What don't you like about GTS? From the beta

  • Thread starter diesel97

So... yeah... AI looks to be ok and everything. But again look for example at 0:17. Look how the wheels are spinning... This old physics engine has got too many flaws on a basic level...
Ghosting should be off all-time, full damage on all-time, tyre punctures included, realistic tire wear all-time.
Sportsmanship Rating and driver class are fine, if lobbies are using both to match drivers.
During collisions math behind damage should give higher damage ratio to car who's cause collision was, if it's "oblivious". (Collision damage always will give partly randomised results, innocent side will just get better changes to getaway smaller damage)
Counting whose fault collision is, line change more than once at braking area, no braking or clearly nn% higher speed on entry(no change to tackle corner), braking before "extended" braking area, waving(multiple line changes) on front of potential higher speed coming opponent, during cornering inside car floors throttle and slides/understeer over outer side opponent, etc..
Lot of these are really simple calculations and giving quite accurate penalties, all necessary data for those penalty calculations are already there, just needs to be used.
Ghosting should be off all-time, full damage on all-time, tyre punctures included, realistic tire wear all-time.
Sportsmanship Rating and driver class are fine, if lobbies are using both to match drivers.
During collisions math behind damage should give higher damage ratio to car who's cause collision was, if it's "oblivious". (Collision damage always will give partly randomised results, innocent side will just get better changes to getaway smaller damage)
Counting whose fault collision is, line change more than once at braking area, no braking or clearly nn% higher speed on entry(no change to tackle corner), braking before "extended" braking area, waving(multiple line changes) on front of potential higher speed coming opponent, during cornering inside car floors throttle and slides/understeer over outer side opponent, etc..
Lot of these are really simple calculations and giving quite accurate penalties, all necessary data for those penalty calculations are already there, just needs to be used.
There's no such thing as simple when it comes to assigning blame during a collision, especially when there are more than 2 cars involved. I can think of multiple, perfectly legitimate reasons for all of the actions you noted above.
There's no such thing as simple when it comes to assigning blame during a collision, especially when there are more than 2 cars involved. I can think of multiple, perfectly legitimate reasons for all of the actions you noted above.
Sure, and most of those multiple car cases can be solved mathematically to get close to proper judgement and penalties.
Sadly everything is related to good AI driving calculations, which aren't currently from top of line, after they have good algorithm for AI they can use it for penalty calculations.
Please Multi-class races in GT Sport ! Like en Lemans, real GT500, real 24h Nurburgring...

Look this stunning action at 2h24'25" to 2h28'10" from the last GT500 race :

Sure, and most of those multiple car cases can be solved mathematically to get close to proper judgement and penalties.
Sadly everything is related to good AI driving calculations, which aren't currently from top of line, after they have good algorithm for AI they can use it for penalty calculations.
There are too many variables involved to ever create algorithms to assign blame effectively and, once players find the loopholes they'll be exploited. Intent can't be calculated only guessed at. As iRacing shows, you can have world class racing with a no fault system and a replay marshaling system for the important races.
There are too many variables involved to ever create algorithms to assign blame effectively and, once players find the loopholes they'll be exploited. Intent can't be calculated only guessed at. As iRacing shows, you can have world class racing with a no fault system and a replay marshaling system for the important races.
Now you hit on point, penalties can hit on Sportsmanship Rating, minor mis calculations aren't affecting current race, probably calculations get approximately 95% of rating decreases to "correct" people if using same logic as earlier mentioned for damage ratio/multiplier.
iRacing has penalty system, it's just working same as SR+DC on GTS, it rewards for "clean" driving, same logic is already on GTS just honing algorithm better and using ratings more efficiently, meaning no room where is mixed class and ratings same time, only "new comers" on higher class with same or above Sportsmanship Rating.
So Driver 1 with SR 50 class C won't met on lobby driver 2 SR 30 class C or driver 3 with SR 50 class D.
But driver if driver 3 is able to keep SR ie. Ten (or more) races in 5% variation around 50 and winning in own class plus is on 1-5% top tier on his class (rated winnings/positions, lap times, SR saturation, rage quit%, etc) his able to race on C class, first ie. 10 or more races continued comparison between top tier on D class and downgrading his class is his SR rate varies lot (%) from his earlier presentation.
Driver 3 class rating should be Cp(proprietary) until proven to still keep up his good sportsmanship on races, some amount of races done without dropping SR.

5-15% variation on SR in room should be max, driver class one below, proprietary bagged or without. Driver classes should go on lap times+wins+etc compared to all online drivers and certain top tier percentage is A certain% B etc... It will count on all different tracks records.

I know at there's now "two ways" above, both can be used alone or combined to good classing system. Even using current rating system it would make things better when no big variety on SR is allowed on same room, then there could be more classes presented, but making more interested to watch coz mini fights for leading pack appears, few different speed going packs driving thru track. Good for viewer, bad for lower class win chasing "fastest" who will only win his pack but not full race where his participating.

(Sorry for long boring mixed story, small screen, can't see whole text during writing)
I think the system is on target.

From observation, the maximum total in a race varies from laps/length and position gain (clean overtakes I assume) that puts it 1-2 points above the lap number (if anyone observed higher gains, do tell).

Since contact with walls/other cars/off-track seemingly are a -1 subtraction, in longer races it'll be less common for you to lose noticeable amounts of SR. On top of that there are the speed penalties that add to the final time count.

