and wait for people to show up. Work for 10-15 minutes, and sit back down. Not too bad of a job when they do show up, as time goes by fairly quickly, but it's a boredomfest when we're not busy. Pay's not bad for a 15-year-old, at $7.50 an hour, though.
I'm a renaissance man for a catering company. A little sales, a little bartending, a lot of prepwork, a little bit of managing people on functions, running functions, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It's a small company. Last week, I fixed a hole in the roof of the building. I don't like it that much but it's not bad. The hours suck ass, but that's my biggest complaint I think. I'm pretty high up on the hierarchy, though. The owners (wife and husband) and then it's me. It remains to be seen what will happen when they get out of the business in the next few years.
I work as a software developer for a large Dutch company that makes medical equipment (among other things).
Maintenance and lawncare at a nearby dog boarding kennel, Armstrong Ranch Kennels. It's only a half mile from my house so I can just ride my bike, and from working there for about 5 years now I've became good friends with the owners and the manager (their son-in-law). I love it...flexible hours, plenty of fun work, and of course a yearly event called Game Fair.
I do some part-time Website Administration for a computer game developer, good pay rate, but hours are very minimal. Really enjoy it though, combining one of my favourite computer games with being given money to help fellow gamers is nice.

My main "work" though is being a student in a catering college, 4 days a week (3 days post-Christmas), it's a BTEC National Diploma in Hospitality. It's equivalent to 3 A-Levels and is hopefully going to lead to me going to Uni in 2010, hopefully on a Hospitality Management degree. The BTEC ND itself is a very high qualification within the Hospitality Industry and will put me in top 15% or so of qualified workers within the Industry. Really enjoying it, we have 18 units over the 2 years. 10 this year, 8 next. It's a management based course for Hospitality. We also have practical based units. Food Service Operations and Contemporary and European Cuisine units. Really enjoying it, I'm a bit of a later college student but it's only made me more determined to achieve what I want.


Isn't life so much better when you enjoy what you do?

Outside sales rep. , I sell semi truck parts to trucking companies , repair garages , etc.
I just got promoted to the technical support lead at a local tech company that is based in France :). I've been working here about 2.5 years when I got promoted which is great cause I beat out some other applicants that have a few years more experience :sly: More responsibility = more pay. Great company though, free health care 401(k), quarterly drawings for our department (someone won a wii last quarter), occasional pizza or sandwich lunches provided. Great stuff, I just have to put up with the rain :lol:

As an engineer, I'd like to apologize to you and your kind for the half-assed, unintelligible piping diagram updates we give :lol:. Our CAD contractor surely cringes when a Rohm & Haas envelope shows up :D.
Sales, programming and repair of Point of Sale eqipment.

(Cash Registers, PC based POS, Scales etc)

A little scared about the world economy slowing as that means generally sales of my equipment slows because business are making less money.
At the moment i am unemployed, but before this long stretch of ****ty Jobs, i had a great job, i worked in a sign shop, i made great pay, and on top of that i could make myself stickers all day long for my car (which at the time was a 97 grand am GT) i miss that job, we got to slow and had to close. sadness
i had a great job, i worked in a sign shop, i made great pay, and on top of that i could make myself stickers all day long for my car (which at the time was a 97 grand am GT) i miss that job
I had an acceptable job at a sign shot, got paid crap and could make stickers for myself all day. Don't really miss it. Some of the people, yes. The job itself, no.
At this very moment in time, I'm unemployed.

I was in the marine repair industry for nearly two years. Two horrible jobs in two horrible years, and laid off twice in one year.

Laid off about ten days ago, and I have no intention of going back to the industry - The working conditions were almost as bad as the pay. I'm currently looking for either a government job, something in the mail/courier system, or an administrative role. I'm not freezing my ass off for another winter.

I was making $14/hour, and I'll be seeking nothing lower than $16/hour for my next job... It makes the whole difference between living and living comfortably.
Currently nothing, since I lost my job yesterday :( The shop was closed down, and administrators will be paying us for a week's work, the rest will be coming from the government in 8-10 weeks...How fun.

Luckily my workmates stole all of the money from the till and the safe before they left :lol:
Firstly, that's rubbish. I don't actually think the job market is too bad at the moment, there is still work out there, but as usual people won't do jobs that are "below" them.

Secondly, how is theft funny?
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Currently nothing, since I lost my job yesterday :( The shop was closed down, and administrators will be paying us for a week's work, the rest will be coming from the government in 8-10 weeks...How fun.

Luckily my workmates stole all of the money from the till and the safe before they left :lol:

Depending on where you work the administrators/liquidators will still come after any employees who they can prove have stolen money. I just hope your store didn't have CCTV as any financial organisations who have money owed will be looking to reclaim as much as they can.

I saw a very well know toy shop in London go abruptly into liquidation, employees stole £1000's of pounds in stock and they were in court two months later paying it all back.