What does your user name mean?

  • Thread starter Jordan
Uno = One

Moto = Motorcycle

Why? Because riding a motorcycle on one wheel is more fun then two. DosMOTO might have worked but, I just wasn't feeling it. I was also known as 03R1 which came from my 2003 Yamaha R1.
I would have preferred DueMOTO for that ;)

Hey now!...I don't remember getting a pm from you about what I think of your latest name change?!....on second thought...I don't have time to keep up with that. :crazy:
It's the backwards spelling of a friend I had on RuneScape, which I thought sounded cool and was meant to try and lead moderators to believe that it was not me, and so spelled without all caps or 1337-speak, which would have turned out SAKIALE or sAkIaLe or SaKiAlE or 54|<14|3 or something else retarded.
guska is Croatian for goose, I am considering a namechange at the moment though, to rycb, which is the latinisation of &#1075;&#1091;&#1089;&#1100;, which is Russian for goose.
Mine is from the Simpsons episode where Homer changes his name to Max Power (he said he read it off of a hair dryer). The s at the end was not intentional.
My all time favorite band name, including the ? Their best album IMO is my avatar, a picture of them is my profile picture.
"Jedi" represents my love of all things Star Wars, which is pretty obvious. "2016" represents the year 2016. Couldn't tell you why, though.. just a hunch. Something about the year always stuck in my head. Other than the fact that I turn forty in 2016, I couldn't tell you what else is supposed to happen.
It means i smell and my butt is hueg like an xbox.

I thought it meant something like greek god with acne in his face that ruled the anime world iono. I was wrong i guess.

maybe u should change your name to skinny race idiot lmao.
It means I run on walls, and the number 51 is the number 15 backwards :P

As far as i know, Kurei is the Japanese equivalent to my real name, so i figured "what the heck, why not ?" 👍
Mine means I have a 1969 Opel GT. Also own a 68 Camaro,73 MG Midget,and other cars. I drive a 2000 Dakota 4WD.
Nothing at all. Tornado was already taken, and TenchiFreak5 was too dorky.
They have Opels, and Midgets in America??
Even if they didn't (I really don't know about Opels in America), they are old enough to be imported without worriying about crash test or emmisions laws. But I'm 95% sure Midgets were sold here, though.
They have Opels, and Midgets in America?? :odd:

Yes most of the 69 Opels ( small vette looking car) came in thru Canada 70-73 came into the USA. Then Ralph Nader got involed (ever seen an Opel thats been wrecked) as for the MG's as far as I know they have always been around until about 77 or 78.
Digital-Nitrate refers to the creation of digital masters from original cellulose nitrate film stock for the purpose of restoring and preserving older classic films.
I don't really know how I came up with my (old) username. It (unintentionally) tied into what I like: favourite colour is blue, I like sharks (who doesn't, with those nice teeth :lol:), and er, 39 is a cool number.

My current username comes about from the fact some of the GTP guys (eg BATracer and Travian dudes) would call me Sharky for short, so the name stuck when I was gifted a year's Premium.

HazMat (which I ran for a month) came from the fact I like dangerous materials/chemicals. And stuff that explodes. After all, who doesn't? :D
My name is Joe Donaldson, but for some reason in high school people started calling me Joey D and it just stuck as a nickname, I even had teachers calling me that. To this day I do not know how the nickname came about or who even started calling me that, but it's not in reference to:

- The Scottish fashion designer http://www.joey-d.co.uk/
- The salad dressing http://www.joeydfoods.com/
- The singer http://www.joeydsongs.com/
- The beef jerky http://www.joeydsjerky.com/

Had to make sure you cleared all that up huh....
You'd be surprised at how many people don't just assume it's my real life nickname. All four of those things I have had people ask me about, both in real life and on internet forums. I wasn't even aware of any of those for the longest time.
I only signed up to this website to stalk my boyfriend XD

Ophelia Montague is the name of the girlfriend we made for Jimmy Enslashay on the Sims. I was in a Shakespeare mood... I made an avatar with her face on it before realising I have to post 100 times to use it. Somehow, I don't think GTP will ever see Ophelia's purple hair and bad makeup.... :P