They likely can even balance infraction count once damage/wear/fuel/flags are available. Exemple: heavy contact is -5 instead of -1.

As of now people seem bugged because one race can tank 4-5 points with little chance of recovery, but that's just perception. In multiple races it's easier to see a total increase than decrease. And if you look at top leaderboards movement, they are all strongly staying above 50-60 SR already with some at ~80 range.

SR does not seem to be meant to have wild variations once drivers are accostumed to proper behaviour and it shouldn't be a mean to punish drivers if for some reason, in a A class race, they end up causing a pile-up for exemple.

And from a beta forum post it seems Driver Classes are gated by SR as well anyhow.

On matchmaking, the pooling is still too minute to see it working as intended.

Finally, ghosting: My theory (and I wouldn't mind being proven wrong!) is that it is indeed a latency/position thing when the server is incertain of both vehicles positions due to syncing/lag/error/whatever.
E/D races probably run at a lower tick/refresh due their load (pyramid of players) so you'll see more ghosting situations there, C/B is higher on the pool, so it allows servers to run at a higher refresh, consequently less ghosting since position is collected at smaller windows of time.

Even if A/S run at even higher refreshes, ghosting will still exist (nature of connections) but they'd exceedingly rare.

One strange thing I noticed looking at two races I got disconnected is that they kept my car running around. He went and won a race though. :eek: Spooky.
Has anyone else noticed any standard cars? Unlocked a VGT last night and there is no interior cam. Much disappoint...
The excessive countersteering help is REALLY pissing me off... if you try to contersteer, the wheel goes all the way to opposite lock in a single swipe, upsetting the car and, what's worse, it gets locked in oppo for an instant, making it impossible to recover control in many instances.

On GT5 and 6, it was possible to countersteer and keep a balanced drifting. Now, it's almost impossible.
here is my compilation of the things I don't like about the beta.

Many of these have been raised as bugs 👍 It is not clear how many or even if any of them will be fixed by the release. Time will tell:cheers:

As for the 180° wheel rotation, it is not just that the graphic is not rendering, but also that the cars wheels do not actually turn sharper. I specifically raised a bug around this fact, that the turning radius of a car is very large, making it very difficult to get facing in the correct direction after a spin on a narrow track (such as Tokyo). I believe this is directly related to the bug where touching a wall at low speeds unnaturally spins the car ~20-90° to get it facing in the correct direction. I believe they introduced this behavior specifically because the player is not able to turn sharp enough to turn the car around after a spin. Thankfully, for 97%+ of gameplay, you shouldn't notice this. But I do agree it takes a way from the immersion a bit.

Is it just me or are loading times painfully long for others?
When trying to find opponents and putting you on the race lobby? yeah, but they are no different to other games like bf1, gta 5 or assetto... they all have a similar loading time if not longer.
Uh, what? It's a conversation, and that means expressing differing opinions.

If you think any specific parts of that are rude then point them out. If I agree I'll attempt to avoid doing so in the future, and if I disagree I'll simply ignore you as overly sensitive. But just pointing at a wall of text and saying "how RUDE!" doesn't help anyone.
"Get over the idea of winning" was a bit harsh IMO, but on the whole, I agree with you.
This is what I hate, the randomness of cars received for the daily marathon! I have 12 gr3, 3 gr4, and 2 n300
It's possible they haven't started balancing all the lower-class cars yet. The focus could be on the top machines as they will likely play a primary role in eSports events.

Edit: Still no kei cars. :P
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When trying to find opponents and putting you on the race lobby? yeah, but they are no different to other games like bf1, gta 5 or assetto... they all have a similar loading time if not longer.
No this is just loading a track in time trial or the game booting. I suspect it is on my end with the PS4 or my connection, as the PS4 interface is a bit laggy at times as well. Thanks for the reply!
It's possible they haven't started balancing all the lower-class cars yet. The focus could be on the top machines as they will likely play a primary role in eSports events.
This is probably true, but also a bit disappointing.

I hope there's plenty of love for the production classes outside of the more high profile e-sports stuff.
GT5 prologue
To be honest, the start of the beta had me excited for the release of GTSport. Now, after not getting an invite to join the beta, I'm kinda losing interest in the game altogether. Seems the beta's just going to drag on forever with no news on a release date of the game. The initial "buzz" created has dwindled, and now I just feel I missed out on the game. Don't know if I'll even buy it anymore.
To be honest, the start of the beta had me excited for the release of GTSport. Now, after not getting an invite to join the beta, I'm kinda losing interest in the game altogether. Seems the beta's just going to drag on forever with no news on a release date of the game. The initial "buzz" created has dwindled, and now I just feel I missed out on the game. Don't know if I'll even buy it anymore.
Your not missing out on much imo.
To be honest, the start of the beta had me excited for the release of GTSport. Now, after not getting an invite to join the beta, I'm kinda losing interest in the game altogether. Seems the beta's just going to drag on forever with no news on a release date of the game. The initial "buzz" created has dwindled, and now I just feel I missed out on the game. Don't know if I'll even buy it anymore.

Seriously, the other side of the world just got access to the beta a few days ago. It's not "dragging on forever", some people literally just got access. Asian regions don't have access yet either.
i strictly followd the one account one key rule. so i only applied once..so there i am. no code in mail or psn. really sad.

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